Chris Tomlin – Holy Forever Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


– (Dialihkeun ti)
– (Dialihkeun ti)

A thousand generations falling down in worship
– Sarébu generasi nu ragrag dina ibadah
To sing the song of ages to the Lamb
– Pikeun nyanyi lagu umur Ka Domba
And all who’ve gone before us, and all who will believe
– Jeung sakabeh anu geus isro saméméh urang, jeung sakabeh anu bakal percaya
Will sing the song of ages to the Lamb
– Bakal nyanyi lagu umur Ka Domba

Your name is the highest
– Ngaran anjeun nu pangluhurna
Your name is the greatest
– Ngaran anjeun greatest
Your name stands above them all
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana
All thrones and dominions
– Sadaya tahta jeung dominions
All powers and positions
– Sadaya kakuatan jeung posisi
Your name stands above them all
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana

And the angels cry, “Holy”
– Jeung malaikat ceurik, ” Suci”
All creations cries, “Holy”
– Sadaya ciptaan ceurik, ” Suci”
You are lifted high, holy
– Anjeun diangkat luhur, suci
Holy forever
– Suci salawasna

If you’ve been forgiven, if you’ve been redeemed
– Lamun anjeun geus dihampura, lamun anjeun geus ditebus
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
– Nyanyi lagu salawasna Ka Domba
If you walk in freedom, if you bear His name
– Lamun anjeun leumpang di kabebasan, lamun anjeun mawa ngaranna
Sing the song forever to the Lamb
– Nyanyi lagu salawasna Ka Domba
We’ll sing the song forever and amen
– Urang bakal nyanyi lagu salawasna jeung amin

And the angels cry, “Holy”
– Jeung malaikat ceurik, ” Suci”
All creations cries, “Holy”
– Sadaya ciptaan ceurik, ” Suci”
You are lifted high, holy
– Anjeun diangkat luhur, suci
Holy forever
– Suci salawasna
Hear Your people sing, “Holy”
– Dengekeun jalma anjeun nyanyi, ” Suci”
To the King of kings, holy
– Pikeun Raja raja, suci
You will always be holy
– Anjeun bakal salawasna suci
Holy forever
– Suci salawasna

Your name is the highest
– Ngaran anjeun nu pangluhurna
Your name is the greatest
– Ngaran anjeun greatest
Your name stands above them all
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana
All thrones and dominion
– Sadaya tahta jeung dominion
All powers and positions
– Sadaya kakuatan jeung posisi
Your name stands above them all, Jesus
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana, Yesus
Your name is the highest
– Ngaran anjeun nu pangluhurna
Your name is the greatest
– Ngaran anjeun greatest
Your name stands above them all (Oh, stands above)
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana (Oh, nangtung di luhur)
All thrones and dominions
– Sadaya tahta jeung dominions
All powers and positions
– Sadaya kakuatan jeung posisi
Your name stands above them all
– Ngaran anjeun nangtung di luhur aranjeunna sadayana

And the angels cry, “Holy”
– Jeung malaikat ceurik, ” Suci”
All creations cries, “Holy”
– Sadaya ciptaan ceurik, ” Suci”
You are lifted high, holy
– Anjeun diangkat luhur, suci
Holy forever (We cry, “Holy forever”)
– Suci salawasna (Urang ceurik, ” Suci salawasna”)
Hear Your people sing, “Holy” (We will sing)
– Dengekeun jalma anjeun nyanyi, “Suci” (urang bakal nyanyi)
To the King of kings, (Holy) holy (Holy forever)
– Pikeun Raja raja, (Suci) suci (suci salawasna)
You will always be holy
– Anjeun bakal salawasna suci
Holy forever
– Suci salawasna

You will always be holy
– Anjeun bakal salawasna suci
Holy forever
– Suci salawasna

Chris Tomlin



