twenty one pilots, Arcane & League of Legends Music – The Line Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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My body’s on the line now
– Moje telo je zdaj na liniji
I can’t fight this time now
– Zdaj se ne morem boriti
I can feel the light shine on my face
– Čutim, kako svetloba sije na mojem obrazu
Did I disappoint you?
– Sem te razočaral?
Will they still let me over
– Me bodo še spustili čez
If I cross the line?
– Če prestopim mejo?

Take a seat
– Sedite
But I’d rather you not be here for
– Ampak raje ne bi bil tukaj zaradi
What could be my final form
– Kakšna bi lahko bila moja končna oblika
Stay your pretty eyes on course
– Ostanite lepe oči na poti
Keep the memories of who I was before
– Ohranite spomine na to, kdo sem bil prej
So stay with me because
– Zato ostanite z mano, ker

My body’s on the line now
– Moje telo je zdaj na liniji
I can’t fight this time now
– Zdaj se ne morem boriti
I can feel the light shine on my face
– Čutim, kako svetloba sije na mojem obrazu
Did I disappoint you?
– Sem te razočaral?
Will they still let me over
– Me bodo še spustili čez
If I cross the line?
– Če prestopim mejo?

– Iskreno
I thought I was fully prepared for
– Mislil sem, da sem popolnoma pripravljen na
The threshold in store
– Prag v trgovini
Stay your pretty eyes on course
– Ostanite lepe oči na poti
I guess I never really faced my fears before
– Mislim, da se še nikoli nisem soočil s svojimi strahovi
So stay with me because
– Zato ostanite z mano, ker

My body’s on the line now
– Moje telo je zdaj na liniji
Pull the blanket tight now
– Zdaj močno potegnite odejo
I can feel the light shine on my face
– Čutim, kako svetloba sije na mojem obrazu
Did I disappoint you?
– Sem te razočaral?
Will they still let me over
– Me bodo še spustili čez
If I cross the line?
– Če prestopim mejo?

Please don’t let them see me
– Prosim, ne dovolite, da me vidijo
Sure there’s nothing left to try
– Seveda ni več kaj poskusiti
I can feel the light shine on my face
– Čutim, kako svetloba sije na mojem obrazu
Did I disappoint you?
– Sem te razočaral?
Will they still let me over
– Me bodo še spustili čez
If I cross the line?
– Če prestopim mejo?

If I cross the line
– Če prestopim mejo
If I cross the line
– Če prestopim mejo

twenty one pilots



