Kendrick Lamar – squabble up Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


God knows
– Allah nyaho
I am reincarnated
– Kuring keur reinkarnasi
I was stargazin’
– Abdi stargazin’
Life goes on, I need all my babies (Gyah, gyah)
– Hirup terus, kuring kudu sadaya babies mah (Gyah, gyah)

Woke up lookin’ for the broccoli
– Bangun néangan brokoli
High-key, keep a horn on me, that Kamasi
– Hahaha … sabar Ye Kak … Sabar Ye Kak … Hehe
IP, ownership, the blueprint is by me
– IP, kapamilikan, nu blueprint nyaeta ku kuring
Mr. Get Off, I get off and mop feet
– Mr. Turun, kuring turun jeung mop suku
When I hear music, it makes me dance
– Lamun kuring ngadéngé musik, éta ngajadikeun kuring menari
You got the music, now is your chance
– Anjeun meunang musik, ayeuna téh kasempetan anjeun
A yee nigga couldn’t try me in the tri-state
– A nigga yee teu bisa coba kuring di tri-nagara
Buddy pass, bet I get him splashed ’til he hydrated
– Buddy pass, bet kuring meunang anjeunna splashed ‘ nepi ka anjeunna hydrated
Bounce out, know he spook town, eyes dilated
– Bounce kaluar, nyaho manéhna spook kota, panon dilated
I got the money and the power both gyratin’
– Kuring meunang duit jeung kakuatan duanana gyratin’

I feel good, get the fuck out my face
– Aku rasa baik, buat muka aku kacau
Look good, but she don’t got no taste
– Nampak sedap tapi takde rasa
I walk in, walked out with the safe
– Kuring leumpang di, walked kaluar jeung aman
Mando, let me know what the play
– Waduh, biar tau gimana caranya

What the fuck?
– Naon fuck?
I got hits, I got bucks, I got new paper cuts
– Kuring meunang hits, kuring meunang bucks, kuring meunang motong kertas anyar
I got friends, I got foes, but they all sitting ducks
– Saya punya sahabat, saya punya musuh, tapi mereka semuanya duduk bebek
Hit his turf and get crackin’, double back like a deluxe
– Pencét turf sarta meunang crackin’, ganda deui kawas deluxe a
Fifty deep, but it ain’t deep enough
– Lima puluh jero, tapi teu cukup jero
Fuck a plea, there he go, beat him up
– Fuck hiji plea, aya manéhna indit, ngéléhkeun manéhna nepi
Fallin’ from a money tree and it grow throughout the months
– Jatuh tina tangkal duit jeung tumuwuh sapanjang bulan
Spit a loogie at the camera, speed off, yeah, it’s us
– Nyembur hiji loogie di kaméra, speed kaluar, enya, éta urang

I feel good, get the fuck out my face
– Aku rasa baik, buat muka aku kacau
Look good, but she don’t got no taste
– Nampak sedap tapi takde rasa
I walk in, walked out with the safe
– Kuring leumpang di, walked kaluar jeung aman
Mando, let me know what the play
– Waduh, biar tau gimana caranya

Squabble up, squabble up
– Sengketa, sengketa
Squabble up, squabble up
– Sengketa, sengketa
Squabble up (Mm, mm), squabble up (Mm, mm)
– Sengketa up (mm, mm), sengketa up (mm, mm)
Squabble up (Mm, mm), squabble up
– Sengketa up (mm, mm), sengketa up

Hol’ up (Hol’ up)
– Hol ‘up (Hol’ up)
Where you from? (Where you from?)
– Ti mana asalna? (Ti mana anjeun?)
Bye, bitch (Bye, bitch)
– Bye, bitch (Bye, bitch)
I’m finna go dumb (Finna go dumb)
– Abdi finna go bodo (Finna go bodo)
Sideways (Sideways)
– Sisi (Sisi)
Bunk skunk (Bunk skunk)
– Bunk skunk (bunk skunk)
Fever (Fever)
– Demam (Demam)
I’m on one (I’m on one)
– Abdi dina hiji (abdi dina hiji)

Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, baby rockin’ it
– Thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, orok rockin ‘ ieu
Quid pro quo, what you want? ‘Cause I’m watchin’ it
– Quid pro quo, naon anu anjeun pikahoyong? Karna ku melihat
Work on the floor, let me know if you clockin’ it
– Buat di lantai, biarlah ku tahu jika kau menghadapi
Brodie won’t go, but I know that he poppin’ it
– Brodie moal indit, tapi kuring nyaho yén manéhna popping ‘ eta
It was woof tickets on sale ’til I silenced it
– Ieu tiket woof diobral ‘ nepi ka kuring silenced eta
Pipe down, young, these some whole other politics
– Pipe handap, ngora, ieu sababaraha pulitik sakabeh séjén
Bitch with him and some bitch in him, that’s a lot of bitch
– Bitch jeung manéhna jeung sababaraha bitch di manéhna, nu loba bitch
Don’t hit him, he got kids with him, my apologies
– Ulah pencét anjeunna, anjeunna ngagaduhan kids kalawan anjeunna, apologies abdi
Ghetto child, it was Blacky Milds with the Smirnoff
– Budak Ghetto, Éta Hideung Hampang Jeung Smirnoff
Yeehaw, we outside, whoadie ’bout to kill him off
– Yeehaw, urang luar, whoadie ‘ bout maehan anjeunna kaluar
Blaps on blaps, it’s a fact, this a brick of raw
– Blaps dina blaps, éta hiji kanyataan, ieu bata baku
Tell me why the fuck you niggas rap if it’s fictional?
– Bejakeun ka kuring naha fuck anjeun rap niggas lamun éta fiksi?
Tell me why the fuck you niggas fed if you criminal?
– Ngabejaan ka kuring naha fuck anjeun niggas fed lamun kriminal?
“Ayy, Dot, can I get a drop?” I’m like, “Nigga, nah”
– “Duh, Dupi abdi tiasa kéngingkeun drop? “Kuring kawas, ” Nigga, nah”
Ace boon coon from the Westside to Senegal
– Ace boon coon ti Sisi kulon Ka Sénégal
It’s a full moon, let the wolves out, I been a dog (Ah)
– Hehehe … sabar ye kak … saya dah jadi anjing … hehehe …

I feel good, get the fuck out my face
– Aku rasa baik, buat muka aku kacau
Look good, but she don’t got no taste
– Nampak sedap tapi takde rasa
I walk in, walked out with the safe
– Kuring leumpang di, walked kaluar jeung aman
Mando, let me know what the play
– Waduh, biar tau gimana caranya

Squabble up, squabble up
– Sengketa, sengketa
Squabble up, squabble up
– Sengketa, sengketa
Squabble up (Mm, mm), squabble up (Mm, mm)
– Sengketa up (mm, mm), sengketa up (mm, mm)
Squabble up (Mm, mm), squabble up
– Sengketa up (mm, mm), sengketa up

Kendrick Lamar



