Vidéo Klip
In my head it’s like I got two fuckin’ beats goin’ at once (Woo)
– Dina sirah kuring éta kawas kuring meunang dua fucking ‘beats goin’ sakaligus (Woo)
Like two chicks in a tug-of-war tryna compete for my love
– Kawas dua chicks dina tug-of-perang tryna bersaing pikeun cinta abdi
I tell ’em, “Stop bein’ jealous, I love you each just as much”
– Kuring ngabejaan ’em, ” Eureun bein ‘ jealous, abdi bogoh ka anjeun unggal sagampil loba”
Until one of them tells me that I’ma never be what I was
– Walaupun aku tak pernah jadi apa yang aku
Other one just called me a bitch and said I’m not evil no more
– Lain ngan disebut kuring hiji bitch jeung ceuk kuring teu jahat euweuh deui
Like, I don’t see what they’re doin’, they’re tryna get me to kill ’em
– Kawas, kuring teu ningali naon anu maranehna ngalakonan’ ,aranjeunna tryna meunang kuring maehan ‘ em
B-B-B-Beefin’ with them is probably the least of my worries
– B-B-B-Beefin ‘ jeung maranehna meureun nu saeutikna tina worries mah
Got people screamin’ I suck, you think the old me is better?
– Naha jalma-jalma ngajerit, kuring nyedot, anjeun pikir kuring anu lami langkung saé?
Shit, I take that bleach blonde, wannabe 2Pac, little fake wigger, fuckin’
– Sial, kuring nyokot nu bleach pirang, wannabe 2Pac, saeutik palsu wigger, fucking’
Douchebag and strangle him up with his durag for thinkin’ he’s tough
– Douchebag jeung strangle anjeunna nepi jeung durag-na pikeun pamikiran ‘ manéhna tangguh
But havin’ him taped up with duct, his two hands and ankles and fucked Through his pants and raped in the butt with broom handles ain’t good enough
– Tapi ngabogaan manéhna taped nepi jeung saluran, dua leungeun jeung ankles sarta fucked Ngaliwatan calana sarta diperkosa di burit jeung cecekelan sapu teu cukup alus
Who has the painkillers? ‘Cause as soon as I dangle them, stuff
– Saha nu boga obat nyeri? Sabab pas kuring dangle aranjeunna, hal
A few down his trachea, sucks, it’s too bad it came to this, but
– Sedih banget sih, tapi terlalu sedih banget, tapi
The motherfuckin’ handkerchief, and them stupid ass fingerless gloves
– The motherfuckin ‘ saputangan, sarta aranjeunna burit bodo sarung fingerless
When I was him, I couldn’t stand him, I’ve always hated his guts
– Nalika kuring éta anjeunna, kuring teu bisa nangtung anjeunna, kuring geus salawasna hated guts na
Fuckin’ bitch
– Kacau kacau
Ayo, Dre, this does sound like some vintage shit though
– Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,, ieu sora kawas sababaraha shit vintage sanajan
Fuck it
– Fuck eta
Let’s make ’em harken back to the days when all that mattered
– Hayu urang nyieun ‘ em harken deui ka poé lamun sagala nu penting
Was Dre and Marshall Mathers, no breaks to slaughter gas
– Dre Jeung Marshall Mathers, teu ngarecah pikeun meuncit gas
Because they are talkin’ crap like we’re ancient artifacts
– Sabab maranéhanana anu ngawangkong ‘ crap kawas urang artefak kuna
But the fact that you suck and all of you ain’t shit are the facts
– Tapi kanyataan yén anjeun nyedot jeung sakabéh anjeun teu shit nu fakta
But this ain’t retarded rap, so your brain don’t know how to act
– Tapi ieu teu rap retarded, jadi otak anjeun teu nyaho kumaha meta
What’s good for you’s bad for you, like what cures AIDS causes cancer
– Naon alus pikeun anjeun goréng pikeun anjeun, kawas naon cures aids ngabalukarkeun kanker
Now scream loud as you can (Ah), shorty, wow, you look bad, amazing
– Ayeuna ceurik nyaring anjeun bisa (Ah), shorty, wow, anjeun kasampak goréng, endah pisan
A human labyrinth, slow down just a tad
– A labyrinth manusa, ngalambatkeun turun ngan tad a
But it’s too bananas, this club is too damn rowdy, you can’t
– Tapi pisang, klub ieu teuing damn rowdy, anjeun teu bisa
It’s 2 AM, how do you stand after the lucid absinthe?, a bag
– 2 AM, kumaha anjeun nangtung sanggeus absinthe lucid?, hiji kantong
Of cool ranch and Mountain Dew cans, I’m actually proud of you, man
– Ti cool ranch jeung Gunung Dew kaléng, kuring sabenerna reueus anjeun, lalaki
This is place is— place is too amped like food stamps that’s out of my hands
– Ieu tempat téh tempat teuing amped kawas perangko dahareun éta kaluar tina leungeun kuring
‘Cause I don’t hold food stamps any more, place is too amped
– Karena ku tak tahan makanan stamps deui, tempat teuing amped
Shout to the stans
– Ceurik ka stans
Rest of y’all, eat a dick, you say nothin’, jumps out at you
– Sésana y ‘all, dahar dick a, anjeun nyebutkeun nothing’, jumps kaluar di anjeun
How ’bout if I jump out the speaker and beat the fuck out of you then?
– Kumaha ‘ bout lamun kuring luncat kaluar speaker jeung ngéléhkeun fuck kaluar anjeun lajeng?
