Kendrick Lamar – Not Like Us Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Psst, I see dead people
– Psst, kuring ningali jalma paéh
(Mustard on the beat, ho)
– (Dialihkeun ti beats, ho)

Ayy, Mustard on the beat, ho
– Waduh, jadi Ngiler nih, hehe
Deebo any rap nigga, he a free throw
– Deebo sagala rap nigga, anjeunna hiji lemparan bébas
Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him, “Breathe, bro”
– Man turun, nelepon hiji amberlamps, nyaritakeun manéhna, ” Ngambekan, bro”
Nail a nigga to the cross, he walk around like Teezo
– Kuku a nigga ka palang, manéhna leumpang kira-kira kawas Teezo
What’s up with these jabroni-ass niggas tryna see Compton?
– Naon nepi ka ieu jabroni-burit niggas tryna ningali Compton?
The industry can hate me, fuck ’em all and they mama
– Industri bisa hate kuring, fuck ‘ em sadaya jeung maranehna mama
How many opps you really got? I mean, it’s too many options
– Sabaraha opps anjeun bener meunang? Maksud kuring, éta loba teuing pilihan
I’m finna pass on this body, I’m John Stockton
– Abdi finna pass dina awak ieu, abdi John Stockton
Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watchin’
– Ngagolér burit anjeun sarta nyumputkeun Alkitab lamun Allah watching’
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas
– Sakapeung anjeun kudu pop kaluar jeung némbongkeun niggas
Certified boogeyman, I’m the one that up the score with ’em
– Certified boogeyman, abdi hiji nu nepi skor jeung ‘ em
Walk him down, whole time, I know he got some ho in him
– Leumpang anjeunna handap, sakabeh waktu, kuring nyaho manéhna meunang sababaraha ho di anjeunna
Pole on him, extort shit, bully Death Row on him
– Kutub dina anjeunna, extort shit, bully Death Row dina anjeunna
Say, Drake, I hear you like ’em young
– Ucapkeun, Drake, kuring ngadangu anjeun resep ‘ em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
– Anjeun leuwih alus teu kungsi indit ka blok sél hiji
To any bitch that talk to him and they in love
– Pikeun sagala bitch nu ngobrol jeung manéhna jeung maranehna asih
Just make sure you hide your lil’ sister from him
– Ngan pastikeun anjeun nyumputkeun adina lil anjeun ti anjeunna
They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs
– Mereka cuma Ngasih tau Doang yang ngasih tau tangan
And Party at the party playin’ with his nose now
– Jeung Pihak di pihak maén ‘ jeung irung na ayeuna
And Baka got a weird case, why is he around?
– Jeung Baka meunang kasus aneh, naha manéhna kira-kira?
Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles
– Budak Nu Dipikacinta? Pedofil nu disertifikasi
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Dot, fuck ’em up
– Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Titik, fuck ’em nepi
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I’ma do my stuff
– Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, kuring ngalakukeun hal kuring
Why you trollin’ like a bitch? Ain’t you tired?
– Naha anjeun trollin ‘ kawas bitch a? Naha anjeun henteu capé?
Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A minor
– Tryna nyerang hiji akord jeung éta meureun hiji minor

They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
– Maranéhna teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
– Maranéhna teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang

You think the Bay gon’ let you disrespect Pac, nigga?
– Anjeun pikir Bay gon ‘ hayu anjeun teu hormat Pac, nigga?
I think that Oakland show gon’ be your last stop, nigga
– Jigana nu oakland tembongkeun gon ‘ jadi eureun panungtungan anjeun, nigga
Did Cole foul, I don’t know why you still pretendin’
– Hahaha … Tak tau kenapa korang tetap tak tau kenapa …
What is the owl? Bird niggas and burnt bitches, go
– Naon éta manuk hantu? Manuk niggas jeung bitches dibeuleum, buka
The audience not dumb
– Nu ngadangukeun teu bodo
Shape the stories how you want, hey, Drake, they’re not slow
– Baca carita-carita anu anjeun pikahoyong, Hey, Drake, aranjeunna henteu lambat
Rabbit hole is still deep, I can go further, I promise
– Liang kelenci masih jero, kuring bisa balik salajengna, kuring jangji
Ain’t that somethin’? B-Rad stands for bitch and you Malibu most wanted
– Naha teu aya nu kitu? B-Rad nangtung pikeun bitch jeung Anjeun Malibu paling hayang
Ain’t no law, boy, you ball boy, fetch Gatorade or somethin’
– Teu aya hukum, budak, anjeun ball boy, meunangkeun Gatorade atawa somethin’
Since 2009, I had this bitch jumpin’
– Ti taun 2009, kuring kungsi ieu bitch jumpin’
You niggas’ll get a wedgie, be flipped over your boxers
– Anjeun niggas bakal meunang wedgie a, jadi flipped leuwih petinju anjeun
What OVO for? The “Other Vaginal Option”? Pussy
– Naon OVO pikeun? Nu ” Pilihan Heunceut Séjén”? Pussy (basa inggris)
Nigga better straighten they posture, got famous all up in Compton
– Nigga leuwih alus ngalempengkeun maranéhanana sikep, meunang kawentar sadaya nepi Di Compton
Might write this for the doctorate, tell the pop star quit hidin’
– Bisa nulis ieu pikeun doktor, ngabejaan béntang pop kaluar hidin’
Fuck a caption, want action, no accident
– Fuck a caption, hayang aksi, teu kacilakaan
And I’m hands-on, he fuck around, get polished
– Tapi aku kacau dia, kacau dia, kacau dia, kacau dia, kacau dia, kacau dia
Fucked on Wayne girl while he was in jail, that’s connivin’
– X_x dina Wayne gadis sedengkeun manéhna di jail, nu sacara connivin’
Then get his face tatted like a bitch apologizin’
– Lepas tu mukanya jadi macam budak kecik mintak maaf’
I’m glad DeRoz’ came home, y’all didn’t deserve him neither
– Kuring bungah DeRoz ‘datang ka imah, y’ all teu pantes anjeunna boh
From Alondra down to Central, nigga better not speak on Serena
– Ti Alondra ka Central, nigga leuwih alus teu nyarita Dina Serena
And your homeboy need subpoena, that predator move in flocks
– Jeung homeboy anjeun kudu subpoena, nu predator mindahkeun di flocks
That name gotta be registered and placed on neighborhood watch
– Ngaran éta kudu didaptarkeun jeung ditempatkeun dina neighborhood watch
I lean on you niggas like another line of Wock’
– Kuring lean on anjeun niggas kawas garis sejen Tina Wock’
Yeah, it’s all eyes on me, and I’ma send it up to Pac, ayy
– Iya nih, semuanya udah nyampe Ke Pc, hehe
Put the wrong label on me, I’ma get ’em dropped, ayy
– Nunda salah label dina kuring, I ‘ ma meunang ‘ém turun, ayy
Sweet Chin Music and I won’t pass the aux, ayy
– Musik Gado amis tapi aku tak akan melepas aux, ayy
How many stocks do I really have in stock? Ayy
– Sabaraha saham kuring bener boga di stock? Ayy
One, two, three, four, five, plus five, ayy
– Hiji, dua, tilu, opat, lima, ditambah lima, ayy
Devil is a lie, he a 69 God, ayy
– Iblis téh bohong, manéhna 69 Allah, ayy
Freaky-ass niggas need to stay they ass inside, ayy
– Waduhhhhhhhhhhhh jadi pengen kesana lagi nih, hehehe
Roll they ass up like a fresh pack of ‘za, ayy
– Gulung aranjeunna burit nepi kawas pak seger tina ‘ za, ayy
City is back up, it’s a must, we outside, ayy
– Kota geus cadangan, éta kudu, urang luar, ayy

They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
– Maranéhna teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
– Maranéhna teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang, teu resep ka urang

Once upon a time, all of us was in chains
– Sakapeung, urang kabéh dipanjara
Homie still doubled down callin’ us some slaves
– Homie masih ngaduga nelepon urang sababaraha budak
Atlanta was the Mecca, buildin’ railroads and trains
– Atlanta nyaéta Mekah, ngawangun karéta api jeung karéta api
Bear with me for a second, let me put y’all on game
– Hayu atuh nunda jeung kuring pikeun kadua, hayu atuh nunda y ‘ all dina kaulinan
The settlers was usin’ townfolk to make ’em richer
– Para panyewa ngagunakeun ‘warga kota pikeun nyieun’ em leuwih beunghar
Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda
– Fast-forward, 2024, anjeun ngagaduhan agenda anu sami
You run to Atlanta when you need a check balance
– Anjeun ngajalankeun Ka Atlanta lamun anjeun kudu kasaimbangan dipariksa
Let me break it down for you, this the real nigga challenge
– Hayu atuh megatkeun eta handap pikeun anjeun, ieu tangtangan nigga nyata
You called Future when you didn’t see the club (Ayy, what?)
– Anjeun disebut Future lamun anjeun teu ningali klub (Ayy, naon?)
Lil Baby helped you get your lingo up (What?)
– Lil Baby mantuan anjeun meunang lingo anjeun nepi (Naon?)
21 gave you false street cred
– 21 méré anjeun kredo jalan palsu
Thug made you feel like you a slime in your head (Ayy, what?)
– Thug dijieun anjeun ngarasa kawas anjeun slime dina sirah anjeun (Ayy, naon?)
Quavo said you can be from Northside (What?)
– Quavo ngomong anjeun bisa ti Northside (Naon?)
2 Chainz say you good, but he lied
– 2 Chainz nyebutkeun anjeun alus, tapi manéhna ngabohong
You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars
– Anjeun ngajalankeun Ka Atlanta lamun anjeun kudu sababaraha dollar
No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin’ colonizer
– Teu, anjeun teu batur sapagawean, anjeun hiji colonizer fucking’
The family matter and the truth of the matter
– Masalah kulawarga jeung bebeneran masalah
It was God’s plan to show y’all the liar
– Ieu rencana Allah pikeun némbongkeun y ‘ all nu bohong

– Mm
– Mm-mm
He a fan, he a fan, he a fan (Mm)
– Anjeunna kipas, anjeunna kipas, anjeunna kipas (mm)
He a fan, he a fan, he a
– Anjeunna kipas, anjeunna kipas, anjeunna kipas
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
– Aneh-burit nigga, manéhna 69 Allah
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
– Aneh-burit nigga, manéhna 69 Allah
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
– Hey, hey, hey, ngajalankeun pikeun kahirupan anjeun
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
– Hey, hey, hey, ngajalankeun pikeun kahirupan anjeun
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
– Aneh-burit nigga, manéhna 69 Allah
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
– Aneh-burit nigga, manéhna 69 Allah
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
– Hey, hey, hey, ngajalankeun pikeun kahirupan anjeun
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
– Hey, hey, hey, ngajalankeun pikeun kahirupan anjeun
Let me hear you say, “OV-ho” (OV-ho)
– Hayu atuh ngadangu anjeun nyebutkeun, ” OV-ho “(OV-ho)
Say, “OV-ho” (OV-ho)
– Ucapkeun, ” OV-ho “(OV-ho)
Then step this way, step that way
– Lajeng lengkah cara ieu, lengkah cara nu
Then step this way, step that way
– Lajeng lengkah cara ieu, lengkah cara nu

Are you my friend?
– Naha anjeun sobat kuring?
Are we locked in?
– Naha urang dikonci?
Then step this way, step that way
– Lajeng lengkah cara ieu, lengkah cara nu
Then step this way, step that way
– Lajeng lengkah cara ieu, lengkah cara nu

Kendrick Lamar



