New Order – Blue Monday Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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How does it feel
– Kako se počuti
To treat me like you do?
– Da me obravnavaš tako kot ti?
When you’ve laid your hands upon me
– Ko si položil roke name
And told me who you are
– In mi povedal, kdo si

I thought I was mistaken
– Mislil sem, da se motim
I thought I heard your words
– Mislil sem, da sem slišal tvoje besede
Tell me how do I feel
– Povej mi, kako se počutim
Tell me now, how do I feel
– Povej mi zdaj, kako se počutim

Those who came before me
– Tisti, ki so prišli pred mano
Lived through their vocations
– Živeli skozi svoje poklice
From the past until completion
– Od preteklosti do zaključka
They’ll turn away no more
– Ne bodo se več obrnili stran

I still find it so hard
– Še vedno se mi zdi tako težko
To say what I need to say
– Da povem, kar moram povedati
But I’m quite sure that you’ll tell me
– Prepričan pa sem, da mi boste povedali
Just how I should feel today
– Kako naj se počutim danes

I see a ship in the harbor
– V pristanišču vidim ladjo
I can and shall obey
– Lahko in bom ubogal
But if it wasn’t for your misfortune
– Če pa ne bi bilo vaše nesreče
I’d be a heavenly person today
– Danes bi bil nebeška oseba

And I thought I was mistaken
– In mislil sem, da se motim
And I thought I heard you speak
– In mislil sem, da sem te slišal govoriti
Tell me, how do I feel
– Povej mi, kako se počutim
Tell me now, how should I feel
– Povej mi zdaj, kako naj se počutim
Now I stand here waiting
– Zdaj stojim tukaj in čakam

I thought I told you to leave me
– Mislil sem, da sem ti rekel, da me zapusti
While I walk down to the beach
– Medtem ko hodim do plaže
Tell me how does it feel
– Povej mi, kako se počutiš
When your heart grows cold, grows cold…
– Ko se vaše srce ohladi, se ohladi…

New Order



