Vidéo Klip
Pulled up in a two-seater (Coupe, yeah)
– Diuk dina dua-seater (Coupe, enya)
Insides ‘ghetti (Spaghetti)
– Jero ‘ ghetti (Spaghetti)
Money, let’s get it (Let’s go, let’s go)
– Duit, hayu urang meunang eta (Hayu urang indit, hayu urang indit)
Steppin’ on a peasant (Pss, yeah)
– Hihihihihihihihihihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihiihihihihihihihihihihihi
Do it ’cause I want to
– Karena ku ingin
I don’t need the credit (I don’t say nothin’)
– Ku tak butuh kredit (ku tak mengucapkan apa-apa)
Eighty on the Kelly (Want some)
– Dalapan puluh dina Kelly (Hayang sababaraha)
And that’s her aesthetic
– Jeung éta estetika nya
Stiff gang on a bitch, don’t approach me (Nope)
– Gang kaku dina bitch a, ulah kaanggo me (Nope)
I go up by the week, real motion (Still runnin’)
– Minggu lepas aku naik … mmmmmmmmmmmm …
I can really play the game and coach it
– Kuring bener bisa maénkeun kaulinan jeung palatih eta
I ain’t dealin’ hand to hand, I wholesale (Real money)
– Saya tidak berani menghadapi tangan, saya tidak berani menghadapi semua (sebenarnya tidak berani menghadapi semua)
Baked potato with everything on it (Loaded)
– Kentang dipanggang jeung sagalana dina eta (Dimuat)
Diamonds hittin’, everything pourin’ (Can’t focus)
– Intan hittin’, sagalana pourin ‘ (Teu bisa difokuskeun)
Sent the Uber, get away from me (Go ‘head)
– Kirimkeun Uber, meunang jauh ti kuring (Balik ‘ sirah)
I’m a different vibe when that liquor hit (Oh, yeah)
– Saya mah apa atuh mas, kapan ya??
We can’t be all on the ‘Gram, don’t post us (Don’t post us)
– Urang teu bisa kabeh dina ‘ Gram, ulah ngirim tulisan urang (Ulah ngirim tulisan urang)
Motherfucker in my hand, no holster (No holster)
– Bokep jepang di tangan gw, ga ada tangan gw (Ga ada tangan gw ga ada tangan gw)
Turnt up, young nigga, I’m the most (I’m the most)
– Turnt up, ngora nigga, kuring nu paling (kuring nu paling)
Twenty vibes T’d up on the boat so I (Ski)
– Dua puluh geter t ‘ d nepi dina parahu jadi kuring (Ski)
Puttin’ it down for Atlanta like I’m Soso ‘nem
– Puttin ‘ieu handap Pikeun Atlanta kawas kami Soso’ nem
I know how to hit the gas when the coast is clear (I’m gone)
– Saya tahu cara menghindari bensin, bila menghindari bensin (saya telah menghindari bensin)
You know I know you a ho, nigga, so, so what?
– Kau tahu aku tau kau ho, nigga, jadi, jadi naon?
Get it done by myself, don’t need no coconspirator
– Buat sorang-sorang, jangan tak buat sendiri
Thunderstorm when I come, I am so, so real (Doin’)
– Badai lamun kuring datang, kami jadi, jadi nyata (Doin’)
They got brodie fucked up, I’m lookin’ out for them (Got ’em)
– Maranéhanana meunang brodie fucked nepi, kuring keur pilari kaluar pikeun aranjeunna (Got ‘ em)
Can’t cry, I got ten tears drop in both my ears
– Tak bisa menangis, ku menangis di dua ceuli
I been fuckin’ up Nobu before the deal
– Kuring geus fucking ‘ up Nobu saméméh deal
When I’m done and I’m leavin’, she know the drill
– Lamun kuring geus rengse jeung kuring leavin’, manéhna nyaho bor
I put oil on them bricks, I got motor skills (Got motor)
– Kuring nunda minyak dina eta bata, kuring meunang kaahlian motor (Meunang motor)
I need racks every day, this shit cost a mill’ (Cost)
– Kuring kudu rak unggal poé, shit ieu ngarugikeun hiji pabrik ‘(Biaya)
I catch her out of bounds, I’ma sock it to her (Sock)
– Kuring nyekel nya kaluar tina wates, abdi kaos kaki ka dirina (Kaos Kaki)
M’s in offshore accounts like a soccer dude
– M di akun lepas pantai kawas dude soccer
I’ve been dead broke before, keep my pockets full
– Udah mati tapi tetep saku
Throw a sixty on the Wock and I run a lil’
– Buang genep puluh dina Wock jeung kuring ngajalankeun lil a’
Know I make me a lot off a lil’ nothin’
– Ku tahu ku banyak dari lil’nothing’
Couple zips of that raw and you blow it up
– Sababaraha zips tina atah nu jeung anjeun niup eta nepi
Set up shop anywhere, I be goin’ up
– Bengkel di mana saja, ku bengkel di mana saja
Trench baby runnin’ ’round in this foreign stuff
– Trench baby runnin ‘ round dina hal asing ieu
Pushin’ packs of drugs in the new year
– Nyorong bungkus narkoba dina taun anyar
Rich junkie, addicted to blue bucks
– Rich junkie, kecanduan bucks biru
Different mind frame, I grew up
– Rupa-rupa pigura pikiran, kuring tumuwuh nepi
Really Mr. Let-A-Bitch-Do-Her
– Bener Mr. Hayu-A-Bitch-Do-Nya
Pretty shit debatin’ ’bout who first
– Geulis shit debatin ” bout saha kahiji
Bro, I’m not his twin, I don’t know who worst
– Saya bukan anak kembar, tapi saya tak tahu siapa yang paling parah
She’ll sell her soul for some cheap purses
– Manéhna bakal ngajual jiwa nya pikeun sababaraha dompet mirah
Sleepin’ giant, woke, I done resurfaced
– Sleepin ‘ raksasa, bangun, kuring dipigawé resurfaced
Woke up in the Maybach with push curtains
– Bangun di Maybach jeung curtains push
We don’t fuck with him, he a goofy
– Urang teu fuck jeung manéhna, manéhna goofy a
Smooth talker, right out a two-piece
– Hihihihihi … jadi ngiler dua-duanya
2025, the new fleet
– 2025, armada anyar
Kickin’ shit with P’s, Bruce Lee
– Kicking ‘ shit jeung P urang, Bruce Lee
Bro know he a pack, LooseLeaf
– Bro nyaho manéhna pak, LooseLeaf
Ridin’ in the ‘Cat, red key
– Ridin ‘dina’ Cat, key beureum
Go and check the stats, I’m OG, yeah
– Coba cek statistikna, abdi OG, enya
Straight out the jungle, survival is a must
– Langsung kaluar leuweung, survival nyaeta kudu
I want the cheese, my pockets stuffed crust
– Abdi hoyong kéju, kantong kuring dieusian kerak
I’m ’bout to leave, she come and touch me up
– Kuring ‘ bout ninggalkeun, manéhna datang jeung noél kuring nepi
Got her own business account, I’m the plug
– Punya akun bisnis sendiri, saya tukang becak
I’m out in Vegas, blicky on my hip
– Kuring kaluar Di Vegas, blicky dina pinggul kuring
Three hundred K, the charges disappear
– Tilu ratus K, tuduhan ngaleungit
I really made it, I used to work a flip
– Kuring bener dijieun eta, kuring dipaké pikeun digawe flip a
I ain’t gon’ play, came through dunkin’ off the dribble
– Kuring teu gon ‘maén, sumping ngaliwatan dunkin’ off dribble nu
Bro wanna take on the trial, let’s do it
– Bro hayang nyokot dina sidang, hayu urang ngalakukeun hal eta
Know how to move, I locked in with the Jews
– Nyaho kumaha pindah, kuring dikonci di Jeung Yahudi
Passin’ out Hermès, for Christmas, I’m Scrooge
– Passin ‘ out Hermès, Pikeun Natal, abdi Scrooge
No, I can’t let her, I’m stickin’ to mood
– Tak dapat ku biarkan dirinya, ku tahan rasa
I like the way that she fuck, she the coolest
– Abdi resep cara yén manéhna fuck, manéhna coolest
Models, she love a hood nigga, they bougie
– Model, manéhna cinta hiji hood nigga, maranéhanana bougie
Dig the dude, put the grave on my tombstone
– Ngagali dude, nempatkeun kuburan dina batu nisan kuring
Hit him straight in this shit if he move wrong
– Hit anjeunna lempeng di shit ieu lamun anjeunna mindahkeun salah
Virgil Maybach, I’m swervin’ a two-tone
– Waduh, saya jadi ngiler dua-dua
Thirty deep in the spot like a group home
– Tilu puluh jero di tempat kawas imah group
Drive her crazy, she think I put wood on her
– Ngajalankeun nya gila, manéhna mikir kuring nunda kai dina dirina
We gon’ lay, catch ’em lackin’ move on ’em
– Urang gon ‘lay, nyekel’ em lackin ‘pindah dina’ em
Yeah, I’m hot, check the temp’, but I’m cool on
– Iya mas, saya udah nyobain, tapi tetep keren hehe
Take some furs, I’m workin’ my move on her
– Candak sababaraha furs, kaula gawe ‘ move mah dina dirina
Give her curve, I’m puttin’ that spoon on her
– Méré kurva nya, kaula putting ‘ sendok nu dina dirina
Out in Saudi, I’m pushin’ a fur coat (Wheezy outta here)
– Di Saudi arabia, saya menghindari menghindari menghindari menghindari menghindari menghindari menghindari menghindari
