Vidéo Klip
Yo, come on, Mitch, you know I gotta go
– Yo, hayu, Mitch, anjeun terang kuring kudu indit
Bring your motherfuckin’—
– Bawa indung anjeun’—
If it weren’t the UK, would’ve had a AK-47 with a hundred rounds
– Lamun ÉTA TEU INGGRIS, bakal geus MIBOGA AK-47 kalawan saratus rounds
Red carpet in my trackie and Air Max, they want a boy with a London style
– Karpét beureum dina trackie kuring Jeung Air Max, maranéhanana hayang budak jeung Gaya London
We ain’t got generational wealth, got a couple of mill’ for my unborn child
– Urang teu boga kabeungharan generasi, meunang sababaraha pabrik ‘ pikeun anak kuring anu can lahir
If I pay a man a hundred thousand pound, I can get man bun right in front of a crowd, uh
– Lamun kuring mayar hiji lalaki saratus sarébu pon, kuring bisa meunangkeun man bun katuhu di hareup riungan ,h
That’s GBP, the price go up if it’s USD
– Gpp, hargana naék lamun ÉTA USD
Better watch your words, I’ll get you X’d ’bout the shit you tweet (On God)
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…. jadi pengen nonton twitter nih….:)))))))))))
I told lil’ bro if it’s personal, he better jump out and do it on feet
– Kuring ngomong ka lil ‘ bro lamun éta pribadi, manéhna leuwih alus luncat kaluar jeung ngalakukeun hal eta dina suku
We got somethin’ in common with scuba divers, why? ‘Cause the guys in deep
– Urang meunang hal di umum jeung scuba divers, naha? Sabab guys di jero
If it weren’t the UK, would’ve had an AK, gang outside with a samurai sword
– Lamun ÉTA TEU INGGRIS, bakal geus KUNGSI AK, geng luar jeung pedang samurai
Nike Tech fleece with the Air Force 1, my ski mask on, but we don’t snowboard
– Nike tech fleece jeung Angkatan Udara 1, topeng ski kuring dina, tapi urang teu snowboard
Go on a glide, leave your phone at home, what’s wrong with these guys? They go and record
– Lepas tu, lepas tengok hp kat umah, apa salahnya dengan kawan-kawan ni? Maranéhanana indit jeung ngarekam
So distraught, we was broke as hell, well, until we broke the law
– Jadi bingung, urang ieu pegat salaku naraka, sumur, nepi ka urang pegat hukum
If I lived in Harlem, I would’ve been Mitch, them man would’ve been like Ace and snitched
– Lamun kuring cicing Di Harlem, kuring bakal Geus Mitch, aranjeunna lalaki bakal geus kawas Ace jeung snitched
If it was Oakland, I would’ve been a pimp
– Lamun Éta Oakland, kuring bakal geus pimp a
If it was 1930, North Carolina, I would’ve been Frank with the mink
– Lamun éta 1930, Karolina Kalér, kuring bakal Geus Jujur jeung mink
If the opps got nominated for the BRITs, would’ve went to the ceremony with sticks
– Lamun opps meunang nominasi Pikeun BRITs, bakal geus indit ka upacara jeung iteuk
And the G17 would’ve came with a switch
– Jeung G17 bakal geus datang jeung switch a
If it weren’t the UK, would’ve had a AK-47 with a hundred rounds
– Lamun ÉTA TEU INGGRIS, bakal geus MIBOGA AK-47 kalawan saratus rounds
Red carpet in my trackie and Air Max, they want a boy with a London style
– Karpét beureum dina trackie kuring Jeung Air Max, maranéhanana hayang budak jeung Gaya London
We ain’t got generational wealth, got a couple of mill’ for my unborn child
– Urang teu boga kabeungharan generasi, meunang sababaraha pabrik ‘ pikeun anak kuring anu can lahir
If I pay man a hundred thousand pound, I can get man bun right in front of a crowd, uh (Pussy)
– Lamun kuring mayar man saratus rebu pon, kuring bisa meunangkeun man bun katuhu di hareup riungan ,h (Pussy)
That’s GBP, the price go up if it’s USD (21)
– Gpp, harga naék lamun ÉTA USD (21)
Better watch your words, I’ll get you X’d ’bout the shit you tweet (On God)
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…. jadi pengen nonton twitter nih….:)))))))))))
I told lil’ bro if it’s personal, he better jump out and do it on feet (21)
– Kuring ngomong ka lil ‘ bro lamun éta pribadi, manéhna leuwih alus luncat kaluar jeung ngalakukeun hal eta dina suku (21)
We got somethin’ in common with scuba divers, why? ‘Cause the guys in deep
– Urang meunang hal di umum jeung scuba divers, naha? Sabab guys di jero
Latex gloves, I’m on a drill, watch ’em fall, Jack and Jill
– Sarung tangan Latex, abdi dina bor, lalajo ‘ em ragrag, Jack Jeung Jill
Up on the opps, seven to nil, Premier League, I’m in the field
– Dina opps, tujuh ka nol, Liga Utama, kuring di lapangan
Two things that you’ll never see is me run from an opp or a bitch in my will
– Dua hal anu anjeun moal ningali nyaéta kuring lumpat ti opp atanapi bitch dina wasiat kuring
Got day ones, and I’m with them still, fightin’ demons, swallowin’ pills
– Meunang poé, jeung kuring jeung maranehna masih, ngalawan setan, swallowing pél
I still want a deal with Nike (On God)
– Tapi Aku tetap nak Kawen Dengan Nike (Hehe)
I can’t get caught on no Ring, so I’m inside-outtin’ the shiesty (Straight up)
– Saya ga bisa ngeliatin cincinnya, jadi pengen ngeliatin cincinnya … hihihihi…
We go through the front door ’cause they gon’ tell when that back door shit get spicy (Rats)
– Urang ngaliwat panto hareup ‘sabab gon’ ngabejaan lamun nu shit panto tukang meunang lada (Beurit)
Internet beef, if I catch you in traffic, the fuck you gon’ do, nigga, type me? (Pussy)
– Sapi Internet, lamun kuring nyekel anjeun di lalulintas, nu fuck anjeun gon ‘ do, nigga, ngetik kuring? (Pussy)
I put this on God, I hit the bitch once, she already tryna be wifey (Damn)
– Kuring nempatkeun ieu Dina Allah, kuring pencét jalmi jalmi sakali, manéhna geus tryna jadi pamajikan (Damn)
I’m from the street and I got opps, I don’t got time to go sightsee (Damn)
– Kuring ti jalan jeung kuring meunang opps, kuring teu boga waktu pikeun buka sightsee (Damn)
Wake me up with head, put this in your purse and shut the fuck up if you like me (21)
– Bangun kuring nepi ka sirah, nunda ieu dina dompet anjeun sarta cicing fuck nepi lamun anjeun resep kuring (21)
I’ll fill up your closet with Birkins, buy you a wagon, and make sure you icy (Alright)
– Kuring bakal ngeusian lemari anjeun Sareng Birkins, mésér anjeun gerbong, sareng pastikeun anjeun beku (Henteu kunanaon)
Alright, if it weren’t the UK, would’ve had an AK-47 with a hundred rounds
– Tapi kalau TAK JADI UK, ak-47 bakal boga SARATUS puteran
Red carpet in my trackie and Air Max, they want a boy with a London style
– Karpét beureum dina trackie kuring Jeung Air Max, maranéhanana hayang budak jeung Gaya London
We ain’t got generational wealth, got a couple of mill’ for my unborn child
– Urang teu boga kabeungharan generasi, meunang sababaraha pabrik ‘ pikeun anak kuring anu can lahir
If I pay a man a hundred thousand pound, I can get man bun right in front of a crowd, uh (Pussy)
– Lamun kuring mayar hiji lalaki saratus rebu pon, kuring bisa meunangkeun man bun katuhu di hareup riungan ,h (Pussy)
That’s GBP, the price go up if it’s USD (21)
– Gpp, harga naék lamun ÉTA USD (21)
Better watch your words, I’ll get you X’d ’bout the shit you tweet (On God)
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh…. jadi pengen nonton twitter nih….:)))))))))))
I told lil’ bro if it’s personal, he better jump out and do it on feet (21)
– Kuring ngomong ka lil ‘ bro lamun éta pribadi, manéhna leuwih alus luncat kaluar jeung ngalakukeun hal eta dina suku (21)
We got somethin’ in common with scuba divers, why? ‘Cause the guys in deep
– Urang meunang hal di umum jeung scuba divers, naha? Sabab guys di jero