Immortal Technique – Dance with the Devil Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


I once knew a nigga whose real name was William
– Kuring sakali terang hiji nigga anu ngaran nyata Ieu William
His primary concern was makin’ a million
– Perhatosan utamina nya éta makin ‘ a million
Bein’ the illest hustler that the world ever seen
– Jadi hustler illest nu dunya kungsi katempo
He used to fuck movie stars and sniff coke in his dreams
– Manéhna dipaké pikeun fuck béntang pilem jeung sniff coke dina impian na
A corrupted young mind at the age of 13
– Hiji pikiran ngora anu rusak dina yuswa 13 taun
Nigga never had a father and his mom was a fiend
– Nigga teu kungsi boga bapa jeung indungna éta setan a
She put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober
– Manéhna nunda pipa handap, tapi pikeun unggal taun manéhna sober
Her son’s heart simultaneously grew colder
– Haté anakna sakaligus beuki tiis
He started hangin’ out, sellin’ bags in the projects
– Manéhna mimiti nongkrong, ngajual kantong dina proyék-proyék
Checkin’ the young chicks, lookin’ for hit-and-run prospects
– Checkin ‘ the chicks young, néangan prospek hit-na-lari
He was fascinated by material objects
– Manéhna resep kana barang barang material
But he understood money never bought respect
– Tapi manéhna dipikaharti duit kungsi meuli hormat
He built a reputation, ’cause he could hustle and steal
– Manéhna ngawangun reputasi ,sabab manéhna bisa hustle jeung maok
But got locked once and didn’t hesitate to squeal
– Tapi sakali dikonci jeung teu ragu ragu pikeun squeal
So criminals he chilled with didn’t think he was real
– Jadi penjahat manéhna chilled kalawan teu mikir manéhna nyata
You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal
– Anjeun ningali, kuring jeung niggas kawas ieu geus pernah sarua
I don’t project my insecurities on other people
– Kuring teu proyéksi insecurities kuring dina jalma séjén
He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles
– Manéhna fied pikeun prop kawas addicts kalawan pipa jeung jarum
And so he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil
– Jadi manéhna ngarasa kudu ngabuktikeun ka kabéh jalma yén manéhna jahat
A feeble-minded young man with infinite potential
– Hiji lalaki ngora lemah-minded kalawan poténsi sajajalan
The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental
– Produk tina ghetto-dipelak mental kapitalis
Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed
– Ku kabeneran turun ti sakola pikeun ngajual jukut
Dancin’ with the Devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed
– Dancin ‘ jeung Iblis, smoked dugi panon-na bakal ngaluarkeun getih
But he was sick of sellin’ trees and gave in to his greed
– Tapi manéhna bosen ngajual tangkal jeung nyerah ka kasatiaan-na

Everyone tryin’ to be trife, never face the consequences
– Semuanya mencoba jadi trife, pernah nyanghareupan konsékuansi
You probably only did a month for minor offenses
– Anjeun meureun ngan teu sabulan pikeun nyinggung minor
Ask a nigga doin’ life if he had another chance
– Tanya hiji nigga doin ‘ hirup lamun manéhna kungsi kasempetan sejen
But then again, there’s always the wicked that knew in advance
– Tapi lagi-lagi, selalu ada yang jahat yang tahu di depan
Dance forever with the Devil on a cold cell block
– Tari salawasna Jeung Iblis dina blok sél tiis
But that’s what happens when you rape, murder, and sell rock
– Tapi éta naon kajadian lamun anjeun perkosa, rajapati, jeung ngajual batu
Devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top
– Iblis dipaké pikeun jadi malaikat Allah nu murag ti luhur
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Teu aya keragaman sabab urang ngaduruk dina pot lebur

So Billy started robbin’ niggas, anything he could do
– Jadi Billy mimiti robbin ‘ niggas, nanaon manéhna bisa ngalakukeun
To get his respect back in the eyes of his crew
– Pikeun meunangkeun hormat deui dina panon awakna
Startin’ fights over little shit up on the block
– Startin ‘ perang leuwih saeutik shit nepi dina blok
Stepped up to sellin’ mothers and brothers the crack rock
– Ngentot dengan mama dan adik-adik sambil ngentot
Workin’ overtime for makin’ money for the crack spot
– Kerja lembur pikeun nyieun duit pikeun tempat retakan
Hit the jackpot and wanted to move up to cocaine
– Hit jackpot jeung hayang pindah nepi ka kokain
Fulfillin’ the Scarface fantasy stuck in his brain
– Minuhan fantasi Scarface nyangkut dina uteuk-na
Tired of the block niggas treatin’ him the same
– Lelah ku blok niggas ngubaran manéhna sarua
He wanted to be major like the cut throats and the thugs
– Manéhna hayang jadi mayor kawas cut throats jeung preman
But when he tried to step to ’em, niggas showed him no love
– Tapi nalika anjeunna diusahakeun lengkah ka ‘ em, niggas némbongkeun anjeunna euweuh cinta
They told him any motherfuckin’ coward can sell drugs
– Maranéhanana ngawartoskeun manéhna nu mana wae nu motherfuckin ‘ pengecut bisa ngajual ubar
Any bitch nigga with a gun can bust slugs
– Sakur bitch nigga kalawan gun bisa bust slugs
Any nigga with a red shirt can front like a Blood
– Sakur negro kalawan kaos beureum bisa hareup kawas Getih
Even Puffy smoked a motherfucker up in the club
– Malah Puffy ngaroko hiji motherfucker nepi di klub
But only a real thug can stab someone ’til they die
– Tapi ngan hiji preman nyata bisa ditusuk batur ‘ dugi aranjeunna maot
Standin’ in front of them, starin’ straight into their eyes
– Nangtung ‘di hareupeun aranjeunna, starin’ lempeng kana panon maranéhanana
Billy realized that these men were well-guarded
– Billy sadar yén lalaki ieu dijaga kalayan hadé
And they wanted to test him before business started
– Sarta maranéhna hayang nguji manéhna saméméh bisnis dimimitian
Suggested rapin’ a bitch to prove he was cold-hearted
– Ngasongkeun rapin ‘ a bitch ngabuktikeun manéhna tiis-hearted
So now he had a choice between goin’ back to his life
– Jadi ayeuna manéhna geus pilihan antara balik deui ka hirupna
Or makin’ money with made men up in the cyph’
– Atawa nyieun duit jeung lalaki dijieun nepi di cyph nu
His dreams about cars and ice made him agree
– Impian-impianana ngeunaan mobil jeung és ngajadikeun manéhna satuju
A hardcore nigga is all he ever wanted to be
– Negro hardcore téh sagalana manéhna kungsi hayang jadi
And so he met them Friday night at a quarter to three
– Jadi manéhna papanggih jeung maranéhna jumaah peuting dina saparapat nepi ka tilu

Everyone tryin’ to be trife, never face the consequences
– Semuanya mencoba jadi trife, pernah nyanghareupan konsékuansi
You probably only did a month for minor offenses
– Anjeun meureun ngan teu sabulan pikeun nyinggung minor
Ask a nigga doin’ life if he had another chance
– Tanya hiji nigga doin ‘ hirup lamun manéhna kungsi kasempetan sejen
But then again, there’s always the wicked that knew in advance
– Tapi lagi-lagi, selalu ada yang jahat yang tahu di depan
Dance forever with the Devil on a cold cell block
– Tari salawasna Jeung Iblis dina blok sél tiis
But that’s what happens when you rape, murder, and sell rock
– Tapi éta naon kajadian lamun anjeun perkosa, rajapati, jeung ngajual batu
Devils used to be God’s angels that fell from the top
– Iblis dipaké pikeun jadi malaikat Allah nu murag ti luhur
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Teu aya keragaman sabab urang ngaduruk dina pot lebur

They drove around the projects slow while it was rainin’
– Maranéhna ngajalankeun proyék proyék éta lalaunan bari hujan’
Smokin’ blunts, drinkin’ and jokin’ for entertainment
– Smokin ‘blunts, inuman’ jeung jokin ‘ pikeun hiburan
Until they saw a woman on the street, walkin’ alone
– Nepi ka maranéhna nempo hiji awéwé di jalan, leumpang ‘ nyalira
Three in the mornin’, comin’ back from work, on her way home
– Tilu isuk-isuk, datang deui ti pagawean, dina jalan ka imah
And so they quietly got out the car and followed her
– Jadi maranéhna cicingeun kaluar tina mobil jeung nuturkeun manéhna
Walkin’ through the projects, the darkness swallowed her
– Leumpang ngaliwatan proyék, gelap swallowed nya
They wrapped her shirt around her head and knocked her onto the floor
– Maranéhna ngabungkus kaosna tuluy ngagulingkeun manéhna ka lantai
“This is it, kid, now you got your chance to be raw”
– “Ieu eta, kid, ayeuna anjeun ngagaduhan kasempetan anjeun jadi atah”
So Billy yoked her up and grabbed the chick by the hair
– Jadi Billy yoked nya nepi jeung grabbed chick ku bulu
And dragged her into a lobby that had nobody there
– Jeung nyeret nya kana lobi nu teu boga saha aya
She struggled hard, but they forced her to go up the stairs
– Manéhna bajoang pisan, tapi maranéhna maksa manéhna naek tangga
They got to the roof and then held her down on the ground
– Maranéhna nepi ka hateup imah tuluy nahan manéhna ka handap
Screamin’, “Shut the fuck up, and stop movin’ around!”
– Ceurik, “Tutup fuck nepi, jeung eureun movin’ sabudeureun!”
The shirt covered her face, but she screamed and clawed
– Kaosna nutupan beungeutna, tapi manéhna ceurik jeung cakar
So Billy stomped on the bitch until he’d broken her jaw
– Jadi Billy trampled dina bitch dugi anjeunna kungsi pegat rahang nya
The dirty bastards knew exactly what they were doin’
– Bajingan kotor terang persis naon anu aranjeunna lakukeun’
They kicked her until they cracked her ribs and she stopped movin’
– Maranéhanana ditendang nya nepi ka maranéhanana retak iga nya jeung manéhna dieureunkeun movin’
Blood leakin’ through the cloth, she cried silently
– Bocor getih ngaliwatan lawon, manéhna ceurik cicingeun
And then they all proceeded to rape her violently
– Tuluy maranéhna ngarampog manéhna
Billy was made to go first, but each of them took a turn
– Billy dipaksa pikeun indit heula, tapi masing-masing nyandak giliran
Rippin’ her up and chokin’ her until her throat burned
– Rippin ‘nya nepi jeung chokin’ nya nepi ka tikoro nya dibeuleum
Her broken jaw mumbled for God, but they weren’t concerned
– Rahang nya rusak mumbled pikeun Allah, tapi maranéhanana éta teu paduli
When they were done and she was layin’
– Nalika aranjeunna dipigawé sarta manéhna layin’
Bloody, broken and bruised
– Getih, rusak jeung bruised
One of them niggas pulled out a brand new .22
– Salah sahijina niggas ditarik kaluar brand anyar .22
They told him that she was a witness of what she’d gone through
– Maranéhanana ngawartoskeun manéhna yén manéhna saksi naon manéhna geus isro ngaliwatan
And if he killed her, he was guaranteed a spot in the crew
– Jeung lamun manéhna ditelasan nya, manéhna dijamin tempat di awak
He thought about it for a minute, she was practically dead
– Manéhna mikir ngeunaan eta pikeun menit, manéhna praktis maot
And so he leaned over and put the gun right to her head
– Jeung kitu manéhna leaned leuwih jeung nunda gun katuhu ka sirah nya

I’m fallin’ and I can’t turn back
– Ku jatuh dan ku tak bisa kembali
I’m fallin’ and I can’t turn back
– Ku jatuh dan ku tak bisa kembali

Right before he pulled the trigger and ended her life
– Saméméh manéhna narik pemicu jeung réngsé hirupna
He thought about the cocaine with the platinum and ice
– Manéhna mikir ngeunaan kokain jeung platinum jeung és
And he felt strong standin’ along with his new brothers
– Jeung manéhna ngarasa kuat standin ‘ babarengan jeung baraya anyar-na
Cocked the gat to her head and pulled back the shirt cover
– Gerbang ka sirahna ditarik deui panutup kaos
But what he saw made him start to cringe and stutter
– Tapi naon manéhna nempo dijieun manéhna mimiti cringe jeung gagap
‘Cause he was starin’ into the eyes of his own mother
– Sabab manéhna starin ‘ kana panon indungna sorangan
She looked back at him and cried ’cause he had forsaken her
– Manéhna neuteup deui ka manéhna jeung ceurik ‘ sabab manéhna geus forsaken nya
She cried more painfully than when they were rapin’ her
– Manéhna ceurik leuwih nyeri ti lamun maranéhanana rapin ‘ nya
His whole world stopped, he couldn’t even contemplate
– Sakabéh dunya na dieureunkeun, anjeunna malah teu bisa mertimbangkeun
His corruption had successfully changed his fate
– Korupsi na geus suksés ngarobah nasibna
And he remembered how his mom used to come home late
– Jeung manéhna inget kumaha indungna dipaké pikeun datang ka imah telat
Workin’ hard for nothin’, because now what was he worth?
– Kerja keras pikeun euweuh, sabab ayeuna naon anu anjeunna patut?
He turned away from the woman that had once given him birth
– Manéhna ninggalkeun awéwé nu kungsi ngalahirkeun manéhna
And cryin’ out to the sky, ’cause he was lonely and scared
– Jeung ceurik ‘kaluar ka langit,’ sabab manéhna sepi jeung sieun
But only the Devil responded, ’cause God wasn’t there
– Tapi Ngan Iblis direspon, ‘ sabab Allah teu aya
And right then he knew what it was to be empty and cold
– Jeung katuhu mangka manéhna terang naon ieu jadi kosong jeung tiis
And so he jumped off the roof and died with no soul
– Jadi manéhna luncat tina hateup jeung maot tanpa jiwa
They say death takes you to a better place, but I doubt it
– Ceuk maranehna, maot mawa anjeun ka tempat nu leuwih hadé, tapi kuring ragu
After that, they killed his mother, and never spoke about it
– Sanggeus éta, maranéhna maéhan indungna, sarta teu kungsi nyarita ngeunaan eta
And listen, ’cause the story that I’m tellin’ is true
– Jeung ngadangukeun, ‘sabab carita nu kuring keur ngawartoskeun’ nyaeta leres
‘Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs, and I raped his mom too
– Sabab kuring aya Jeung Billy Jacobs, jeung kuring diperkosa indungna teuing
And now the Devil follows me everywhere that I go
– Ayeuna Iblis nuturkeun kuring ka mana mana
In fact, I’m sure he’s standin’ among one of you at my shows
– Malah, kuring yakin manéhna nangtung ‘ diantara salah sahiji anjeun di nempokeun mah
And every street cypher, listenin’ to little thugs flow
– Jeung unggal cipher jalan, ngadengekeun ka preman saeutik ngalir
He could be standin’ right next to you, and you wouldn’t know
– Manéhna bisa nangtung ‘ katuhu gigireun anjeun, jeung anjeun teu bakal nyaho
The Devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked
– Iblis tumuwuh di jero haté theois jeung jahat
White, brown, yellow and black — color is not restricted
– Bodas, coklat, konéng jeung hideung-warna teu diwatesan
You have a self-destructive destiny when you’re inflicted
– Anjeun boga takdir autodestructive lamun anjeun inflicted
And you’ll be one of God’s children that fell from the top
– Jeung anjeun bakal jadi salah sahiji barudak Allah nu murag ti luhur
There’s no diversity because we’re burnin’ in the melting pot
– Teu aya keragaman sabab urang ngaduruk dina pot lebur
So when the Devil wants to dance with you, you better say never
– Jadi lamun Iblis hayang menari jeung anjeun, anjeun leuwih alus nyebutkeun pernah
Because a dance with the Devil might last you forever
– Sabab tarian Jeung Iblis bisa lepas anjeun salawasna

Oh, y’all motherfuckers thought it was over, huh?
– Oh, y ‘ all motherfuckers sangka ieu leuwih, huh?
Well, it’s not, you didn’t count on a fallen angel gettin’ back
– Bukan, tapi kau tak berani menghadapi malaikat jatuh kembali
Into the grace of God and comin’ after you
– Ka rahmat Allah jeung datang sanggeus anjeun
Y’all niggas ain’t shit, your producers ain’t shit
– Y ‘ all niggas teu shit, produser anjeun teu shit
Your fuckin’ A & R ain’t shit
– Fucking’ a &Amp; r anjeun teu shit
I’ll fuckin’ wipe my ass with your demo deal
– Kuring bakal fucking ‘ ngusap burit kuring jeung deal demo anjeun
Yo, Diabolic, take this motherfucker’s head off
– Yo, Jahat, nyokot sirah motherfucker ieu urang off

Go ‘head and grip Glocks
– Go ‘ kepala Jeung cecekelan Glocks
I’ll snap your trigger finger in six spots
– Kuring bakal snap ramo pemicu anjeun dina genep titik
You’ll have to lip lock with hypodermic needles to lick shots
– Anjeun bakal kudu lip konci jeung jarum hypodermic ka ngegel nembak
I’ll watch you topple flat
– Kuring bakal lalajo anjeun ngagulingkeun datar
Put away your rings and holla back
– Pasang jauh cingcin anjeun sarta holla deui
Can’t freestyle; you’re screwed off the top, like bottle caps
– Teu bisa freestyle; anjeun screwed off luhur, kawas caps botol
Beneath the surface
– Di handapeun beungeut
I’m overheatin’ your receiving circuits
– Abdi overheatin ‘ sirkuit narima anjeun
By unleashin’ deeper verses than priests speak in churches
– Ku unleashin ‘ ayat deeper ti imam nyarita di gereja
What you preach is worthless
– Naon nu diajarkeun téh teu aya hargana
Your worship defeat the purpose
– Ibadah anjeun ngéléhkeun tujuan
Like President Bush takin’ bullets for the secret service
– Kawas Présidén Bush takin ‘ bullets pikeun service rahasia
Beyond what y’all fathom, I shit on cats and jaw tap ’em
– Saluareun naon y ‘all fathom, kuring shit on ucing jeung rahang ketok’ em
Show no compassion, like havin’ a straight-faced orgasm
– Teu némbongkeun welas asih, kawas ngabogaan orgasme lempeng-beungeut
Tour jack ’em, have his half-a-10 bitch suck my friend’s dick
– Tur jack ‘ em, boga satengah-a-10 bitch na nyedot dick sobat urang
In the meantime, you can french kiss this clenched fist
– Samentara éta, anjeun bisa perancis cium fist clenched ieu
Diabolic: a one-man brigade spreadin’ cancer plague
– Iblis: brigade hiji-lalaki nyebarkeun wabah kanker
Fist-fuckin’ a pussy’s face, holdin’ a hand grenade
– Fist-fucking’ a pussy urang beungeut, nyekel ‘ a granat leungeun
So if I catch you bluffin’, faggot, you’re less than nothin’
– Jadi lamun kuring nyekel anjeun bluffin’, faggot, anjeun kurang ti euweuh’
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
– Kuring ngan kungsi meunangkeun nu stress off dada mah kawas réduksi payudara

You motherfuckers are nothin’, you cannot harm me
– Anjeun motherfuckers nu nothing’, anjeun teu bisa menyakiti kuring
I’ll resurrect every aborted baby and start an army
– Kuring bakal resurrect unggal orok aborted jeung ngamimitian hiji tentara
Storm the planet, huntin’ you down, ’cause I’m on a mission
– Badai planét, huntin ‘anjeun turun,’ sabab kami dina misi a
To split your body into a billion one-celled organisms
– Pikeun ngabagi awak anjeun kana hiji milyar organisme hiji-sél
Immortal Technique’ll destroy your religion, you stupid bitch
– Téhnik abadi bakal ngancurkeun agama anjeun, anjeun bitch bodo
You’re faker than blue-eyed crackers nailed to a crucifix
– Anjeun faker ti crackers biru-eyed nailed ka crucifix a
I’m ’bout to blow up, like NASA Challenger computer chips
– Kuring ‘ bout mun niup nepi, kawas nasa Challenger chip komputer
Arsenic language transmitted revolutionarily
– Basa arsenik nu ditransmisikeun sacara révolusioner
I’m like time itself: I’m gonna kill you inevitably
– Kuring kawas waktu sorangan: kuring bade maehan anjeun inevitably
Chemically bomb you, fuck usin’ a chrome piece
– Kimia bom anjeun, fuck usin ‘ a sapotong chrome
I’m Illmatic, you won’t make it home, like Jerome’s niece
– Aku Tak Kacau kau, kau tak kacau kau macam Kak Jerome
I’ll sever your head diagonally for thinkin’ of dissin’ me
– Kuring bakal motong sirah anjeun diagonal pikeun pamikiran ‘of dissin’ kuring
And then use your dead body to write my name in calligraphy
– Jeung saterusna make awak paéh anjeun nulis ngaran kuring dina kaligrafi
This puppet democracy brain-washed your psychology
– Demokrasi wayang ieu otak-dikumbah psikologi anjeun
So you’re nothin’, like diversity without equality
– Jadi anjeun teu nanaon, kawas diversity tanpa sarua
And your crew is full of more faggots than Greek mythology
– Jeung awak anjeun pinuh ku leuwih faggots ti mitologi yunani
Usin’ numerology to count the people I sent to Heaven
– Ngagunakeun numerologi pikeun ngitung jalma-jalma anu kuring kirimkeun Ka Surga
Produces more digits than 22 divided by seven
– Ngahasilkeun leuwih digit ti 22 dibagi tujuh
You’re like Kevin Spacey: your style is usually suspect
– Anjeun kawas Kevin Spacey: gaya anjeun biasana curiga
You never killed a cop, you, not a motherfuckin’ thug yet
– Anjeun pernah ditelasan pulisi, anjeun, teu preman motherfuckin ‘ acan
Your mind is empty and spacious
– Pikiran anjeun kosong jeung lega
Like the part of the brain that appreciates culture in a racist
– Kawas bagian otak nu ngahargaan budaya dina rasis
Face it, you’re too basic, you’re never gonna make it
– Menghadapi semuanya, kau terlalu dasar, kau tak akan pernah berbuat apa-apa
Like children walkin’ through Antarctica, butt-naked
– Kawas barudak leumpang ngaliwatan Antartika, butt-taranjang

Immortal Technique



