Vidéo Klip
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
– (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
– (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(And now you’re stained)
– (Jeung ayeuna anjeun geus stained)
– Enya
Hand on my mouth, I shouldn’t have said it (Oh)
– Di sungut kuring, kuring teu kudu geus ceuk eta (Oh)
Gave you a chance, already regret it (Oh)
– Memberi kesempatan, tapi tetap menyesal (Oh)
Trying so hard to be sympathetic
– Mencoba jadi susah untuk jadi simpati
But I know where it’s gonna go if I let it
– Tapi ku tahu kemana jika ku biarkan
(Oh, oh, oh, oh) And I let it
– (Oh, oh, oh, Oh) jeung kuring ngantep eta
Knowin’ you’re hidin’ what no one else sees
– Nyaho ‘anjeun nyumput’ naon taya sahijieun sejenna nilik
Close-lipped smile ’cause there’s blood on your teeth (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
– Seuri nu deukeut sabab aya getih dina huntu anjeun (oh, oh, oh, oh)
What you forget you are gonna repeat
– Apa yang kau lupakan kau akan kembali
You don’t get to make amends like your hand’s still clean
– Anjeun teu meunang nyieun amends kawas leungeun anjeun masih beresih
Because you’re stained
– Karena kau kacau
You try to hide the mark, but it won’t fade
– Mencoba menutupi tanda, tapi tidak akan luntur
You lie and lie like I was nothin’
– Anjeun bohong jeung bohong kawas kuring éta nothing’
Pretend you’re spotless, but I don’t wash away
– Menghindarimu, tapi aku tak basuh
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained
Sweat in your hands while the time starts tickin’ (Sweat in your hands while the time starts tickin’)
– Kesang dina leungeun anjeun bari waktu dimimitian tickin ‘(Kesang dina leungeun anjeun bari waktu dimimitian tickin’)
Trippin’ on words, alibi starts slippin’ (Trippin’ on words, alibi starts slippin’)
– Trippin ‘dina kecap, alibi dimimitian slippin’ (Trippin ‘dina kecap, alibi dimimitian slippin’)
Wanna wake from the nightmare you’ve been livin’ (Wanna wake from the nightmare you’ve been livin’)
– Hayang hudang ti ngimpina anjeun geus livin ‘(Hayang hudang ti ngimpina anjeun geus livin’)
But we both know forgotten doesn’t mean forgiven (Mean forgiven), forgiven
– Tapi urang duanana nyaho poho teu mean dihampura( Mean dihampura), dihampura
Knowin’ you’re hidin’ what no one else sees
– Nyaho ‘anjeun nyumput’ naon taya sahijieun sejenna nilik
Close-lipped smile ’cause there’s blood on your teeth (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
– Seuri nu deukeut sabab aya getih dina huntu anjeun (oh, oh, oh, oh)
What you forget you are gonna repeat
– Apa yang kau lupakan kau akan kembali
You don’t get to make amends like your hand’s still clean
– Anjeun teu meunang nyieun amends kawas leungeun anjeun masih beresih
Because you’re stained
– Karena kau kacau
You try to hide the mark, but it won’t fade
– Mencoba menutupi tanda, tapi tidak akan luntur
You lie and lie like I was nothing
– Anjeun bohong jeung bohong kawas kuring éta nanaon
Pretend you’re spotless, but I don’t wash away
– Menghindarimu, tapi aku tak basuh
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained
And someday
– Jeung hiji poé
Knowin’ you’re hidin’ what no one else sees
– Nyaho ‘anjeun nyumput’ naon taya sahijieun sejenna nilik
And someday
– Jeung hiji poé
Close-lipped smile over blood on your teeth
– Seuri deukeut-lipped leuwih getih dina huntu anjeun
And someday
– Jeung hiji poé
What you forget you are gonna repeat
– Apa yang kau lupakan kau akan kembali
Tryna make amends like your hand’s still clean
– Tryna nyieun amends kawas leungeun anjeun masih beresih
But we both know that your hand’s not clean
– Tapi urang duanana nyaho yén leungeun anjeun teu beresih
And someday
– Jeung hiji poé
Your hands will be too red to hide the blame
– Leungeun anjeun bakal teuing beureum pikeun nyumputkeun nyalahkeun
You’ll realize you had it comin’
– Anjeun bakal nyadar yén anjeun kungsi eta datang’
Pretend you’re spotless, but I don’t wash away
– Menghindarimu, tapi aku tak basuh
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained
And now you’re stained
– Jeung ayeuna anjeun stained