Tate McRae – Siren sounds Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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I wanna kiss you when I hate you and then leave instead
– Rad bi te poljubil, ko te sovražim, in potem namesto tega odšel
I wanna kill you, then I call you and say, “Get in my bed”
– Rad bi te ubil, potem te pokličem in rečem, “Pojdi v mojo posteljo”
Been a full year now and we both know that it’s bound to end
– Zdaj je bilo celo leto in oba veva, da se bo končalo
But kinda like just how hot it gets
– Ampak nekako všeč, kako vroče postane

So stay for the night
– Zato ostanite za noč
It’ll bury the crime
– Pokopal bo zločin
Tell me a lie
– Povej mi laž
It’ll buy us some time
– To nam bo kupilo nekaj časa

Oh, one more minute, it all burns down
– Oh, še eno minuto, vse gori
They’re all telling us to get out
– Vsi nam govorijo, naj gremo ven
But you and I, and I
– Ampak ti in jaz in jaz
We’d keep living in a burning house
– Še naprej bi živeli v goreči hiši
Might be crazy to stick this out
– Morda je noro, da se držijo to ven
But we can’t see all the flames around
– Toda ne vidimo vseh plamenov naokoli
You and I, and I
– Ti in jaz in jaz
We’re just dancing to the siren sounds
– Samo plešemo ob zvokih sirene

I can get real cold when I need you, and you don’t show up
– Lahko me zebe, ko te potrebujem, ti pa se ne pojaviš
You can get cocky when you want me, and I say, “I’m done”
– Lahko postaneš domišljav, ko me želiš, in rečem, “končal sem”
Been a full year now, and we both know it’s not good for us
– Že celo leto in oba veva, da to ni dobro za nas
But we both love the smoke in our lungs
– Toda oba imava rada dim v pljučih

So stay for the night
– Zato ostanite za noč
It’ll bury the crime
– Pokopal bo zločin
Tell me a lie
– Povej mi laž
It’ll buy us some time
– To nam bo kupilo nekaj časa

Oh, one more minute, it all burns down
– Oh, še eno minuto, vse gori
They’re all telling us to get out
– Vsi nam govorijo, naj gremo ven
But you and I, and I
– Ampak ti in jaz in jaz
We’d keep living in a burning house
– Še naprej bi živeli v goreči hiši
Might be crazy to stick this out
– Morda je noro, da se držijo to ven
But we can’t see all the flames around
– Toda ne vidimo vseh plamenov naokoli
You and I, and I
– Ti in jaz in jaz
We’re just dancing to the siren sounds
– Samo plešemo ob zvokih sirene

Siren sounds
– Zvoki sirene
Siren sounds
– Zvoki sirene

Siren, siren
– Sirena, Sirena
Siren sounds
– Zvoki sirene

Oh, one more minute, it all burns down
– Oh, še eno minuto, vse gori
They’re all telling us to get out
– Vsi nam govorijo, naj gremo ven
But you and I, and I
– Ampak ti in jaz in jaz
We’d keep living in a burning house
– Še naprej bi živeli v goreči hiši
Might be crazy to stick this out
– Morda je noro, da se držijo to ven
But we can’t see all the flames around
– Toda ne vidimo vseh plamenov naokoli
You and I, and I
– Ti in jaz in jaz
We’re just dancing to the siren sounds
– Samo plešemo ob zvokih sirene

Tate McRae



