Vidéo Klip
– Mm-mm-mm-mm
Let me talk to ’em
– Hayu atuh ngobrol jeung ‘ em
Let me talk to ’em
– Hayu atuh ngobrol jeung ‘ em
Let it rain, mm-mm-mm
– Hujan, mm-mm-mm
Let me talk to ’em
– Hayu atuh ngobrol jeung ‘ em
– C ‘ mon
Shawty had them apple bottom jeans (jeans)
– Shawty geus eta apple jeans handap (jeans)
Boots with the fur (with the fur)
– Sapatu jeung bulu (jeung bulu)
The whole club was lookin’ at her
– Kabéh klub ieu nempo nya
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps (with the straps)
– Maranéhanana calana kesang baggy jeung Reeboks jeung straps (jeung straps)
She turned around and gave that big booty a slap (hey)
– Manéhna ngahurungkeun sabudeureun jeung méré nu booty badag hiji slap (hey)
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Hey, I ain’t never seen nothin’ that’ll make me go
– Aku tak pernah melihat apa-apa yang akan membuat ku bertahan
This crazy all night, spending my dough
– Ieu gila sadaya peuting, belanja adonan mah
Had the million dollar vibe and a body to go
– Boga geter juta dollar jeung awak pikeun indit
Them birthday cakes, they stole the show
– Maranéhanana jajan ulang, maranéhanana salempang acara
So sexual
– Jadi seksual
She was flexible, professional
– Manéhna fleksibel, profésional
Drinkin’ X and O
– Nginum X Jeung O
Hold up wait a minute, do I see what I think I-, whoa
– Sabar ye… tengok apa yang aku rasa … hehe
Did her thing, I seen shawty get low
– Naha hal nya, kuring katempo shawty meunang low
Ain’t the same when it’s up that close
– Teu sarua lamun éta nepi nu deukeut
Make it rain, I’m makin’ it snow
– Hujan, ku buat salju
Work the pole, I got the bankroll
– Gawe kutub, kuring meunang bankroll nu
I’ma say that I prefer the no clothes
– Tapi aku lebih suka kalau takde baju
I’m into that, I love women exposed
– Kuring kana éta, kuring bogoh awewe kakeunaan
She threw it back at me, I gave her more
– Manéhna threw deui ka kuring, kuring méré nya leuwih
Cash ain’t a problem, I know where it go
– Duit tunai bukan masalah, ku tahu kemana
She had them apple bottom jeans (jeans)
– Manéhna geus eta apple jeans handap (jeans)
Boots with the fur (with the fur)
– Sapatu jeung bulu (jeung bulu)
The whole club was lookin’ at her
– Kabéh klub ieu nempo nya
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps (with the straps)
– Maranéhanana calana kesang baggy jeung Reeboks jeung straps (jeung straps)
She turned around and gave that big booty a slap (ayy)
– Manéhna ngahurungkeun sabudeureun jeung méré nu booty badag hiji slap (ayy)
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Hey, shawty, what I gotta do to get you home?
– Hahaha … kena buat ape kat umah kak?
My jeans filled with guap and they ready for shones
– Jeans kuring ngeusi guap jeung maranéhna siap pikeun shones
Cadillacs, Maybachs for the sexy grown
– Cadillacs, Maybachs pikeun seksi dipelak
Patron on the rocks that’ll make your moan
– Patron dina batu nu bakal nyieun moan anjeun
One stack c’mon, two stacks c’mon, three stacks c’mon
– Hiji tumpukan c’ mon, dua tumpukan c ‘mon, tilu tumpukan c’ mon
Now that’s three grand
– Ayeuna éta tilu grand
What you think I’m playin’? Baby-girl, I’m the man
– Naon anu anjeun pikir kuring maén? Baby-girl, abdi lalaki
I invented rubber bands
– Kuring nimukeun pita karét
That’s what I told her, her legs on my shoulders
– Éta naon atuh ka dirina, suku nya dina taktak mah
I knew it was over
– Kuring terang eta leuwih
That Henny and Cola got me like a soldier
– Nu Henny Jeung Cola meunang kuring kawas prajurit a
She ready for Rover, I couldn’t control her
– Manéhna siap Pikeun Rover, kuring teu bisa ngadalikeun nya
So lucky, oh, me, I was just like a clover
– Nasib baik aku sorang je kot
Shawty was hot like a toaster
– Shawty panas kawas toaster a
Sorry, but I had to fold her
– Hampura, tapi kuring kungsi tilepan nya
Like a pornography poster, she showed her
– Saperti poster pornografi, manéhna némbongkeun manéhna
Apple bottom jeans (jeans)
– Apple handap jeans (jeans)
Boots with the fur (with the fur)
– Sapatu jeung bulu (jeung bulu)
The whole club was lookin’ at her
– Kabéh klub ieu nempo nya
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps (with the straps)
– Maranéhanana calana kesang baggy jeung Reeboks jeung straps (jeung straps)
She turned around and gave that big booty a slap (hey)
– Manéhna ngahurungkeun sabudeureun jeung méré nu booty badag hiji slap (hey)
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Whoa, shawty, yeah she was worth the money
– Whoa, shawty, hehehehe manéhna patut duit
Lil’ mama took my cash
– Lil ‘ mama nyandak tunai abdi
And I ain’t want it back
– Dan ku tak ingin kembali
The way she bent that back
– Cara manéhna bent nu deui
Got all them paper stacks
– Meunangkeun sakabéh éta tumpukan kertas
Tattoo above her crack
– Tattoo luhur retakan nya
I had to handle that
– Kuring kudu nanganan éta
I was on it, sexy woman
– Kuring di dinya, awéwé seksi
Let me showin’, and make me want it
– Hayu atuh showin’, jeung nyieun kuring hayang eta
Two in the morning, I’m zoned in
– Pagi-pagi, ku titipkan
Them Rosay bottles foaming
– Maranéhanana Botol Rosay foaming
She wouldn’t stop, made it drop
– Manéhna teu eureun, dijieun eta turun
Shawty did that pop and lock
– Shawty ngalakukeun éta pop jeung konci
Had to break her off that guap
– Kudu megatkeun nya off guap nu
Gal was fly just like my Glock
– Gal ieu ngapung kawas Glock abdi
Apple bottom jeans (jeans)
– Apple handap jeans (jeans)
Boots with the fur (with the fur)
– Sapatu jeung bulu (jeung bulu)
The whole club was lookin’ at her
– Kabéh klub ieu nempo nya
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
– Shawty meunang handap, low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
Them baggy sweat pants and the Reeboks with the straps (with the straps)
– Maranéhanana calana kesang baggy jeung Reeboks jeung straps (jeung straps)
She turned around and gave that big booty a slap (hey)
– Manéhna ngahurungkeun sabudeureun jeung méré nu booty badag hiji slap (hey)
She hit the floor (she hit the floor)
– Manéhna pencét lantai (manéhna pencét lantai)
Next thing you know
– Hal saterusna anjeun nyaho
Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low (c’mon)
– Shawty meunang low, low, low, low, low, low ,low, low (c ‘ mon)