Vidéo Klip
Do you remember first time you heard the legend in leather?
– Naha anjeun émut mimiti anjeun nguping legenda dina kulit?
The career ender with the road-killer stuck to his fender
– Karir ender jeung jalan-killer nyangkut ka fender-na
I’m on another bender, drunk off the power
– Kuring dina bender sejen, mabok off kakuatan
That make a coward surrender as I devour contenders
– Éta ngajadikeun pengecut nyerah sakumaha kuring devour contenders
Talkin’ foul of whoever, your head is ’bout to get severed
– Ngobrol ‘foul of saha, sirah anjeun’ bout meunang severed
Then I bounce it with pleasure, I’m pouring out Amaretto
– Lepas tu, aku buat Keje, aku Buat Keje Amaretto
Homies, I won’t forgеt ’em, so tap the bottle and pour it
– Hihihi … gak bakal lupa … jadi ngiler liat botolnya … hihihi …
Supermodels I ignore ’em, later on it’s like porn
– Supermodel kuring malire ‘ em, engké dina éta kawas porno
Reincarnation of the Ripper, I give stitches and chest zippers
– Reinkarnasi Tina Ripper, kuring méré jahitan jeung ritsleting dada
Cinderella’s get propellered out their glass slippers
– Cinderella meunang propellered kaluar slippers kaca maranéhanana
Time is tickin’, giving ass whoopin’s how we keep the cash flippin’
– Waktu téh ticking’, méré burit whoopin urang kumaha urang tetep duit tunai flippin’
What? A supa-dupa switch up (What?)
– Naon? Saklar supa-dupa (Naon?)
I can’t understand a single word you’re saying
– Kuring teu bisa ngarti hiji kecap anjeun nyebutkeun
I think you have syrup brain
– Jigana anjeun boga uteuk sirup
‘Bout to finish you like polyurethane (Huh)
– ‘Bout nepi ka rengse anjeun kawas polyurethane (Huh)
All that molly probably sure to drain your spinal fluid from your vertebrae
– Sadaya nu molly meureun yakin ka solokan cairan tulang tonggong anjeun ti vertebra anjeun
This the Murdergram and I brought my murder game
– Ieu Nu Murdergram jeung kuring dibawa kaulinan rajapati mah
My shit fire, that is why you log on it like Duraflame
– Waduh, jadi pengen kesana nih kayak Duraflame
But as far as boulevards, I’m talking ’bout Farmers like insurance claims (Pff)
– Tapi kalau Bab-bab, aku bicara ’bout Patani kawas klaim asuransi (Pff)
I just blew your girl away, but she on so much blow and lean (What?)
– Kuring ngan niup gadis anjeun jauh, tapi manéhna dina jadi loba niup jeung lean (Naon?)
I call that fucking ho Katrina, somebody better give her a cane
– Kuring nelepon nu Fucking Ho Katrina, batur hadé méré nya iteuk a
And that’s on everything (What?), she love my heavy chain
– Jeung éta dina sagalana (Naon?), manéhna cinta ranté beurat kuring
My yellow diamond shining, got her whipping like lemon meringue
– Berlian konéng mah bersinar, meunang whipping nya kawas meringue lemon
Stripping in front of the gang, she’s slipping inside of the Range
– Di hareupeun geng, manéhna leupas tina Jangkauan
Quick to go out with a bang, it’s like I threw out a grenade
– Cepat-cepat nak kawen, macam nak kawen je
Once you pull the pin, that’s when the killing will begin
– Sakali anjeun narik pin, éta nalika pembunuhan bakal dimimitian
You feel me pulling off your skin, I really came to get it and deliver
– Anjeun ngarasa kuring narik off kulit anjeun, kuring bener datang pikeun meunangkeun eta jeung nganteurkeun
Murdergrams, turn over your ambulance, thirty bullets in advance
– Murdergrams, ngahurungkeun ambulan anjeun, tilu puluh peluru sateuacanna
Candlelight and crying fans, we gon’ win it by a land-slide up behind you, testing my rifle
– Cahaya lilin jeung fans ceurik, urang gon ‘ meunang eta ku darat-slide nepi balik anjeun, nguji bedil kuring
Give blessings to my disciples, professional I’m a sniper
– Berkah untuk mahasiswa-mahasiswi, saya seorang penembak jitu
Like eight miles away, me and Marshall doing murders
– Kawas dalapan mil jauhna, kuring Jeung Marshall ngalakonan rajapati
With dirty burners, break them down and melt them in the furnace
– Jeung burners kotor, megatkeun eta turun jeung ngalembereh eta dina tungku
Unapologetic and we’re gonna cause a headache
– Teu nyuhunkeun hapunten sareng urang bakal nyababkeun nyeri sirah
Me and L about to set it, we about to murdergram it
– Kuring Jeung L rék nyetel eta, urang rék murdergram eta
Anyone of y’all can get it, so you might as well forget it
– Saha waé ti y ‘ all bisa meunangkeun eta, jadi anjeun bisa ogé poho eta
Either way you will regret it, cemetery’s where you’re headed
– Kumaha waé ogé anjeun bakal kaduhung, kuburan dimana anjeun nuju
Come on! (Yeah)
– Hayu urang! (Enya)
The message in the chorus, you bastards got nothing for us
– Pesen dina paduan suara, anjeun bajingan teu ngagaduhan nanaon pikeun urang
The overlord is the rawest
– Nu overlord nyaéta rawest
I ain’t talkin’ ’bout a rental car when I’m pullin’ the Taurus
– Gw ga berani ngasih mobil, pas gw ngasih Mobil……….. ” Taurus
This Halloween them candy bars’ll get you killed in the forest
– Lebaran ieu aranjeunna candy bar bakal meunang anjeun ditelasan di leuweung
We are lyrically lawless, stackin’ money, hoarders
– Urang lyrically lawless, stackin ‘ duit, hoarders
Slugs that make you forget all that slick-ass shit that you thought of
– Slugs nu ngajadikeun anjeun poho sagala nu slick-burit shit nu mikir
Blow your mind with the sawed off
– Menghindari kesalahan mu dengan kesalahan mu
Just when you thought it was safe, we bustin’ at you from the Wraith
– Ngan lamun anjeun panginten éta aman, urang bustin ‘ di anjeun ti Wraith
Then hittin’ a donut, ain’t nothin’ sweet when we come in to play
– Lepas tu, tak sah kalau kita masuk kenduri kawen
When I say that you ain’t fuckin’ with moi
– Bila kau tak kacau moi
I do not mean kisses blew, but I got the potential to
– Tak bermakna kisses blew, tapi kuring meunang poténsi pikeun
Fuckin’ flip when I’m mentioned with a penchant to (What?)
– Fucking ‘ flip lamun kuring disebutkeun jeung kacenderungan ka (Naon?)
Come back with a vengeance like Jack the Ripper
– Balik deui jeung dendam kawas jack Nu Ripper
To rip it, just givin’ you a sample, a fuckin’ snippet (Snip it), like scissors do
– Pikeun nyokot eta, ngan méré anjeun sampel, a fucking snippet (Snip eta), kawas gunting ngalakukeun
Now when I hit the booth, I think of the days of old when I was quick to fool
– Ayeuna lamun kuring pencét stan, jigana poé heubeul lamun kuring gancang fool
Used to fly off the handle like a fuckin’ witch’s broom
– Dipaké pikeun ngapung off cecekelan kawas sapu tukang sihir fucking urang
I called it pluckin’ flowers ’cause I was so quick to pick a tool up (Click-click)
– Kuring nyebut eta pluckin ‘kembang’ sabab kuring jadi gancang pikeun nyokot alat nepi (Klik-klik)
Like it’s petunias, sick medulla, but thanks to COOL J, he created a monster (What? Yeah!)
– Hehehe … mmg x sabar nk tgk citer NI … tapi terima KASIH KAN … hehe … mmg x sabar nk tgk citer ni … hehe … Enya!)
Spaghetti sauce and mozzarella on a tray full of pasta (What?)
– Saos Spaghetti jeung mozzarella dina baki pinuh ku pasta (Naon?)
You got a couple of motherfuckin’ trained killers on ya (Trained kill-lasagna’s)
– Anjeun ngagaduhan sababaraha motherfuckin ‘ killers dilatih dina ya (Dilatih maehan-lasagna sacara)
And I’m just bein’ as frank as Sinatra (Haha)
– Tapi aku cuma ngerasa Jujur Sama Sinatra (Hahahahaha)
When I be sayin’ that I’ma keep this shit gangster as mobsters (What?)
– Lamun kuring keur nyebutkeun ‘ nu kuring bakal tetep shit ieu gangster salaku gangsters (Naon?)
But when you got fanatics goin’ so crazy, they mob ya
– Tapi lamun anjeun meunang fanatik goin ‘ jadi gila, aranjeunna mob ya
Lookin’ like organized crime because you can’t get ’em off ya (Mafia)
– Hahahaha … macam tak boleh je nak kawen … hehehe …
And all your motherfuckin’ enemies, they wanna off ya, like Hoffa
– Jeung sagala musuh motherfuckin anjeun, aranjeunna wanna kaluar ya, kawas Hoffa
And dump your body in Lake Minnetonka (Shhh)
– Jeung dump awak anjeun Dina Lake Minnetonka (Shhh)
That’s how you know you fuckin’ saw, and you came, and you conquered
– Éta kumaha anjeun terang anjeun fucking ‘ saw, jeung anjeun sumping, jeung anjeun nalukkeun
Veni, vidi, vici, stompin’ and makin’ ’em bonkers
– Veni, vidi, vici, stompin ‘jeung makin’ em bonkers
Now women treat me like B.D.K. (Kane), the king, and they feed me grapes (Yeah)
– Ayeuna awéwé ngubaran kuring kawas B. D. K. (Kane), raja, sarta aranjeunnaed kuring anggur (Yeah)
Either way, I got more on my plate than an all you can eat buffet (Woo)
– Leuwih ti éta, kuring meunang leuwih dina piring mah ti hiji sadaya anjeun bisa dahar prasmanan (Djafar)
So better pick a B.C. date ’cause your history is shady (Yeah, set)
– Jadi leuwih alus nyokot tanggal B. c. sabab sajarah anjeun rindang (Hehehehe, diatur)
As they ’bout to set it on you like a TV tray (Haha, yup)
Man, I see the way people say I’m so evil (What?)
– Man, kuring ningali cara jalma nyebutkeun kami jadi jahat (Naon?)
They fuckin’ think that Timothy McVeigh and my DNA are exactly the same
– Maranéhanana fucking ‘ pikir Yén Timothy McVeigh jeung dna mah persis sarua
But when I leave this game (Nope)
– Tapi bila aku buat game ni (Hehe)
Things just ain’t gonna be the same (Nah)
– Hal-hal henteu sami (Nah)
But it’s in need of change (Yeah), and I’m the meter maid (Haha)
– Tapi saya butuh perubahan (Yeah), saya mahasiswi meter (Hahahaha)
Go ahead and crack a bottle, ’cause this is E and J
– Sunda formal: sabab Ieu Teh E Jeung J
Meaning me and James (Yeah)
– Hartina Kuring Jeung James (Yeah)
Got that avocado and we the sociopaths
– Meunang nu alpukat jeung urang sociopaths
And we got your ho on our laps
– Jeung urang meunang ho anjeun dina laps urang
And we’re goin’ back to Cali so she can blow on our sax
– Urang balik Deui Ka Cali sangkan manéhna bisa niup dina sax urang
Brang-brang, brr-brr-brr-brrr, brr-brring
– Brang-brang, brr-brr-brr-brrr, brr-brr
I don’t think so
– Kuring teu mikir kitu