Video Posnetek
Begging on her knees to be popular
– Prosila na kolenih, da je priljubljena
First, I go whip out the boat, no, I can’t hit on no brakes
– Najprej grem iz čolna, ne, ne morem udariti brez zavor
My life is out of control, I’m tellin’ you, nobody safe
– Moje življenje je brez nadzora, povem ti, nihče ni varen
I’ve been livin’ my life limbo, my ice, it came with a tray
– Živel sem svoje življenje limbo, moj LED, prišel je s pladnjem
I’m so high, I gotta hide my face, this not a rockstar phase
– Tako sem visoka, moram skriti obraz, to ni faza rockstar
I’m a emo thug in my phase
– Jaz sem emo thug v moji fazi
Syrup, syrup, syrup, syrup, tell her to go change
– Sirup, sirup, sirup, sirup, povej ji, naj se preobleče
Monkey nuts on me, baby, I got on two chains
– Opica matice na mene, srček, sem dobil na dveh verigah
Roll another blunt and I might motherfuckin’ faint
– Zavrtite še eno TOPO in morda bom omedlel
Spin on the block, have a pussy nigga stained
– Spin na blok, so Muco črnuh obarvajo
I just put on my boots, I ain’t worried ’bout no rain
– Samo obula sem si škornje, ne skrbi me, da ne bo dežja
Put a nigga down, Channel 2 front page
– Spusti črnuha, Prva stran kanala 2
You was just askin’ for some change, now you changed?
– Prosil si za spremembo, zdaj pa si se spremenil?
Yeah, I told you, yeah, about that money, shit get strange
– Ja, sem ti rekel, Ja, o tem denarju, sranje postane čudno
Fully-loaded Jag, hold up, baby, Jordan paid
– Popolnoma naložen Jag, počakaj, ženske, Jordan plačano
I put duct tape on my switch, perfect aim
– Na stikalo sem dal lepilni trak, popoln cilj
They can’t put me in no genre, baby, ’cause I changed the game
– Ne morejo me spraviti v noben žanr, srček, ker sem spremenil igro
We fuckin’ on the same ho, but we not the same
– Smo prekleto ‘ na isti ho, vendar nismo enaki
Disrespect the 5, I put your ass in the food chain (Swamp Izzo)
– Nespoštovanje 5, sem dal svojo rit v prehranjevalni verigi (močvirje Izzo)
Bitch keep callin’ my phone, she sayin’ Ms. Jackson goin’ through her brain (Carti)
– Psica kar naprej kliče moj telefon, pravi gospa Jackson, ki gre skozi njene možgane (Carti)
We was just outside dancin’, movin’ off molly, feelin’ insane (He’s comin’)
– Zunaj smo plesali, se premikali, se počutili noro (prihaja)
I fucked the bitch so nasty, we go Sephora, yeah, then we go Pink
– Sem zajebal prasica tako grdo, gremo Sephora, ja, potem gremo Roza
She not so fuckin’ toxic and she care ’bout what I think
– Ona ni tako prekleto’ strupene in ona skrbi ‘ o tem, kaj mislim
She’s nothin’ like no other bitches, she care ’bout what I drink
– Ona je nič kot nobena druga psice, ona skrbi ‘ o tem, kaj pijem
I think she’s a fling
– Mislim, da je romanca
I think she’s a playmaker, she should be on my team
– Mislim, da je igralka iger, morala bi biti v moji ekipi
She should get her a ring
– Ona bi ji dobili prstan
Shit, it can’t be me, but she can be on the team
– Sranje, ne morem biti jaz, ampak ona je lahko v ekipi
Diamonds, they come out the water, my sock, it come with a rink
– Diamanti, pridejo iz vode, moja nogavica, prihaja z drsališčem
The Wraith came with the chauffeur, the chauffeur ready to take me
– Duh je prišel s šoferjem, šoferjem, ki me je pripravljen vzeti
I am the music
– Jaz sem Glasba