Snoop Dogg – Gunz N Smoke Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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Come, let me show you the ropes
– Pridi, naj ti pokažem vrvi
Chucks come with the LOCs
– Vpenjalne glave prihajajo z LOCs
Drums come with the dope
– Bobni prihajajo z drogo
Guns come with the smoke, bang
– Pištole prihajajo z dimom, bang
I just want the paper
– Hočem samo papir
I just want the paper
– Hočem samo papir
Gun smoke, Gun smoke
– Dim iz pištole, dim iz pištole

They say he a big stepper
– Pravijo, da je velik stepper
I’m just sayin’ I am not the type to get stepped on
– Samo pravim, da nisem tip, na katerega bi stopili
I ain’t got a big weapon
– Nimam velikega orožja
Glock 17 with the switch, but the clip long
– Glock 17 s stikalom, vendar posnetek dolgo
I ain’t finna play wit’ you
– Ne igram se s tabo
Boy, you fuck around, I’ma have to catch a fade wit’ you
– Fant, zajebavaš se, moram ujeti bledenje s tabo
Get the blick in broad day wit’ you
– Pridobite blick v širšem dnevu z vami
Have the lil’ homies run down while bae wit’ you (Gunsmoke, gunsmoke)
– So lil ‘homies teči navzdol, medtem ko bae z’ vas (Gunsmoke, gunsmoke)
Little man, dope party
– Mali človek, zabava z mamili
Got him out the night, but the nigga got four bodies
– Dobil ga ven noč, ampak črnuh dobil štiri telesa
Who want smoke? Nobody
– Kdo hoče dim? Nihče
Goin’ once, goin’ twice, don’t want to smoke nobody
– Pojdi enkrat, pojdi dvakrat, ne želim nikogar kaditi
Tell me what you know ’bout it
– Povej mi, kaj veš o tem
Strapped right now, nigga, how you want go ’bout it?
– Privezan zdaj, črnuh, kako hočeš iti?
I’m not the one you lean on
– Nisem tisti, na katerega se naslanjaš
The type you wanna try apply pressure to and scheme on
– Tip, ki ga želite poskusiti, uporabite pritisk in shemo na
Pussy nigga, dream on
– Muca črnuh, sanje o
Run, nigga, run ’til I have to click the beam on
– Teči, črnuh, teči ‘ til moram kliknite žarek na
Red dot ya, I got ya, B.I.G. time (Woo), who shot ya?
– Rdeča pika, imam te, B. I. G. čas, kdo te je ustrelil?
I dropped ya, who popped ya? Shit lit
– Spustil sem te, kdo te je izstrelil? Sranje lit
Soon as I spot ya, ooh-wee
– Takoj, ko te opazim, Ooh-majceno
Why would you be fuckin’ with me? (Gun smoke, gun smoke)
– Zakaj bi se zajebaval z mano? (Gun dim, gun dim)

Let’s take a second here for this moment of violence
– Vzemimo sekundo tukaj za ta trenutek nasilja
You smell it in the air, product of my environment
– Vonjaš ga v zraku, produkt mojega okolja
I come from freestylin’ over gunshots and sirens
– Prihajam iz svobodnega streljanja in Siren
Nothing more gangster than my voice over these violins
– Nič bolj gangsterskega kot moj glas nad temi violinami
Get down, lay down, it’s the wolf of the Dogg Pound, yeah
– Dol, lezi, to je volk Dogg funta, ja
Playground, shakedown, Autobahn, no brakes now
– Igrišče, izsiljevanje, avtocesta, zdaj ni zavor
Skinny nigga back pushin’ weight now
– Suh črnuh nazaj pushin ‘ teža zdaj
New Death Row on the plate now
– Nova smrtna kazen na krožniku zdaj
More details, please do tell
– Več podrobnosti, prosim povej
What’s that smell, nigga? (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Kaj tako smrdi, črnuh? (Gun dim, Gun dim)
Shit, you would too, if you knew
– Sranje, tudi ti bi, če bi vedel
What a young nigga had to do
– Kaj je moral narediti mlad črnuh
Rendezvous with a Pac or two
– Srečanje s Pac ali dvema
Rock shit up like Mötley Crüe
– Rock sranje gor, kot M
In this fight, you gotta stick and move
– V tem boju se moraš držati in premikati
All my life, I had to show and prove
– Vse življenje sem moral pokazati in dokazati
Still a nigga with a attitude
– Še vedno črnuh z odnosom
If you ain’t gangster, this is not for you
– Če niste gangster, to ni za vas
Yeah, bullet holes in the palm trees (Palm trees)
– Ja, luknje od krogel v palmah(Palme)
Dirty money in the laundry (Laundry)
– Umazan denar v pralnici (Perilo)
Ten toes in the concrete (Concrete)
– Deset prstov v betonu (beton)
Niggas know where to find me (Find)
– Črnuhi vedo, kje me najti (Najdi)
I got a long reach, this Long Beach, but we don’t speak
– Imam dolg doseg, to dolgo plažo, vendar ne govorimo
And you saw what happened to the last nigga
– In videli ste, kaj se je zgodilo z zadnjim črnuhom
That tried to fuck with my proceeds (Gun smoke)
– Ki se je poskušal zajebavati z mojim izkupičkom (Gun smoke)

I remember when I was thirteen
– Spomnim se, ko sem bil star trinajst let
Searchin’ for how to get my revenge on the world that hurt me
– Iskanje, kako se maščevati svetu, ki me je prizadel
Thirsty for commas, them double entendres
– Žejni vejic, dvojni pomen
Turned me to an entrepreneur and a monster
– Obrnil me je na podjetnika in pošast
Constantly caught in some kind of controversy (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Nenehno ujet v nekakšno polemiko (dim iz pištole, dim iz pištole)
That was my mantra, to taunt ya was kinda condescending
– To je bila moja mantra, da bi te dražila, je bila nekako prizanesljiva
But why should I be kind to the kind of people that weren’t kind to me
– Toda zakaj bi moral biti prijazen do ljudi, ki niso bili prijazni do mene
Comin’ up? So like that syrup, they canceled
– Prideš gor? Tako kot ta sirup so odpovedali
I’ma say, “Fuck you and your momma,” then blame my rap persona (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Jaz ‘ma reči, ” Jebi ti in tvoja mama, ” potem krivi moj rap persona (pištolo dim, pištolo dim)
That’s the excuse that I used to explain my grammar
– To je izgovor, s katerim sem razlagal svojo slovnico
Allowing me to just do what I do and not face the ramifications
– Dovoli mi, da delam to, kar počnem, in se ne soočam s posledicami
So I could air my frustrations
– Tako sem lahko zračil svoje frustracije
But I’ll be damned if the same reporter’s gonna shove another tape recorder
– Ampak jaz bom preklet, če bo isti novinar potisnil še en magnetofon
And camera in my face while I am at the Burger King
– In kamero v obraz, ko sem na Burger King
Just to grab my lil’ baby daughter a hamburger like Shady oughta be amicable
– Samo, da zgrabi moj lil ‘ najstnika hči hamburger kot senčnih oughta biti prijateljski
Guess that’s the price that you pay for all the glamour, the fame and stardom
– Ugani, da je cena, ki jo plačate za vse glamur, slavo in slavo
Like when you’re treated just like an animal (Gun smoke, Gun smoke)
– Kot takrat, ko se z vami ravna kot z živaljo (dim iz pištole, dim iz pištole)
You’ll not act like one when you came from bottom
– Ne boste se obnašali tako, ko ste prišli od spodaj
But they gonna make me wanna pull a llama
– Toda prisilili me bodo, da potegnem Lamo
And make like I’m a mechanical bull (Yeah)
– In naredite, kot da sem mehanski bik (ja)
Fuck around and buck these hoes, ain’t talkin’ no luxury clothes
– Jebi okoli in buck te motike, ain ‘t talkin’ ni luksuzna oblačila
Two nines I tuck, see those?
– Dve devetki, ki jih potegnem, vidiš te?
Like Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, try and duck deez, yo
– Kot Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, poskusite in duck deez, jo
Hey, what the fuck you want?
– Hej, kaj za vraga hočeš?
Didn’t I just see you yesterday?
– Te nisem videla včeraj?
Fuck outta here, fuck it, bitch
– Jebi ven, jebi ga, prasica
Now I’m much older, and I may be calmer
– Zdaj sem veliko starejši in morda sem mirnejši
Run up on me, and I might be a little less likely
– Teči na mene, in sem lahko malo manj verjetno
To go crazy on ya, and let the
– Da bi šel nor na vas, in naj

Gun smoke
– Dim iz pištole
I just want the paper
– Hočem samo papir
I just want the paper
– Hočem samo papir
Gun smoke, gun smoke
– Dim iz pištole, dim iz pištole

Snoop Dogg



