Video Posnetek
My granddaddy ran shine in East Tennesse
– Moj dedek je tekel sijaj v East Tennesse
I guess that’s where I got my need for speed
– Mislim, da je, če sem dobil svojo potrebo po hitrosti
I sell it illegal to people numbin’ their pain
– I prodati to nezakonito, da ljudje omrtvičijo svoje bolečine
I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Malo sem nor, ampak svet je nor
I keep a loaded .44 sittin’ by the bed
– Imam naložen .44 sedi ob postelji
For the jeepers and the creepers who ain’t right in the head
– Za jeepers in creepers, ki ni prav v glavi
Hope I never have to use it, but you never know these days
– Upam, da mi ga nikoli ne bo treba uporabljati, vendar te dni nikoli ne veš
I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Malo sem nor, ampak svet je nor
Oh, once you get to know me
– Ko me enkrat spoznaš
I’m a coyote in a field of wolves
– Sem kojot na polju volkov
Oh, I’m a red-letter rebel
– Oh, jaz sem upornik z rdečimi črkami
But some become the devil when the moon is full
– Toda nekateri postanejo hudič, ko je luna polna
Yeah, the only thing keeping these tracks on the train
– Ja, edina stvar, ki ohranja te tire na vlaku
Knowin’ I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Vem, da sem malo nor, ampak svet je nor
I’m the house on the hill where the lightnin’ strikes
– Jaz sem hiša na hribu, kjer udari lightnin
Kids ride by scared on their Santa Clause bikes
– Otroci se prestrašeni vozijo na svojih kolesih Božička
Oh, then one goes missin’, walkin’ right down main
– Oh, potem eden pogreša, hodi naravnost po glavni
Yeah, I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Ja, malo sem nor, ampak svet je nor
Oh, once you get to know me
– Ko me enkrat spoznaš
I’m a coyote in a field of wolves
– Sem kojot na polju volkov
Oh, I’m a red-letter rebel
– Oh, jaz sem upornik z rdečimi črkami
But some become the devil when the moon is full
– Toda nekateri postanejo hudič, ko je luna polna
Yeah, the only thing keeping these tracks on the train
– Ja, edina stvar, ki ohranja te tire na vlaku
Knowin’ I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Vem, da sem malo nor, ampak svet je nor
I’m screamin’ at a TV that ain’t got ears
– Kričim na TV, ki nima ušes
On anti-depressants and lukewarm beers
– Na antidepresivih in mlačnih pivih
And I do it every night, but the news don’t change
– In to počnem vsak večer, vendar se novice ne spremenijo
Guess I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Mislim, da sem malo nor, ampak svet je nor
Oh, I’m a little crazy, but the world’s insane
– Oh, malo sem nor, ampak svet je nor