Central Cee – 5 Star Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Lamun anjeun meunang naon nu diperlukeun, kuring bakal nyandak eta
This shit took ages
– Ieu shit nyandak umur
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Kudu nyaho yén anjeun teu bisa buru greatness
But you’re too impatient
– Tapi kau terlalu tak sabar
One million views ain’t famous
– Hiji juta pintonan teu kawentar
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Ku butuh ranjang, teu aya tatangga, gila
I need me a thousand acres
– Abdi peryogi sarébu hektar
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tak sabar nak tunggu manusia—

Let’s reignite that flame, I fucked some hoes, they ain’t quite the same
– Hayu urang reignite seuneu nu, kuring fucked sababaraha hoes, aranjeunna teu cukup sarua
I’ve got more money than all of my elders even though they are twice my age
– Kuring boga leuwih duit ti sakabeh sesepuh mah sanajan maranehna dua kali umur mah
I just reunited with some of the killies, I gotta remind ’em that life has changed
– Kuring ngan reunified jeung sababaraha killies, kuring kudu ngingetkeun ‘ em nu hirup geus robah
Previously, it was crime that paid, but now, I get by in a righteous way
– Saméméhna, éta kajahatan nu mayar, tapi ayeuna, kuring meunang ku cara bener
Push bike time I would ride in the rain, now I’m takin’ a flight for the climate change
– Nyorong waktu sapédah kuring bakal numpak dina hujan, ayeuna kuring keur nyokot ‘ a hiber pikeun parobahan iklim
Long-haul flight and I’m flyin’ commercial, if I’m in Europe, it’s private planes
– Penerbangan jarak jauh jeung kuring ngapung’ komérsial, lamun kuring Di Éropa, éta pesawat pribadi
You seen what happened to PnB Rock? I can’t even wine and dine these days
– Anjeun ningali naon anu lumangsung Ka Pnb Rock? Kuring malah teu bisa anggur jeung dahar beurang poé ieu
We got somethin’ in common with hockey, why? Cah we all got ice and blades
– Urang meunang hal di umum jeung hoki, naha? Cah urang sadaya ngagaduhan és sareng bilah
I felt like a prick when I went to the BRITs and they gave the award to a guy called Aitch
– Kuring ngarasa kawas hiji prick lamun kuring indit Ka BRITs jeung maranehna méré pangajén ka hiji guy disebut Aitch
I had my acceptance speech prepared like, “Long live F’s”, I’m goin’ insane
– Kuring kungsi ucapan ditampa mah disiapkeun kawas, ” long live f urang”, kuring bade ‘ gila
And free all the guys inside of the cage, uh
– Dan merdeka semua org dalam kenduri kawen, hehe
I need a bitch that’s bougie and don’t give bruddas the time of day
– Kuring butuh bitch nu bougie jeung teu méré bruddas waktu poé
If they don’t wanna fuck, I don’t try persuade
– Kalau mereka tidak ingin kacau, aku tidak mencoba berfikir
I look in the mirror and big up myself, I’m feelin’ myself, I’m kinda vain
– Kuring kasampak di mirteung jeung badag nepi sorangan, kuring ngarasa ‘ diri, kuring rada vain
I don’t think that these guys relate, they’ve never experienced this type of pain
– Kuring teu mikir yén guys ieu nyaritakeun, aranjeunna geus pernah ngalaman jenis ieu nyeri
Claustrophobic, I’m feelin’ stressed, I can’t find the exit, life’s a maze
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh……….. aku tidak bisa melihat kesalahan hidup………..
Pinch myself, I feel like I’m dreamin’, but I’m not asleep, I’m wide awake
– Aku mimpi, tapi aku tak tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur, aku tidur.

If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Lamun anjeun meunang naon nu diperlukeun, kuring bakal nyandak eta
This shit took ages
– Ieu shit nyandak umur
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Kudu nyaho yén anjeun teu bisa buru greatness
But you’re too impatient
– Tapi kau terlalu tak sabar
One million views ain’t famous
– Hiji juta pintonan teu kawentar
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Ku butuh ranjang, teu aya tatangga, gila
I need me a thousand acres
– Abdi peryogi sarébu hektar
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tak sabar nak tunggu manusia—

Remember the meals were microwaved
– Inget dahareun anu microwaved
Now my private chef is askin’ how do I like my steak
– Ayeuna koki swasta kuring nanya kumaha kuring resep steak kuring
Now my driver’s wage is two hundred racks a year, I got private plates
– Ayeuna gaji supir mah dua ratus rak sataun, kuring meunang pelat swasta
I never had nowhere to go, sometimes I’d spend a whole night on train
– Kuring teu kungsi boga tempat pikeun indit, sakapeung kuring bakal méakkeun sakabeh peuting dina karéta
Now the crib’s so big, I just hired a maid
– Ayeuna ranjang téh jadi badag, kuring ngan hired hiji maid
The opps ain’t makin’ it out of the hood, I can find out where my rivals stay
– Hahahahaha … tak sabar nak tengok kawan-kawan aku kat mana … hahaha …
I see blue lights in the distance, is it police, ambulance or fire brigade?
– Kuring ningali lampu biru di kajauhan, éta pulisi, ambulan atawa brigade seuneu?
My eyes dilated, the line vibratin’, it’s 4 in the mornin’, my grind insane
– Panon kuring dilated, garis geter’, éta 4 di isuk’, grind gila kuring
I know the pagans are aggravated, I got the whole gang on the Wireless stage
– Kuring nyaho pagans nu aggravated, kuring meunang sakabeh geng dina panggung Nirkabel
Five years in and I’m still the same, can’t say that I’ve changed despite the fame
– Lima taun di jeung kuring masih sarua, teu bisa nyebutkeun yen kuring geus robah sanajan kinérja
The jack boys tryna find a stain, if they’re in the club, then hide your chain
– Jack boys tryna manggihan noda, lamun maranehna di klub, mangka nyumputkeun ranté anjeun
I know the opps got sticks as well, but the guns we bought got wider range, uh
– Kuring nyaho opps meunang iteuk ogé, tapi pakarang urang meuli meunang rentang lega ,h
They can’t keep my name out their mouth, sus, they actually might be—
– Mereka tidak bisa menghindari namaku, sus, sebenarnya mereka bisa jadi—
Look, my family stay out the way, when they see the camera, they hide their face
– Tingali, kulawarga mah cicing kaluar jalan, basa aranjeunna ningali kaméra, maranéhanana nyumputkeun beungeut maranéhanana
CRG, I quite like this pace, back out the rod and bite the bait
– CRG, kuring rada resep pace ieu, balik kaluar rod jeung ngegel umpan
We get on our grind and hibernate, they go on the net, start typin’ hate
– Urang meunang dina grind urang jeung hibernate, aranjeunna buka dina net, ngamimitian typin ‘ hate
At the end of the day when my time does come, they’ll write my name alongside the greats
– Dina ahir poé nalika waktu kuring datang, maranéhanana baris nulis ngaran kuring barengan greats

If you got what it takes, I’ll take it
– Lamun anjeun meunang naon nu diperlukeun, kuring bakal nyandak eta
You ready for another spoiler?
– Anjeun siap pikeun spoiler sejen?
This shit took ages
– Ieu shit nyandak umur
I’ve always been a man of bold predictions
– Kuring geus salawasna geus lalaki prediksi kandel
Should know that you can’t rush greatness
– Kudu nyaho yén anjeun teu bisa buru greatness
And I’m predictin’ that this guy right here
– Jeung kuring keur ngaduga yén guy ieu katuhu dieu
But you’re too impatient
– Tapi kau terlalu tak sabar
Star in the makin’
– Béntang dina makin’
One million views ain’t famous
– Hiji juta pintonan teu kawentar
Comin’ out of West London
– Kaluar Ti London Kulon
I need me a crib, no neighbours, mad
– Ku butuh ranjang, teu aya tatangga, gila
Some of you may know the name
– Sababaraha anjeun bisa nyaho ngaran
I need me a thousand acres
– Abdi peryogi sarébu hektar
But for those who don’t, it’s my guy
– Tapi untuk mereka yang tidak, itulah anak ku
Can’t wait till a man’s on—
– Tak sabar nak tunggu manusia—
Central Cee
– Cee Tengah

Central Cee



