Christmas Songs – Frosty The Snowman Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul
– Frosty nu snowman ieu jiwa senang senang
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
– Jeung pipa jagong jeung irung tombol
And two eyes made out of coal
– Jeung dua panon dijieun tina batubara
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale, they say
– Frosty the snowman nyaéta dongéng, ceuk maranehna
He was made of snow but the children know
– Manéhna dijieun tina salju tapi barudak nyaho
How he came to life one day
– Kumaha anjeunna hirup hiji dinten
There must have been some magic in
– Pasti aya sababaraha magic di
That old silk hat they found
– Topi sutra heubeul nu kapanggih
For when they placed it on his head
– Pikeun nalika aranjeunna nempatkeun eta dina sirah na
He began to dance around
– Manéhna mimiti nari
Oh, Frosty the snowman
– Oh, Frosty nu snowman
Was alive as he could be
– Ieu hirup sakumaha anjeunna bisa jadi
And the children say he could laugh and play
– Jeung barudak nyebutkeun manéhna bisa seuri jeung maén
Just the same as you and me
– Sarua jeung anjeun jeung kuring

Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Look at Frosty go
– Tingali frosty indit
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Over the hills of snow
– Di luhur bukit salju

Ooh Frosty the snowman
– Ooh Frosty nu snowman
Knew the sun was hot that day
– Nyaho panonpoé panas poé éta
So he said, “Let’s run and we’ll have some fun
– Jadi manéhna ngomong, ” Hayu urang lumpat jeung urang bakal boga sababaraha fun
Now before I melt away.”
– Ayeuna saméméh kuring ngalembereh jauh.”
Down to the village
– Turun ka désa
With a broomstick in his hand
– Jeung sapu dina leungeun-na
Running here and there all around the square
– Ngajalankeun di dieu jeung aya sakuliah alun alun
Saying “catch me if you can!”
– Nyebutkeun ” nyekel kuring lamun anjeun bisa!”
He led them down the streets of town
– Manéhna mingpin maranéhna turun jalan kota
Right to the traffic cop
– Hak pikeun pulisi lalulintas
And he only paused a moment when
– Jeung manéhna ngan eureun momen lamun
He heard him holler “Stop!”
– Manéhna ngadéngé manéhna ngagorowok ” Eureun!”
Oh, Frosty the snowman
– Oh, Frosty nu snowman
Had to hurry on his way
– Kudu buru buru dina jalanna
But he waved goodbye, saying
– Tapi manéhna waved pamit, nyebutkeun
“Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again someday.”
– “Ulah ceurik, kuring bakal balik deui hiji poé.”

Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Look at Frosty go
– Tingali frosty indit
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Thumpety thump thump
– Thumpét thump thump
Over the hills of snow!
– Di luhur bukit salju!

Christmas Songs



