Vidéo Klip
‘Cause we’re in your drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Karena kita ada di puncak, tapi susah, maka aku merasa dirimu
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Kuring calmed handap, ngancik sabudeureun, anjeun nempatkeun kuring dina wanda a
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Imah heubeul, jandéla handap, tapi kuring masih ngarasa ‘ anjeun
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Taun kaliwat, euweuh robah, kuring masih bogoh ka anjeun
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Ku tak butuh seseorang, ku hanya ingin kau sendiri, oh no
– Mm
To get to my current position, I done more than ten thousand hours
– Pikeun ngahontal posisi kuring ayeuna, kuring ngalakukeun langkung ti sapuluh rébu jam
Dreamt that I saw my name on a gravestone, maybe then they would give me my flowers
– Ngimpi yén kuring nempo ngaran kuring dina batu nisan, meureun lajeng maranéhna bakal masihan kuring kembang kuring
Mum put three of her boys in the tub same time cah we couldn’t afford to shower
– Ibu nunda tilu budak nya di bak waktu nu sarua cah urang teu bisa mampuh mandi
Before man snaked me, I already saw it comin’, I saw they was sour
– Saméméh manusa snaked kuring, kuring geus nempo eta datang’ , kuring nempo maranéhanana éta asem
But now it’s my time to experience fame, the opps tryna find out where am I stayin’
– Tapi ayeuna éta waktu kuring ngalaman kinérja, nu opps tryna manggihan dimana kuring cicing’
My girl don’t believe anything I’m sayin’, my family need anything, I’m payin’
– My girl don ‘t believe anything I ‘m saying’, my family need anything, I ‘m payin’
Sat down, tellin’ a therapist stories, I know she ain’t gonna relate
– Diuk turun, ngawartoskeun carita therapist, kuring nyaho manehna teu bade nyaritakeun
What’s this? What’s that? I don’t care to explain, I’ll deal with the grief and bearin’ the pain
– Naon ieu? Naon éta? Kuring teu paduli ngajelaskeun, kuring bakal nungkulan duka jeung bearing nyeri
I don’t paint these girls in a positive way, you can tell that my heart’s been broken before
– Kuring teu ngagambar katresna ieu dina cara positif, anjeun bisa ngabejaan yen haté kuring geus pegat saméméh
Tryna heal, but it’s takin’ time, what’s the point in life? I don’t know anymore
– Tryna cageur, tapi éta nyokot ‘ waktos, naon titik dina kahirupan? Ku tak tahu lagi
Tell the young boys, “Stay in school”, but I wouldn’t be here if I followed the law
– Bejakeun ka budak ngora, ” Tetep di sakola”, tapi kuring moal di dieu lamun kuring dituturkeun hukum
I keep makin’ dumb decisions like I don’t have control of my thoughts
– Kuring tetep nyieun kaputusan bodo kawas kuring teu boga kontrol pikiran kuring
The guys wouldn’t know that I’m feelin’ like this ’cause I conceal and hide it
– Jalma – jalma teu nyaho yén kuring ngarasa kawas ieu sabab kuring nyumputkeun jeung nyumputkeun eta
Everyone’s there on the weekend vibin’, nobody’s there when I need consignment
– Semuanya ada di weekend vibin’, taya sahijieun aya lamun kuring kudu kiriman
I heard the quote that the strong survive, but I still got a fear of us dyin’
– Kuring ngadéngé cutatan nu kuat salamet, tapi kuring masih meunang sieun urang dyin’
Some nights still toss and turn in my sleep cah I seen some serious violence
– Sababaraha peuting masih toss jeung ngahurungkeun dina sare mah cah kuring katempo sababaraha kekerasan serius
I was six years old when Dad left home and they shot my granddad, all of that at once
– Kuring éta genep taun heubeul lamun Dad ninggalkeun imah jeung maranehna ditémbak granddad mah, sakabéh nu sakaligus
My lil’ bro’s still going to school, but he wanna do everything that the gang does
– My lil ‘ bro masih kuliah, tapi manéhna hayang ngalakukeun sagalana nu gang teu
Now he’s repeatin’ the cycle cah he’s outside and he wanna go act up
– Ayeuna manéhna ngulang ‘ siklus cah manéhna di luar jeung manéhna hayang balik meta nepi
Got sick of the carton milk, it was free school meals, we never had pack lunch
– Jadi bosen susu karton, ieu hidangan sakola bébas, urang kungsi pak dahar beurang
Cuttin’ the mould of the loaf of bread and I looked in the fridge and the milk expired
– Cuttin ‘ kapang tina roti jeung kuring melong di kulkas jeung susu kadaluarsa
All of the mandem jumped in the trap cah we put on The Wire and got inspired
– Sadaya mandem luncat kana perangkap cah urang nunda Dina Kawat jeung meunang diideuan
Not surprised when I see man lyin’, it’s fine, I already clocked they’re liars
– Tak heran bila aku melihat manusia bohong, tak apa-apa … mereka bohong …
I just saw a cat that I know whilst drivin’, I might park up on the block, say hi
– Aku baru tau kalo ada kucing, kalo ada kucing di jalan, hihihi…. hihihi………..
Mum’s house bangin’ out Beanie Sigel, I still don’t feel much love in the air
– Imah ibu bangin ‘ Kaluar Beanie Sigel, kuring masih teu ngarasa loba cinta di hawa
Lost faith in God ’cause I thought I was cursed, kept it to myself cah none of them cared
– Kalah iman Ka Allah sabab kuring mikir kuring ieu dikutuk, diteundeun eta ka sorangan cah taya sahijina paduli
Tellin’ my baby, “Wait, I don’t know how long it will take, I’m gonna repair
– Ntahlah baby ku, ” aku tak tau lama-lama, aku akan bertahan
If it all falls down, would you bounce? If none of the tours sold out, are you gonna be there?”
– Lamun eta sadayana ragrag ka handap, bakal anjeun bounce? Lamun euweuh tur dijual kaluar, anjeun bade aya?”
There’s a few times I lost faith in music, I put out a tune and it didn’t get views
– Aya sababaraha kali kuring leungit iman dina musik, kuring nempatkeun kaluar lagu jeung teu meunang pintonan
Me and my broski went and came up with a plan back then, but it didn’t go through
– Kuring jeung broski kuring indit jeung datang nepi ka rencana deui lajeng, tapi teu balik ngaliwatan
You know that shit that you say when you’re broke, like, “When I get dough, I’ma bring in you too”
– Anjeun terang yén shit nu nyebutkeun lamun anjeun bangkrut, kawas, “Lamun kuring meunang adonan, kuring bakal mawa di anjeun teuing”
Then I blew up and reality hit, shit, now I gotta think this through
– Saterusna kuring niup nepi jeung kanyataanana pencét, shit, ayeuna kuring kudu mikir ieu ngaliwatan
Three little brothers, Mum’s forty and still ain’t paid off her student loan
– Tilu baraya saeutik, ibu urang opat puluh jeung masih teu mayar kaluar injeuman murid nya
My Dad can’t move, he’s fuckin’ paralysed, just went through some serious stroke
– Ayahku tak bisa menghindar, dia menghindar, hanya menghindar dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang serius
The mandem callin’ me, YG’s warnin’ me, sayin’ that I gotta leave home
– Waduuhhhhhhhhhhhh…. jadi pengen kesana nih……….. hihihihi………..
I get more money, more problems now, I had less to worry ’bout when I was broke
– Kuring meunang leuwih duit, leuwih masalah ayeuna, kuring kungsi kurang salempang ‘ bout lamun kuring bangkrut
Remember I had one pair of Air Forces, tryna keep out the creases
– Inget kuring kungsi hiji pasangan Angkatan Udara, tryna tetep kaluar creases
Now the front drive look like it’s a show room, and none of them leases
– Ayeuna drive hareup kasampak kawas éta hiji showroom, jeung taya sahijina leases
I’m extremely grateful for all my people cah none of them leeches
– Abdi pisan bersyukur pikeun sakabéh jalma kuring cah taya sahijina leeches
I dropped a tape, got a billion streams and none of them even features
– Kuring turun hiji pita, ngagaduhan milyar aliran jeung taya sahijina malah fitur
Now my bredrin dissed me and tryna go viral ’cause he ain’t blown yet, how is that my fault?
– Ayeuna bredrin kuring dissed kuring jeung tryna jadi viral sabab manéhna teu blown acan, kumaha nu lepat mah?
I thought you was Christian, why don’t you move like Matthew, Phillip, disciple?
– Kuring panginten anjeun Kristen, naha anjeun henteu ngalih sapertos Mateus, Phillip, murid?
But you wan’ snake man, move like Judas ’cause you ain’t blew, it’s a fuckin’ vio
– Tapi anjeun hayang ‘snake man, pindah kawas Yudas’ sabab anjeun teu niup, éta hiji fucking ‘ vio
And we’re London, bare opportunity, it’s not like we live in Ohio
– Jeung Urang London, kasempetan bare, éta teu kawas urang hirup Di Ohio
I booked hotels and flights to all of these shows and brought you to all of these countries
– Kuring dipesen hotél jeung penerbangan ka sadaya acara ieu jeung dibawa anjeun ka sadaya nagara ieu
Say thank you and pretend that you’re grateful, but when I turn man’s back, say fuck me
– Ucapkeun hatur nuhun jeung pretend nu anjeun bersyukur, tapi lamun kuring ngahurungkeun deui lalaki urang, nyebutkeun fuck kuring
Whole six months livin’ at your mum’s, we was with big bro on our own, it was us three
– Sakabéh genep bulan hirup di ibu anjeun, urang éta jeung bro badag dina urang sorangan, éta urang tilu
Shouldn’t ever bite the hand that feeds you, I leave man starvin’ cah you’re too hungry
– Teu kungsi ngegel leungeun nu eupan anjeun, kuring ninggalkeun man starvin’ cah anjeun geus teuing lapar
I said that I got you, but you didn’t trust me, I would’ve, but you didn’t give me the chance
– Kuring ngomong yén kuring meunang anjeun, tapi anjeun teu percanten ka kuring, kuring bakal geus, tapi anjeun teu méré kuring kasempetan
You can ask any one of the mandem now if I ever left ’em in the dark
– Anjeun bisa nanya ka salah sahiji mandem ayeuna lamun kuring kungsi ninggalkeun ‘ em di gelap
Whatever’s meant to be will be, I can’t turn back time or dwell on the past
– Naon bae anu dimaksud pikeun jadi bakal, kuring teu bisa ngahurungkeun deui waktu atawa cicing dina jaman baheula
But I sometimes wonder, “Could have I got this far without losin’ my dog?”
– Tapi kadang ku heran, “Naha kuring bisa meunangkeun ieu jauh tanpa losin’ anjing kuring?”
Drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you
– Drop-top, jeung éta teuas, mangka kuring ngarasa ‘ anjeun
I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood
– Kuring calmed handap, ngancik sabudeureun, anjeun nempatkeun kuring dina wanda a
Old house, windows down, but I’m still feelin’ you
– Imah heubeul, jandéla handap, tapi kuring masih ngarasa ‘ anjeun
Years passed, nothing changed, I’m still in love with you
– Taun kaliwat, euweuh robah, kuring masih bogoh ka anjeun
I don’t need nobody else, I just want you to myself, oh no
– Ku tak butuh seseorang, ku hanya ingin kau sendiri, oh no