Vidéo Klip
Whoever can string the old king’s bow
– Saha waé anu bisa ngéléhkeun busur raja tua
And shoot through twelve axes cleanly
– Jeung némbak ngaliwatan dua belas sumbu bersih
Will be the new king, sit down at the throne
– Bakal jadi raja anyar, diuk turun di tahta
Penelope as his queen
– Penélope salaku ratu na
Where is he?
– Di mana manéhna?
Where is the man who can string this bow? Oh-woah
– Dimana lalaki anu bisa string bow ieu? Oh-woah
Screw this competition, we’ve been here for hours
– Ngaco ieu kompetisi, urang geus di dieu pikeun jam
None of us can string this, we don’t have the power
– Urang teu bisa string ieu, urang teu boga kakuatan
Screw this damn challenge, no more delays
– Screw tangtangan damn ieu, euweuh deui nepi
Can’t you guys see we’re being played?
– Naha anjeun teu bisa ningali urang keur dimaénkeun?
This is how they
– Ieu kumaha aranjeunna
Hold us down while the throne gets colder
– Tahan urang turun bari tahta meunang colder
Hold us down while we slowly age
– Tahan urang turun bari urang lalaunan umur
Hold us down while the boy gets bolder
– Tahan urang turun bari budak lalaki meunang bolder
Where in the hell is our pride and our rage?
– Dimana di naraka nyaéta kareueus urang jeung amarah urang?
Here and now, there’s a chance for action
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, aya kasempetan pikeun aksi
Here and now, we can take control
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, urang bisa nyokot kontrol
Here and now, burn it down to ashes
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, kaduruk nepi ka lebu
Channel the fire inside your soul
– Saluran seuneu di jero jiwa anjeun
Haven’t you noticed who’s missing?
– Naha anjeun henteu terang saha anu leungit?
Don’t you know the prince is not around?
– Kau tahu pangeran tidak ada di sakuriling?
I heard he’s on a diplomatic mission
– Kuring ngadéngé manéhna dina misi diplomatik
And I heard today he comes back to town, so
– Jeung kuring ngadéngé kiwari manéhna datang deui ka kota, jadi
I say, we gather near the beaches
– Ceuk kuring, urang ngumpul di deukeut basisir
I say, we wait ’til he arrives
– Kuring ngomong, urang ngadagoan ‘ nepi ka anjeunna anjog
Then, when he docks his ship, we can breach it
– Saterusna, lamun manéhna docks kapal-na, urang bisa megatkeun eta
Let us leave now, today we can strike and
– Hayu urang ninggalkeun ayeuna, kiwari urang bisa nyerang jeung
Hold him down ’til the boy stops shakin’
– Tahan anjeunna handap ‘nepi budak eureun shakin’
Hold him down while I slit his throat
– Tahan anjeunna handap bari kuring sliced tikoro na
Hold him down while I slowly break his
– Tahan anjeunna handap bari kuring lalaunan megatkeun na
Pride, his trust, his faith and his bones
– Bangga, kapercayaan, iman jeung tulang-tulangna
Cut him down into tiny pieces
– Potong jadi potongan potongan kecil
Throw him down in the great below
– Tuang anjeunna turun di great handap
When the crown wonders where the prince is
– Lamun makuta wonders mana pangeran téh
Only the ocean and I will know
– Ngan sagara jeung kuring bakal nyaho
And when the deed is done
– Jeung lamun akta geus rengse
The queen will have no one
– Ratu moal boga saha
To stop us from breaking her bedroom door
– Pikeun ngeureunkeun urang ti megatkeun panto kamar tidur nya
Stop us from taking her love and more
– Eureun urang ti nyokot asih nya jeung leuwih
And then we’ll
– Jeung saterusna urang bakal
Hold her down while her gate is open
– Tahan nya handap bari gerbang nya kabuka
Hold her down while I get a taste
– Tahan nya handap bari kuring meunang rasa
Hold her down while we share her spoils
– Tahan nya handap bari urang babagi spoils nya
I will not let any part go to waste
– Kuring moal ngantep bagian mana wae indit ka runtah
Here and now, there’s a chance for action (Chance for action)
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, aya kasempetan pikeun aksi (Kasempetan pikeun aksi)
Here and now, we can take control (Take control)
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, urang bisa nyokot kadali (Nyokot kadali)
Here and now, burn it down to ashes
– Di dieu jeung ayeuna, kaduruk nepi ka lebu
Channel the fire inside your soul and
– Channel seuneu jero jiwa anjeun jeung
Hold ’em down, hold ’em down (Hold ’em down, oh)
– Tahan ‘ em turun, tahan ’em turun (Tahan’ em turun, oh)
Hold ’em down, hold ’em down
– Tahan ’em handap, tahan’ em handap
Hold ’em down, hold ’em down (Hold ’em down)
– Tahan ’em turun, tahan’ em turun (Tahan ‘ em turun)
Channel the fire inside your soul, and—
– Channel seuneu jero jiwa anjeun, jeung—
(Hold ’em down, hold ’em down)
– (Tahan ’em turun, tahan’ em turun)
[ANTINOUS receives an arrow into his throat and dies]
– [ANTINOUS narima panah kana tikoro sarta maot]