Vidéo Klip
Set the stage
– Nyiapkeun panggung
As soon as he hits, set the stage, that’s when he carry
– Pas anjeunna hits, nyetel panggung, éta nalika anjeunna mawa
When the beat drops though, pssh, shit, it’s gonna sound lit
– Tapi bila tgk citer tu, mmg sedih …
Get your cellphone light up right now, put it up
– Meunang lampu telepon sélulér anjeun nepi ayeuna, nunda eta nepi
Only cellphone lights, please
– Ngan lampu telepon sélulér, mangga
If you fuck with Juice WRLD, put it up a little bit higher
– Lamun fuck Jeung JUS WRLD, nunda nepi saeutik saeutik leuwih luhur
If you love Juice WRLD, put it up a little bit higher
– Lamun anjeun bogoh Jus WRLD, nunda nepi saeutik saeutik leuwih luhur
If you fuck with Juice WRLD, raise your lights right now please
– Lamun fuck Jeung Jus WRLD, ngangkat lampu anjeun ayeuna mangga
This show, niggas is not performing like this no more, bro, like
– Acara ieu, niggas teu ngajalankeun kawas ieu teu leuwih, bro, kawas
These are the tickets? Fuck rent, fuck my landlord, fuck everything, nigga, Juice WRLD, nigga, I’m telling you
– Ieu tiket? Fuck nyewa, fuck tuan tanah kuring, fuck sagalana, nigga, Jus WRLD, nigga, kuring keur ngawartoskeun anjeun
I said it first, the party never ends
– Ceuk kuring heula, pésta éta teu pernah réngsé
– Enya
I see in the dark, yeah (In the dark, yeah)
– Ku melihat di gelap, ya (di gelap, ya)
Perky tearin’ me apart, yeah (Tear me apart, yeah)
– Hahahahaha … iya mbak … jadi Ngiler, ya…:)
Tell them drugs to play they part, yeah (Play they part, play they part)
– Ngabejaan aranjeunna ubar maén aranjeunna bagian, hehehehe (Maén aranjeunna bagian, maén aranjeunna bagian)
Let the party start, hah (Let the fucking party start, yeah)
– Hayu pihak ngamimitian, hah (Hayu pihak fucking ngamimitian, hehehehe)
I see in the dark, yeah (In the dark, yeah)
– Ku melihat di gelap, ya (di gelap, ya)
Perky tearin’ me apart, part, yeah (Tearing me apart, yeah)
– Menghindariku, menghindariku, menghindariku, menghindariku, menghindariku, menghindariku, menghindariku
Tell them drugs to play they part, ha (Playing they partmotherfuckin’ part, yeah)
– Ngabejaan aranjeunna ubar maén aranjeunna bagian, ha (Maén aranjeunna partmotherfuckin ‘ bagian, yeah)
Relax and let the party start (Yeah, yeah)
– Tenang jeung hayu pihak mimitian (Hehehehe, hehehehe)
(In the dark, yeah, yeah)
– (Dina poék, enya, enya)
I said it first, the party never ends (Never ends, yeah, yeah)
– Ceuk kuring heula, pésta éta teu pernah réngsé (Teu pernah réngsé, enya, enya)
Relax and let the party start (Yeah, yeah)
– Tenang jeung hayu pihak mimitian (Hehehehe, hehehehe)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
– (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
I know you had your ways for a couple of days
– Kuring nyaho anjeun geus cara anjeun pikeun sababaraha poé
They say life is a book, well, I’m turning the page
– Ceuk maranehna hirup téh buku, sumur, kuring ngarobah kaca
I’m not looking back at it at all, I’m gone
– Kuring teu nempo deui di sadaya pisan, kuring geus isro
I’ma see you on the other side, yeah, yeah
– Ku melihatmu di sisi lain, ya, ya
(I said it first, the party never ends)
– (Kuring ngomong eta kahiji, pihak nu kungsi ends)
I’ma see you on the other side, yeah, yeah
– Ku melihatmu di sisi lain, ya, ya
I said it first, the party never ends
– Ceuk kuring heula, pésta éta teu pernah réngsé
I’ma see you on the other side, yeah, yeah
– Ku melihatmu di sisi lain, ya, ya