Vidéo Klip
And for whatever It’s worth, I’m the last man on Earth
– Jeung pikeun naon Bae éta patut, kami lalaki panungtungan Di Bumi
Who’ll ever love you the way I love you?
– Saha anu bakal cinta anjeun cara kuring bogoh ka anjeun?
And we both done our dirt, I don’t want you to hurt
– Jeung urang duanana dipigawé kokotor urang, kuring teu hayang anjeun menyakiti
Don’t think I don’t love you, I still do-ooh
– Aku tak sayang kau, tapi aku tetap sayang kau-ooh
But, you say you love me and then the wind blows and now you don’t know
– Tapi, anjeun nyebutkeun anjeun bogoh ka kuring lajeng angin blows jeung ayeuna anjeun teu nyaho
You changed your mind for no reason
– Anjeun ngarobah pikiran anjeun tanpa alesan
One day you’ll want me, but It’ll be too late ’cause I’ll be long gone
– Hiji poé anjeun bakal hayang kuring, tapi bakal telat ‘ sabab kuring bakal lila isro
And I won’t be here when that breeze comes
– Jeung kuring moal di dieu lamun angin nu datang
I don’t really want to end this way, but
– Saya tidak ingin memutuskan cara ini, tapi
Isn’t really much else to say, but I’m sorry
– Tak banyak lagi nak cakap tapi sorry
Never once did you say how lucky you were to have me
– Pernah sakali anjeun ngomong kumaha untung anjeun boga kuring
Never once did you say that I ever made you happy
– Pernah sakali anjeun ngomong yén kuring kungsi dijieun anjeun senang
Only how miserable you were
– Ngan kumaha hanjelu anjeun
God, why do I feel so invisible to her?
– Gusti, naha kuring ngarasa jadi halimunan ka dirina?
She don’t even see me, I feel inferior
– Dia tak melihatku, ku merasa dirinya
Her beauty is exterior, mine’s interior, yet here we are
– Kaéndahan nya luar, interior milik urang, acan di dieu urang
Toxic for each other and still, we stay together
– Racun pikeun silih jeung masih, urang cicing babarengan
Boxin’ one another until
– Boxin ‘ hiji sejen nepi ka
One of us gives, It’s no way to live
– Salah sahiji urang méré, Éta teu cara hirup
One day I’ma blow away like the wind
– Hiji poé kuring niup jauh kawas angin
Why do I stay in the state that I’m in? I’m a nervous wreck, I don’t deserve this
– Ku naon kuring cicing di nagara nu kuring di? Abdi bangkai saraf, kuring teu pantes ieu
No respect, I get these urges to hurt myself on purpose
– Teu hormat, kuring meunang dorongan ieu menyakiti sorangan dina tujuan
I can’t take it, I lay awake at night, shakin’
– Ku tak bisa, ku terjaga di malam, shakin’
I can’t fake it, It’s pure hatred I feel
– Ku tak bisa menipu, hate yang ku rasa
I wanna break shit, my self esteem’s so low, I ain’t shit
– Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha……….. aku tak kacau diri sendiri………..
I’ve ate shit for so long, I can’t even taste it
– Udah lama banget makan, tapi gak bisa ngerasain
And face it, ain’t shit changin’, so, so-long
– Hahahaha … jadi gak berani menghadapinya … hahaha …
I’m standin’ at the door with my coat on
– Kuring nangtung di panto jeung jas kuring dina
You scream, “No, wait, hold on
– Anjeun ngagorowok, ” Teu, tungguan, tahan
Don’t leave, I don’t wanna be lonely, no, oh, God”
– Ulah ninggalkeun, kuring teu hayang jadi sepi, teu, oh, Allah”
Nah, baby, I’m gone, find another sucker to dote on
– Waduh, jadi pengen kesana lagi … hihihi
You, hand and foot, I’m ’bout to float on
– Anjeun, leungeun jeung suku, kaula ‘ bout ka ngambang dina
One minute you want me and the next minute you don’t, I’m
– Hiji menit anjeun hoyong kuring jeung menit saterusna anjeun teu, kami
Breakin’ up for the last time, I’m out the door (I’m, I’m)
– Hahaha……….. aku jadi ngiler pengen kesana….:)))))))))))
You say you love me and then the wind blows and now you don’t know
– Anjeun nyebutkeun anjeun bogoh ka kuring lajeng angin blows jeung ayeuna anjeun teu nyaho
You changed your mind for no reason
– Anjeun ngarobah pikiran anjeun tanpa alesan
One day you’ll want me, but It’ll be too late ’cause I’ll be long gone
– Hiji poé anjeun bakal hayang kuring, tapi bakal telat ‘ sabab kuring bakal lila isro
And I won’t be here when that breeze comes
– Jeung kuring moal di dieu lamun angin nu datang
I don’t really want to end this way, but
– Saya tidak ingin memutuskan cara ini, tapi
Isn’t really much else to say, but I’m sorry
– Tak banyak lagi nak cakap tapi sorry
I feel cold enough to cry, icicles, I guess this is goodbye
– Wahhh jadi pengen nangis nangis, hehehe … jadi pengen nangis nih … hehehe
Dry your sniffles, yeah, a tear trickles down your face
– Garing sniffles anjeun, hehehehe, hiji cimata trickles handap beungeut anjeun
Well, here’s tissues, I’m not tryna be vicious
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh……….. saya gak jadi tryna nih….
Or vindictive, I ain’t tryna inflict any more pain
– Tapi aku tak tryna lagi menghindari kesedihan
I’ve been sick to my stomach with this
– Kuring geus gering ka beuteung kuring jeung ieu
I didn’t want it to, but I knew it was comin’ to this
– Kuring teu hayang eta, tapi kuring terang eta ieu datang ka ieu
Sooner or later, better sooner than later, better late than never
– Sooner atawa saterusna, leuwih alus sooner ti saterusna, leuwih alus telat ti kungsi
I know you think it’s gonna rain forever
– Kuring nyaho anjeun pikir éta bakal hujan salawasna
But it will get better, it does, eventually, It’s just
– Tapi bakal jadi leuwih alus, eta teu, pamustunganana, éta ngan
It can’t go back to the way it was, ’cause the way it was
– Teu bisa balik deui ka jalan éta, ‘ sabab jalan éta
It just wasn’t cuttin’ it, maybe ’cause
– Ieu ngan teu motong ‘eta, meureun’ sabab
You ever to stop to think, dead in the middle of all this craziness
– Anjeun kantos eureun mikir, maot di tengah sadaya craziness ieu
It was two good people who just turned evil
– Ieu dua jalma alus anu ngan ngancik jahat
Together, the combination’s just lethal, It’s us
– Kombinasi ini cuma mati, kita
Nah, maybe not, ’cause I wouldn’t treat an enemy like you treat me
– Nah, meureun henteu, ‘ sabab kuring moal ngubaran musuh kawas anjeun ngubaran kuring
Maybe that’s why this is so easy?
– Meureun éta naha ieu jadi gampang?
Almost too easy, I say the truth ’cause it frees me, squeeze me, baby
– Hampir terlalu mudah, ku ucapkan kebenaran karena mereka membebasku, membebasku, sayang
One last time before I leave because I know
– Hiji waktu panungtungan saméméh kuring ninggalkeun sabab kuring nyaho
I’m never gonna hold you again
– Ku tak akan pernah bertahan lagi
Who would’ve knew we’d come to such a tumultuous end?
– Saha anu bakal terang urang bakal datang ka tungtung sapertos tumultuous?
And something like this, I hope we never go through again
– Jeung hal kawas ieu, kuring miharep urang pernah balik ngaliwatan deui
But there will be no hatred to blow through my pen
– Tapi moal aya hate pikeun niup ngaliwatan kalam kuring
‘Cause one thing I won’t do is insult you again
– Sabab hiji hal anu kuring moal ngalakukeun nyaéta ngahina anjeun deui
This is only a note, it’s like an ode to an old friend, I’m blowin’ in the wind
– Ieu ngan hiji catetan, éta kawas hiji ode ka sobat heubeul, kuring blowing ‘ dina angin
And for whatever It’s worth, I’m the last man on Earth
– Jeung pikeun naon Bae éta patut, kami lalaki panungtungan Di Bumi
Who’ll ever love you the way I love you?
– Saha anu bakal cinta anjeun cara kuring bogoh ka anjeun?
And we both done our dirt, I don’t want you to hurt
– Jeung urang duanana dipigawé kokotor urang, kuring teu hayang anjeun menyakiti
Don’t think I don’t love you, I still do-ooh
– Aku tak sayang kau, tapi aku tetap sayang kau-ooh
But, you say you love me and then the wind blows and now you don’t know
– Tapi, anjeun nyebutkeun anjeun bogoh ka kuring lajeng angin blows jeung ayeuna anjeun teu nyaho
You changed your mind for no reason
– Anjeun ngarobah pikiran anjeun tanpa alesan
One day you’ll want me, but It’ll be too late ’cause I’ll be long gone
– Hiji poé anjeun bakal hayang kuring, tapi bakal telat ‘ sabab kuring bakal lila isro
And I won’t be here when that breeze comes
– Jeung kuring moal di dieu lamun angin nu datang
I don’t really want to end this way, but
– Saya tidak ingin memutuskan cara ini, tapi
Isn’t really much else to say, but I’m sorry
– Tak banyak lagi nak cakap tapi sorry
I’m sorry, I don’t really wanna hurt you
– Maaf, ku tak ingin menyakiti mu
All I can say is I’m sorry, you know that I’m sorry
– Yang bisa ku ucapkan hapunten, anjeun terang yén kuring hapunten
I’m sorry, I don’t really wanna hurt you
– Maaf, ku tak ingin menyakiti mu
All I can say is I’m sorry
– Yang bisa ku ucapkan hampura
