Zach Bryan – Pink Skies Slovenščina Besedila & Slovenski Prevodi

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The kids are in town for a funeral
– Otroci so v mestu na pogrebu
So pack the car and dry your eyes
– Zato spakirajte avto in posušite oči
I know they got plenty of young blood left in ’em
– Vem, da je v njih ostalo veliko mlade krvi
And plenty nights under pink skies you taught ’em to enjoy
– In veliko noči pod rožnatim nebom ste jih naučili uživati

So clean the house, clear the drawers, mop the floors, stand tall
– Torej očistite hišo, počistite predale, obrišite tla, stojte visoko
Like no one’s ever been here before or at all
– Kot da še nihče ni bil tukaj ali sploh
And don’t you mention all the inches that are scraped on the doorframe
– In ne omenjate vseh centimetrov, ki so strgani na okvirju vrat
We all know you tiptoed up to 4’1″ back in ’08
– Vsi vemo, da ste tiptoed do 4 ‘1″ nazaj v ‘ 08

If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Če bi jih lahko videli zdaj, bi bili ponosni
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Ampak mislili bi, da so japiji
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tvoj pogreb je bil lep
I bet God heard you comin’
– Stavim, da te je Bog slišal

The kids are in town for a funeral
– Otroci so v mestu na pogrebu
And the grass all smells the same as the day you broke your arm swingin’
– In trava diši enako kot dan, ko si si zlomil roko
On that kid out on the river
– Na tistega fanta na reki
You bailed him out, never said a thing about Jesus or the way he’s livin’
– Rešili ste ga, nikoli niste rekli ničesar o Jezusu ali o tem, kako živi

If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Če bi jih lahko videli zdaj, bi bili ponosni
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Ampak mislili bi, da so japiji
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tvoj pogreb je bil lep
I bet God heard you comin’
– Stavim, da te je Bog slišal

(Strum it)
– (Strum it)

If you could see ’em now, you’d be proud
– Če bi jih lahko videli zdaj, bi bili ponosni
But you’d think they’s yuppies
– Ampak mislili bi, da so japiji
Your funeral was beautiful
– Tvoj pogreb je bil lep
I bet God heard you comin’
– Stavim, da te je Bog slišal

The kids are in town for a funeral
– Otroci so v mestu na pogrebu
So pack the car and dry your eyes
– Zato spakirajte avto in posušite oči
I know they got plenty of young blood left in ’em
– Vem, da je v njih ostalo veliko mlade krvi
And plenty nights under pink skies you taught ’em to enjoy
– In veliko noči pod rožnatim nebom ste jih naučili uživati

Zach Bryan



