Ace Frehley – New York Groove Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Many years since I was here
– Mangtaun-taun ti saprak kuring aya di dieu
On the street I was passin’ my time away
– Di jalan kuring ieu passing ‘ waktos abdi jauh
To the left and to the right
– Ka kénca jeung ka katuhu
Buildings towering to the sky, it’s outta sight
– Wangunan nu menara ka langit, éta outta tetempoan
In the dead of night
– Di tengah peuting

(Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) here I am, and in this city
– (Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) di dieu kami, jeung di kota ieu
(Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) with a fistful of dollars, and baby, you’d better believe
– (Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) jeung fistful tina dollar, jeung orok, anjeun leuwih hade percaya

I’m back, back in the New York groove
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove
I’m back, back in the New York groove
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove
I’m back, back in the New York groove
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove
Back, in the New York groove
– Balik, Di new York alur
In the New York groove
– Dina alur New York

In the back of my Cadillac
– Di tukangeun Cadillac kuring
A wicked lady sittin’ by my side sayin’, “Where are we?”
– Hiji nona jahat sittin ‘ku sisi kuring nyebutkeun’, ” Dimana urang?”
Stopped at Third and Forty-three, exit to the night
– Eureun Di Katilu Jeung Opat Puluh tilu, kaluar ka peuting
It’s gonna be ecstasy, this place was meant for me
– Ieu bakal jadi ecstasy, tempat ieu dimaksudkeun pikeun kuring

(Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) I feel so good tonight
– (Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) kuring ngarasa jadi alus peuting
(Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) who cares about tomorrow, so baby, you’d better believe!
– (Oooh, ooh-ooh-ooh) anu paduli ngeunaan isukan, jadi orok, anjeun leuwih alus yakin!

I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
Back, in the New York groove, in the New York groove
– Balik, Di new York alur, Di new York alur
I’m back, back in the New York groove
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove
I’m back, back in the New York groove
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)

I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back, back in the New York groove (New York groove)
– Saya kembali, kembali Di New York groove (new York groove)
I’m back…
– Ku kembali..

Ace Frehley



