Vidéo Klip
– Enya
Yeah, mm, mm
– Ya, mm, mm
– Hmm-mm
Yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya
We got pounds all on the counter
– Urang meunang pon sadaya dina counter
In the spot, watchin’ the cameras
– Di tempat, lalajo kaméra
I ain’t never scared to take a risk, I know life is a gamble
– Aku tak pernah takut menghadapi kesalahan, aku tahu hidup adalah kesalahan
Can’t believe they turned they back on me
– Tak ku sangka mereka kembali padaku
Now my life in shambles
– Ayeuna hirup abdi di shambles
I got money, thought they’d be happy for me
– Kuring meunang duit, panginten aranjeunna bakal bagja pikeun kuring
They’d rather see me in shackles
– Maranéhna leuwih resep ningali kuring dina ranté
Startin’ the gas, I can’t go backwards
– Menghindari gas, ku tak bisa kembali
Fifty mill’ a year my average
– Lima puluh pabrik ‘ sataun rata-rata kuring
Used to work that kitchen cabinet
– Dipaké pikeun digawé nu kabinét dapur
Payin’ the block, they used laugh at me (Laugh at me)
– Sambil ketawa ngakak (sambil ketawa ngakak)
Yeah, now I’m what they grab at (Yeah)
– Yeah, ayeuna mah naon maranehna nyengkram di (Hehehehe)
Back then, they would laugh at me (Yeah)
– Lepas tu, mereka ketawa sorang-sorang (Yeah)
Now I’m who they grabbin’
– Ayeuna kuring anu aranjeunna grabbin’
My grandma, whatever she want from me
– Nini, naon bae manéhna hayang ti kuring
And she ain’t get no help
– Jeung manéhna teu meunang euweuh pitulung
Niggas actin’ like they with you, turn your back, they’ll put ’em on ya
– Niggas aktin ‘kawas aranjeunna sareng anjeun, ngahurungkeun deui anjeun, aranjeunna bakal nempatkeun’ em on ya
Feel like the coldest nigga ever, I got permanent pneumonia
– Ngarasa kawas nigga coldest kantos, kuring meunang pneumonia permanén
There was times I needed help, I had to do it on my own
– Aya kali kuring diperlukeun pitulung, kuring kungsi ngalakukeun hal eta dina sorangan
I ain’t cry, it made me strong
– Ku tak menangis, membuat ku kuat
Fuck a nigga, I work my phone
– Fuck a nigga, kuring digawé telepon kuring
They got jammed when we was younger
– Maranéhanana meunang macet lamun urang ngora
For fifteen years, D done been gone
– Pikeun lima belas taun, D geus isro
I make sure I handle they lawyer fees
– Kuring pastikeun kuring nanganan maranéhanana waragad pengacara
Determined to bring ’em home
– Ditangtukeun pikeun mawa ‘ em imah
They was hopin’ they’d take me out
– Maranéhanana hoping ‘ aranjeunna bakal nyandak kuring kaluar
But I had made it through the storm
– Tapi kuring geus dijieun ngaliwatan badai
I’m like shoutout to my cousin, dog, he was right there and he had to call (Uh, I’m a country boy, don’t wanna talk for long)
– Hahahahaha … aku pengen banget kesana … tapi dia pengen banget kesana … hahahaha … aku pengen banget ngobrol bareng anak kecil…: d
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya, enya, enya
Had to cut my brother off, I can’t believe you broke the law (Niggas still sip codeine)
– Hahaha……….. aku tak sangka korang dah kawen……….. (Niggas masih sip codeine)
That shit really did somethin’ to my head
– Nu shit bener teu hal ‘ ka sirah kuring
Uh, okay
– Ah, oké
Got all of this money pilin’, Lord, I wanna ball forever
– Dapat duit semuanya, Gusti, abdi hoyong ball salawasna
You know I could really use Your help, yeah (Use Your help, yeah)
– Anjeun terang kuring bener bisa make pitulung Anjeun, hehehehe (Make pitulung Anjeun, hehehehe)
Thousand on a tractor-trailer, shoutout to my cousin, dog (Yeah)
– Rébuan dina traktor-remor, shoutout ka misan mah, anjing (Hehehehe)
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah (Did it by myself, yeah)
– Aku tak boleh buat sorang-sorang, yeah (Aku Buat sorang-sorang, sorang-sorang)
Okay, time and time again, I gave you last chances
– Oke, waktu jeung waktu deui, kuring méré anjeun chances pamungkas
Love life in the end, at least my pack landed (Yeah)
– Cinta hirup di ahir, sahenteuna pak mah landed (Hehehehe)
Thousand on a tractor-trailer, shoutout to my cousin, dog
– Rébuan dina traktor-remor, ngagorowok ka misan kuring, anjing
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah (Did it by myself)
– Saya tak boleh buat sorang-sorang, yeah (Saya Buat sorang-sorang)
Been off the pounds, we built for it, they touchin’ the clearport
– Geus kaluar tina pon, urang diwangun pikeun eta, aranjeunna touchin ‘ nu clearport
Lil’ broski represented himself
– Lil ‘ broski ngawakilan dirina
He had beat the feds, he ain’t have a lawyer
– Manéhna geus ngéléhkeun feds, manéhna teu boga pengacara
Soon as we touchin’ the airport, we duckin’ the task force
– Pas urang nyentuh bandara, urang ducking pasukan tugas
Bro said he can’t wait ’til he see Alabama like Travis Barker
– Bro ngomong manéhna teu bisa ngadagoan ‘ nepi ka manéhna nempo Alabama kawas Travis Barker
My opps got security, but the 12 I’m rockin’ with be Travis Hunter
– My opps meunang kaamanan, tapi 12 i ‘m rockin’ jeung jadi Travis Hunter
I had zero to buy in fight night, now I get lost, took my mama
– Kuring kungsi nol meuli di tarung peuting, ayeuna kuring leungit, nyandak mama kuring
From the projects to loadin’ up a PJ, convicted felon
– Ti proyék pikeun loadin ‘ up A PJ, penjahat dihukum
Since bro snitched on a dead man, he don’t think it’s tellin’
– Karena dia menghindari seorang manusia mati, dia tidak berani menghindari
Can’t believe my cousin, dog
– Tak sabar nak tgk adik aku, anjing
Can’t believe you took the stand
– Teu bisa percaya anjeun nyandak stand
Can’t believe my hood and I
– Tak ku sangka dan ku tak ku duga
Was a couple niggas, still shook his hand
– Ieu sababaraha niggas, masih ngoyagkeun leungeun-na
Wanna make lil’ Snoop a highlight tape, thank God he shook his hands
– Hayang nyieun Lil ‘ Snoop hiji pita sorot, alhamdulillah manéhna ngoyagkeun leungeun-na
Had a thousand of ’em inside the trailer truck, he saw before they land
– Boga sarébu ‘ em jero treuk trailer, manéhna nempo saméméh maranéhanana darat
Soon as it touch down, hotel trap out of rooms
– Pas eta touch turun, hotel bubu kaluar kamar
Shawty want me to pay to get her face beat, Metro Boomin
– Shawty hayang kuring mayar pikeun meunangkeun beungeutna ngéléhkeun, Metro Boomin
Postin’ weed on her story, you lucky the feds ain’t tuned in
– Postin ‘ weed dina carita nya, anjeun untung nu feds teu tuned di
Always actin’ like you know shit, she ain’t even stole shit
– Sok akting ‘ kawas anjeun nyaho shit, manéhna komo teu maok shit
Uh, okay
– Ah, oké
Got all of this money pilin’, Lord, I wanna ball forever
– Dapat duit semuanya, Gusti, abdi hoyong ball salawasna
You know I could really use Your help, yeah (Use Your help, yeah)
– Anjeun terang kuring bener bisa make pitulung Anjeun, hehehehe (Make pitulung Anjeun, hehehehe)
Thousand on a tractor-trailer, shoutout to my cousin, dog (Yeah)
– Rébuan dina traktor-remor, shoutout ka misan mah, anjing (Hehehehe)
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah (Did it by myself, yeah)
– Aku tak boleh buat sorang-sorang, yeah (Aku Buat sorang-sorang, sorang-sorang)
Okay, time and time again, I gave you last chances
– Oke, waktu jeung waktu deui, kuring méré anjeun chances pamungkas
Love life in the end, at least my pack landed (Yeah)
– Cinta hirup di ahir, sahenteuna pak mah landed (Hehehehe)
Thousand on a tractor-trailer, shoutout to my cousin, dog
– Rébuan dina traktor-remor, ngagorowok ka misan kuring, anjing
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah (Shoutout to my cousin, dog, did it by myself, yeah)
– Saya tak boleh buat sendiri, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh … nak buat sendiri …
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah, uh
– Saya tak boleh buat sendiri, ya, ya
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah
– Saya tak boleh buat sendiri, yeah
I couldn’t have did it by myself, yeah
– Saya tak boleh buat sendiri, yeah
I had some
– Kuring kungsi sababaraha
