Vidéo Klip
I don’t pack light, I travel for a living, mm
– Aku tak kacau hidup, aku kacau hidup, mmmmmmmmmmmm
And I don’t abide by that fifty pound limit
– Jeung kuring teu taat ka wates lima puluh pon
On that Delta flight out west
– Dina éta delta hiber kaluar kulon
I’m there every other Wednesday
– Kuring aya unggal rebo séjén
But my heart ain’t up in the air
– Tapi hatiku tak ada di udara
So if you want me
– Jadi jika kau ingin ku
Clear out a drawer, clear out a shelf
– Ngabersihan laci, ngabersihan rak
I wouldn’t wanna do it with anybody else
– Abdi teu hoyong ngalakukeun hal eta jeung saha wae sejenna
Everything that’s heavy, yeah, I check it at the door
– Semuanya berat, ya, ku cek di panto
Kinda feel like I don’t need it anymore
– Rasa macam tak lagi ku butuh
I got some bones of old skeletons
– Kuring meunang sababaraha tulang tina rangka heubeul
From the old house at the dead end
– Ti imah heubeul di tungtung paéh
I got baggage but I’m moving in
– Saya ada koper tapi saya pindah
We both slept on a mattress with “I love you” people, mm
– Urang duanana saré dina kasur jeung “kuring bogoh ka anjeun” jalma, mm
And shit, I even took it all the way to the steeple
– Jeung shit, kuring malah nyandak eta sadaya jalan ka steeple nu
So, boy, I know the weight and gravity
– Jadi, budak, kuring nyaho beurat jeung gravitasi
Of keychains with same keys
– Tina keychains kalawan kenop sarua
But if you want that welcome mat, then roll it out with me, yeah
– Tapi lamun hayang nu wilujeng sumping mat, mangka gulung kaluar jeung kuring, enya
Clear out a drawer, clear out a shelf
– Ngabersihan laci, ngabersihan rak
I wouldn’t wanna do it with anybody else
– Abdi teu hoyong ngalakukeun hal eta jeung saha wae sejenna
Everything that’s heavy, yeah, I check it at the door
– Semuanya berat, ya, ku cek di panto
Kinda feel like I don’t need it anymore
– Rasa macam tak lagi ku butuh
I got some bones of old skeletons
– Kuring meunang sababaraha tulang tina rangka heubeul
From the old house at the dead end
– Ti imah heubeul di tungtung paéh
I got baggage but I’m moving in
– Saya ada koper tapi saya pindah
(If you want it, you want it)
– (Upami anjeun hoyong, anjeun hoyong)
(You know that you got it)
– (Anjeun terang yén anjeun ngagaduhan éta)
To those thoughts in your head
– Pikeun maranéhanana pikiran dina sirah anjeun
My hand, back pocket of your jeans
– Leungeun kuring, saku tukang jeans anjeun
Linen sheets in our bed
– Lembar Linen dina ranjang urang
‘Cause home is when you’re with me, so
– Karena kau ada di rumah, jadi
Clear out a drawer, clear out a shelf
– Ngabersihan laci, ngabersihan rak
I wouldn’t wanna do it with anybody else
– Abdi teu hoyong ngalakukeun hal eta jeung saha wae sejenna
Everything that’s heavy, yeah, I check it at the door
– Semuanya berat, ya, ku cek di panto
Kinda feel like I don’t need it anymore
– Rasa macam tak lagi ku butuh
I got some bones of old skeletons
– Kuring meunang sababaraha tulang tina rangka heubeul
But fuck the old house at the dead end
– Tapi fuck imah heubeul di ahir paéh
I got baggage but I’m moving in
– Saya ada koper tapi saya pindah
(I’m half [?])
– (Kuring satengah [?])
(Half moved out the closet)
– (Satengah pindah kaluar pacilingan nu)
(If you want it)
– (Upami anjeun hoyong)
(You know that you got it)
– (Anjeun terang yén anjeun ngagaduhan éta)
Clear out a drawer, clear out a shelf
– Ngabersihan laci, ngabersihan rak
I wouldn’t wanna do it with anybody else
– Abdi teu hoyong ngalakukeun hal eta jeung saha wae sejenna