Vidéo Klip
For twenty years, I’ve suffered every punishment and pain
– Pikeun dua puluh taun, kuring geus ngalaman unggal hukuman jeung nyeri
From the wrath of gods and monsters to the screams of comrades slain
– Ti murka dewa jeung monster ka screams of comrades ditelasan
I come back and find my palace desecrated, sacked like Troy
– Kuring datang deui jeung manggihan karaton kuring desecrated, dipecat kawas Troy
Worst of all, I hear you dare to touch my wife and hurt my boy
– Yang penting, aku berani menyakiti isteri ku dan menyakiti anak ku
I have had enough
– Kuring geus cukup
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Odysseus, Ody—
– Odysseus, Ody—
In the heat of battle, at the edge of the unknown
– Dina panasna perang, di tepi nu teu dipikanyaho
Somewhere in the shadows lurks an agile, deadly foe
– Di tempat nu aya kalangkang, aya musuh nu lincah jeung mematikan
We have the advantage, we’ve the numbers and the might
– Urang boga kaunggulan, urang boga numbers jeung kakuatan
– Henteu
You don’t understand it, this man plans for every fight
– Anjeun teu ngarti eta, lalaki ieu ngarencanakeun pikeun unggal tarung
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Where is he? Where is he?
– Di mana manéhna? Di mana manéhna?
Keep your head down, he’s aimin’ for the torches
– Tetep sirah anjeun ka handap, anjeunna aimin ‘ pikeun obor
Our weapons, they’re missing!
– Senjata urang, aranjeunna leungit!
He’s using the darkness to hide his approaches
– Manéhna ngagunakeun gelap pikeun nyumputkeun pendekatan-na
We’re empty handed, up against an archer
– Urang geus leungeun kosong, nepi ngalawan hiji pamanah
Our only chance is to strike him in the darkness
– Hiji hijina kasempetan urang nyaéta pikeun nyerang anjeunna dina gelap
We know these halls, the odds can be tilted
– Urang nyaho aula ieu, odds bisa tilted
You don’t think I know my own palace? I built it
– Kau tak tahu istana ku sendiri? Kuring diwangun eta
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Old king, our leader is dead
– Raja tua, pamingpin urang geus maot
You’ve destroyed the serpent’s head
– Anjeun geus ancur sirah oray urang
Now the rest of us are no longer a threat
– Ayeuna urang geus teu jadi ancaman deui
Old king, forgive us instead
– Raja heubeul, ngahampura urang gantina
So that no more blood is shed
– Jadi teu aya deui getih anu diucurkeun
Let’s have open arms instead
– Hayu urang boga leungeun kabuka gantina
– Henteu
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Odysseus, Odysseus
– Odysseus, Odysseus
Damn, he’s more cunning than I assumed
– Damn, manéhna leuwih licik ti kuring asumsina
While we were busy plotting
– Nalika urang sibuk ngarencanakeun
He hid our weapons inside this room
– Manéhna nyumputkeun pakarang urang di jero kamar ieu
I find it hard to believe that the sharpest of kings
– Kuring manggihan hésé percaya yén sharpest raja
Left his armory unlocked
– Ninggalkeun gudang senjata na unlocked
So what?
– Jadi naon?
Now that we have armed ourselves
– Ayeuna urang geus pakarang diri urang sorangan
Let’s make the bastard rot
– Hayu urang nyieun bastard rot
Behind you!
– Di tukangeun anjeun!
Throw down those weapons
– Leupaskeun éta pakarang
And I ensure you’ll be spared
– Jeung kuring mastikeun anjeun bakal disimpen
After seeing what the king will do to us
– Sanggeus ningali naon anu bakal dilakukeun ku raja ka urang
We wouldn’t dare
– Kita tak berani
I don’t wanna hurt you
– Ku tak ingin menyakiti mu
But trust me, I’ve come prepared
– Tapi percanten ka abdi, kuring geus datang disiapkeun
Ha! Your very presence has doomed the king, young prince
– Ha! (basa inggris) Sang pangeran telah menghadapi raja, pangeran muda
We don’t fight fair
– Urang teu ngalawan adil
– Eureun
Brothers, we got company and he’s made a grave mistake
– Dulur-dulur, urang meunang pausahaan jeung manéhna geus dijieun kasalahan serius
Left the weapons room unlocked, and now they’re ours to take
– Ninggalkeun kamar pakarang unlocked, sarta ayeuna aranjeunna ours nyandak
Brothers, come and arm yourselves, there’s a chance for us to win
– Dulur-dulur, datang jeung leungeun diri, aya kasempetan pikeun urang meunang
We can still defeat the king if we all attack the prince
– Urang masih bisa ngéléhkeun raja lamun urang sadaya nyerang pangeran
Where is he? Where is he?
– Di mana manéhna? Di mana manéhna?
Capture him, he’s our greatest chance
– Nangkep anjeunna, anjeunna kasempetan greatest urang
Get off me, get off me
– Leupaskeun kuring, leupaskeun kuring
Fight ’til the prince can barely stand
– Ngalawan ‘ nepi ka pangeran bieu bisa nangtung
Hold him down, hold him down
– Tahan anjeunna handap, tahan anjeunna handap
Make the king obey our command
– Jieun raja nurut paréntah urang
Hold him down, hold him down
– Tahan anjeunna handap, tahan anjeunna handap
‘Cause if he won’t, I’ll break the kid’s hands
– Karena kalau tidak, saya akan memecah tangan anak-anak
Got him
– Meunang anjeunna
– Abdi-mer—
Mercy? Mercy?
– Rahmat? Rahmat?
My mercy has long since drowned
– Rahmat abdi geus lila ti saprak drowned
It died to bring me home
– Ieu maot mawa kuring imah
And as long as you’re around
– Jeung salami anjeun aya di sabudeureun
My family’s fate is left unknown
– Nasib kulawarga kuring teu dipikanyaho
You plotted to kill my son
– Anjeun plotted maehan putra abdi
You planned to rape my wife
– Anjeun ngarencanakeun pikeun ngarampog pamajikan kuring
All of you are going to die
– Semuanya kau akan mati
– Odiseus
You’ve filled my heart with hate
– Anjeun geus ngeusi haté kuring jeung hate
All of you, who have done me wrong
– Sadaya anjeun, anu geus dipigawé kuring salah
This will be your fate!
– Ieu bakal nasib anjeun!
– Odiseus
– Odiseus
