Vidéo Klip
I took a ballerina down to the ball dance
– Kuring nyandak ballerina ka handap ka tarian bal
Met a couple ball players, found a ball stance
– Papanggih sababaraha pamaén bal, kapanggih jurus bal
Now we in the bathroom, she found a ball face
– Ayeuna urang di kamar mandi, manéhna manggihan beungeut bal
Took some shots and balled out, now how the stall taste?
– Nyandak sababaraha nembak jeung balled kaluar, ayeuna kumaha rasa warung?
I can’t even go inside, my old hoes might hear
– Kuring malah teu bisa balik di jero, hoes heubeul mah bisa ngadéngé
I might need to hit the town, I need you right here, right here
– Kuring bisa jadi kudu pencét kota, kuring kudu anjeun katuhu di dieu, katuhu di dieu
‘Til she reached in the trunk and found a nina
– ‘Nepi ka manéhna ngahontal dina bagasi jeung kapanggih nina a
I told her, “Baby, that’s Nina Simone”
– Ceuk kuring, “Sayang, Éta Nina Simone”
Ayy, drivin’ through the liquor store faded, braided
– Waduh, jadi ngiler pengen kesana, hihihi
Hands in this motherfucker wavin’, hazy
– Leungeun di ieu motherfucker wavin’, halimun
’80s like the ’90s and 2000s (tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh)
– ’80s kawas ’90s jeung 2000s (tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh-tuh)
Drivin’ through this motherfucker, wildin’
– Menghindari bajingan ini, hihihi
Ayy, Brady seven pack, they come in bunch
– Ayy, brady tujuh pak, aranjeunna datang di kebat
I been with the ‘quad on a high note, gettin’ C-notes
– Kuring geus jeung ‘quad dina catetan luhur, meunang’ c-catetan
Different presentation to this vibe, you need a keynote
– Presentasi beda ka vibe ieu, anjeun kudu keynote a
Presi’ ’round this motherfucker, I ain’t sendin’ vetos
– Presi ”buleud motherfucker ieu, kuring teu ngirim’ vetos
Ain’t no stoppin’ shit or stoppin’ licks, them boys on G-O
– Teu aya stopping ‘shit atawa stopping’ licks, aranjeunna budak Dina G-O
Battin’ out the 504, I saved her name as “Creole”
– Battin ‘kaluar 504, kuring disimpen ngaran nya Salaku”Creole”
Balance when I’m on a road, I get the go and T-O
– Keseimbangan bila aku ada kat Umah … aku pegi kenduri kawen … Hehe
Dominatrix Matrix when she do it like I’m Neo
– Matriks Dominatrix lamun manéhna ngalakukeun hal eta kawas kami Neo
Shit is off its sockets, they lock in
– Shit nyaeta kaluar sockets na, aranjeunna ngonci di
Mama said live up to my name, but they jockin’
– Mama ngomong hirup nepi ka ngaran kuring, tapi maranéhna jockin’
They gon’ try go and take your face for the profit
– Maranéhanana gon ‘ coba indit jeung nyokot beungeut anjeun pikeun kauntungan
They gon’ lie, they gon’ slip and slide, get beside ya
– Maranéhanana gon ‘bohong, maranéhanana gon’ slip jeung slide, meunang gigireun ya
They gon’ try, we a hundred deep like Verizon
– Maranéhanana gon ‘ coba, urang saratus jero kawas Verizon
In the trees with the bumble bees on horizon
– Dina tangkal jeung lebah bumble di cakrawala
Ain’t catchin’ Zs, I been in in the V, on road to Zion
– Hahahaha … aku gak nyampe Ke Jakarta … di jalan ke Jakarta … hahaha …
Sell they souls, hoppin’ in that mode that I ain’t buyin’
– Jual jiwa, hoppin ‘dina modeu nu kuring teu meuli’
He ain’t Slaughter Gang, then he ain’t official (yeah)
– Dia bukan pengecut, tapi dia tidak pengecut (ya)
When that chopper sing, you really think that they gon’ miss you?
– Lamun helikopter nu nyanyi, anjeun bener mikir yén maranéhna gon ‘ miss anjeun?
I spent a half a million dollars on dismissals
– Kuring méakkeun satengah juta dollar pikeun dipecat
It’s gon’ be a hearse, not a verse if I diss you (mhm)
– Eta sacara gon’ jadi hearse, teu hiji ayat lamun kuring diss anjeun (mhm)
Got me fucked up, nigga, got me fucked up (yeah)
– Hahaha … gue jadi kacau, gue jadi kacau, gue jadi kacau (ya)
When I send it past the ceilin’, that shit stuck up
– Lamun kuring ngirim eta kaliwat ceilin’, nu shit nyangkut nepi
All that talkin’, actin’ tough get you roughed up (21, 21)
– Hahaha .. sabar je lah .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. (21, 21)
If your wifey at the spot, she gettin’ bust up (21, 21)
– Lamun pamajikan anjeun di tempat, manéhna meunang ‘ bust nepi (21, 21)
Rich nigga, got my strap from Tommy Hilfiger (21)
– Rich nigga, meunang tali kuring Ti Tommy Hilfiger (21)
Red, white, and blue, American, I kill niggas (pussy)
– Beureum, bodas, jeung biru, Amérika, kuring maéhan niggas (pussy)
Spray his block and then pull off, this a real dipple (skrrt)
– Semprot block sarta tuluy narik off, ieu dipple nyata (skrrt)
Bottega pick my cotton, but I’m a field nigga (on God)
– Bottega pick kapas mah, tapi aku nigga widang (Dina Allah)
I be sittin’ inside the house ’cause I don’t feel niggas (fuck ’em)
– Kuring keur diuk’ di jero imah ‘sabab kuring teu ngarasa niggas (fuck’ em)
Fuck with Baby, but my baby like to drill niggas (Baby Drill)
– Fuck jeung Orok, tapi orok mah kawas bor niggas(Orok Bor)
Claustrophobic, I don’t even like to chill with ’em (21)
– Claustrophobic, kuring teu komo hoyong pikeun chill jeung ’em (21)
Guess I’m fake since everybody say they real niggas (on God)
– Tebak kuring palsu saprak dulur nyebutkeun aranjeunna niggas nyata (Dina Allah)
Got a whoopin’, but you still ain’t learned your lesson, huh? (Pussy)
– Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. tapi masih belajar gak ya? (Pussy)
Hard-headed, you won’t end up on a stretcher, huh? (Pussy)
– Waduh, jadi gak bakal nyampe ke bengkel ya? (Pussy)
Oh, you Usher now, you givin’ out confessions, huh? (Pussy)
– Oh, anjeun Usher ayeuna, anjeun givin ‘ kaluar confessions, huh? (Pussy)
On the blogs like these hoes, oh, you messy, huh? (Pussy)
– Dina blog kawas hoes ieu, oh, anjeun messy, huh? (Pussy)
Put a Louis logo on my switch
– Pasang Logo Louis dina saklar kuring
I know Virgil probably lookin’ down like, “Damn, this nigga back on that shit” (21)
– Kuring nyaho Virgil meureun looking ‘handap kawas,” Damn, nigga ieu deui dina shit nu ” (21)
Back inside the club with my blick (21)
– Balik deui ka klub jeung blick mah (21)
Playin’ freeze tag, shit, I’m tryna see who it (on God)
– Main ‘ beku tag, shit, abdi tryna tingali saha eta (Dina Allah)
Niggas say we opps, when they see me, don’t do shit (on God)
– Niggas nyebutkeun urang opps, lamun maranéhna ningali kuring, ulah ngalakukeun shit (Dina Allah)
Only person believe that you a killer is your bitch (21)
– Ngan jalma percaya yén anjeun killer nyaeta bitch anjeun (21)
Makin’ diss songs, this nigga died about a diss (facts)
– Makin ‘ diss lagu, nigga ieu maot ngeunaan diss (fakta)
If I see my opps while I’m in cuffs, then I’ma spit (pussy)
– Lamun kuring nempo opps mah bari kaula di cuffs, mangka kaula nyiduh (pussy)
Wanna kill the world about your bitch ’cause she on dick (21)
– Hayang maehan dunya ngeunaan bitch anjeun ‘ sabab manéhna dina dick (21)
Thinkin’ ’bout the hoes that I’ma shit on while I piss (21)
– Hahahaha … mmg kena kacau org yg aku kacau (21)
You ain’t heard my music, why you ballin’ up your fists? (21)
– Anjeun teu ngadéngé musik kuring, naha anjeun ballin ‘ up fists anjeun? (21)
Reverb on the chopper, it go, “Baow” when it hit (21)
– Reverb dina helikopter, eta balik, “Baow” lamun pencét (21)
He ain’t Slaughter Gang, then he ain’t official (yeah)
– Dia bukan pengecut, tapi dia tidak pengecut (ya)
When that chopper sing, you really think that they gon’ miss you?
– Lamun helikopter nu nyanyi, anjeun bener mikir yén maranéhna gon ‘ miss anjeun?
I spent a half a million dollars on dismissals
– Kuring méakkeun satengah juta dollar pikeun dipecat
It’s gon’ be a hearse, not a verse if I diss you (mhm)
– Eta sacara gon’ jadi hearse, teu hiji ayat lamun kuring diss anjeun (mhm)
Got me fucked up, nigga, got me fucked up (yeah)
– Hahaha … gue jadi kacau, gue jadi kacau, gue jadi kacau (ya)
When I send it past the ceilin’, that shit stuck up
– Lamun kuring ngirim eta kaliwat ceilin’, nu shit nyangkut nepi
All that talkin’, actin’ tough get you roughed up (21, 21)
– Hahaha .. sabar je lah .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. (21, 21)
If your wifey at the spot, she gettin’ bust up
– Lamun pamajikan anjeun di tempat, manéhna meunang ‘ bust nepi
