Vidéo Klip
No introduction needed, but girls still ask what my name is
– Teu perlu diwanohkeun, tapi budak awéwé masih nanya naon ngaran kuring
Tryna pretend they don’t know who Cee is, like
– Tryna pura-pura teu nyaho saha Cee, kawas
Like anytime I get on the mic, it don’t cover a hundred regions
– Kapan – kapan gw nginep di mc, jangan sampe nginep di sana … hehehe………..
Sweden, Norwegian, New Zealand, Australian, Arab, Armenian, even Asia and Indonesian
– Swédia, norwégia, Selandia Anyar, Australia, Arab, arménia, malah Asia jeung Indonésia
Spittin’ on beats on usin’ similes, but their lyrics ain’t got no meanin’
– Mengucapkan kalimat syahadat, tapi kalimat syahadat tidak ada makna
If we see blue lights and think that it’s cops, we’re not gonna stop, we’re breezin’
– Lamun urang ningali lampu biru jeung mikir yén éta pulisi, urang moal eureun, urang breezin’
Lock the lock, it won’t stop us schemin’, I lost FDot and it got me grievin’
– Ngonci konci, éta moal ngeureunkeun urang schemin’, kuring leungit FDot jeung eta ngagaduhan kuring grievin’
Posted by the convenience store with a pack of the raw, so it’s not convenient
– Posted by the convenience store with a pack of the raw, jadi teu merenah
I wanna live a simplistic life, but that’s unrealistic, right?
– Saya ingin hidup sederhana tapi tidak realistis kan?
I miss the times, two-man step, take one for the team and assist my guy
– Kuring sono waktu, dua-lalaki hambalan, nyandak hiji pikeun tim jeung mantuan guy kuring
God ain’t give me the gift to write, won’t lie, I been on a consistent grind
– Gusti teu masihan kuring kado nulis, moal bohong, kuring geus dina grinding konsisten
When I was broke, they didn’t wan’ talk, now I made it, they want me to give advice
– Nalika kuring bangkrut, aranjeunna henteu hoyong ‘ ngobrol, ayeuna kuring ngalakukeun éta, aranjeunna hoyong kuring masihan naséhat
Me and Ybeeez in matchin’ Rolls’, step out the store with two new Cullis
– Kuring Jeung Ybeeez di matchin ‘Rolls’, lengkah kaluar toko jeung dua cullis anyar
Stepped in the room and they feel my aura, that was before I had music money
– Stepped di kamar jeung maranehna ngarasa aura mah, nu ieu saméméh kuring kungsi duit musik
I came up with the bros, I post a throwback and the whole crew look bummy
– Kuring datang nepi ka bros, kuring masangkeun throwback jeung sakabeh awak kasampak bummy
Before man snaked me, I already saw it comin’, I clocked he was movin’ funny
– Saméméh man snaked kuring, kuring geus nempo eta comin’, kuring clocked manéhna movin ‘ lucu
Huh, no introduction needed, but girls still ask what my name is
– Huh, no bubuka diperlukeun, tapi katresna masih nanya naon ngaran mah
Tryna pretend they don’t know who Cee is, like
– Tryna pura-pura teu nyaho saha Cee, kawas
Like anytime I get on the mic, it don’t cover a hundred regions
– Kapan – kapan gw nginep di mc, jangan sampe nginep di sana … hehehe………..
Sweden, Norwegian, New Zealand, Australian, Arab, Armenian, even Asia
– Swédia, norwégia, Selandia Anyar, Australia, Arab, arménia, komo Asia
Sounds like a M16 when the engine starts
– Sora Kawas m16 lamun mesin dimimitian
Think you’re the shit, bitch? Turn on your whip, does your engine fart?
– Kau kacau kau, kacau? Ngahurungkeun cambuk anjeun, teu kentut engine anjeun?
Two left feet and I don’t have rhythm, but my chain and my pendant dance
– Dua kaki kénca jeung kuring teu boga wirahma, tapi ranté kuring jeung tarian liontin kuring
Life when you live in the ends is hard, the things that I seen make me question God, uh, alright
– Hirup lamun anjeun hirup di tungtung téh teuas, hal anu kuring katempo nyieun kuring patarosan Allah ,h, alright
I’m feelin’ pain, but I can’t complain, my life was harder before the fame
– Aku rasa sakit, tapi aku tak bisa menangis, hidupku lebih susah di depan mata
Lost some people along the way and I miss them bad when I contemplate
– Leungit sababaraha urang sapanjang jalan jeung kuring sono aranjeunna goréng lamun kuring mertimbangkeun
Shoot my shot and it’s wet like Steph, but I don’t play for the Golden State
– Tembak shot mah jeung éta baseuh kawas Steph, tapi kuring teu maén Keur Golden State
It’s bait that my bro got the poker tucked, he can’t even put on a poker face
– Ieu umpan nu bro mah meunang poker tucked, manéhna komo teu bisa nunda dina beungeut poker
What are these jokers on? They keep sendin’, but I don’t respond
– Naon ieu jokers on? Mereka tetap bertahan, tapi aku tidak menjawab
The big dot-dot ain’t little like Durk, it’s OTF like, “Long live Von”
– Nu big titik-titik teu saeutik kawas Durk, éta OTF kawas, “long live von”
The UK’s not what you see on films, bro’s in the block with the longest wand
– INGGRIS teu naon nu katingali dina pilem, bro di blok jeung tongkat pangpanjangna
Deathly hollows will fly out the chamber, bro try poke and hunt this don
– Deathly hollows bakal ngapung kaluar kamar, bro coba poke jeung moro don ieu
I hear them talkin’, seein’ the tweets, I’m seein’ the forums
– Kuring ngadéngé aranjeunna ngawangkong’, seein ‘the tweets, i’ m seein ‘ forum
Seein’ them mention everyone else but me like say that I’m not important
– Seein ‘ aranjeunna nyebutkeun dulur sejenna tapi kuring kawas nyebutkeun yén kuring teu penting
All of the moves that I make in America’s makin’ it easier for them
– Sadaya gerakan anu kuring lakukeun Di Amérika ngajantenkeun langkung gampang pikeun aranjeunna
First half of the year I done a hundred shows, you can see I been tourin’
– Satengah munggaran taun mah dipigawé saratus nempokeun, anjeun bisa nempo kuring geus tourin’
If it weren’t for the work that I put in in Paris, none of these guys would’ve gone to Europe
– Lamun éta teu keur karya nu kuring nunda Di Paris, taya sahiji guys ieu bakal geus indit Ka Éropa
The codeine mixin’ up with the Phenny, I fall asleep when I sip on syrup
– Kodein campur jeung Phenny, kuring murag saré lamun kuring sip dina sirup
Look in my eyes and see I been through it, come straight off a plane, get straight back to it
– Tingali dina panon kuring jeung ningali kuring geus ngaliwatan eta, datang lempeng off pesawat, meunang lempeng deui ka eta
She asked what my name is, tryna pretend she don’t know that I’m famous and already knew it, haha
– Dia tanya apa nama aku, tryna pura-pura manéhna teu nyaho yén kuring kawentar jeung geus nyaho eta, haha