Vidéo Klip
Yeah, nothin’ is impossible (Impossible)
– Henteu aya anu mustahil (Mustahil)
Do this shit together, we unstoppable (Unstoppable)
– Ulah shit ieu babarengan, urang unstoppable (Unstoppable)
Raised to be a leader, not a navigator (Navigator)
– Diasuh jadi pamingpin, lain navigator (Navigator)
Wrote this down on scraps of paper
– Nulis ieu handap dina scraps kertas
All roads lead to the same confusion (Same confusion)
– Sadaya jalan ngakibatkeun kabingungan sarua (kabingungan Sarua)
I mean, all roads lead to the same conclusions (Same conclusions)
– Maksad abdi, sadaya jalan ngakibatkeun conclusions sarua (conclusions Sarua)
Found my body somewhere in the sewer (Sewer)
– Kapanggih awak mah tempat di kokotor (Kokotor)
My girl defined the word “prolific” for me
– Gadis kuring diartikeun kecap “prolific” keur kuring
And I can’t read her mind, she wrote a different story (A different story)
– Tapi gak bisa baca ceritanya,,,,,,,,,,,
Oh well, redemption is a funny bitch (Funny bitch)
– Hahaha … lucu bgt ya … lucu bgt…
The devil always be right where the money is (The money is)
– Iblis salawasna jadi katuhu mana duit téh (duit téh)
Somebody gotta be watchin’ you, but no one is (But no one is)
– Ada yang harus nonton tapi gak ada yang nonton (Tapi gak ada yang nonton)
It’s kinda crazy life could be this simple (Life could be this simple)
– Ieu kinda hirup gila bisa jadi basajan ieu (Hirup bisa jadi basajan ieu)
Nothing’s coincidence
– Teu aya kabeneran
My best friend packed his things, threw ’em in the car
– Babaturan kuring nu pangdeukeutna ngarangkep barang-barangna, ngalungkeun ‘ em kana mobil
I haven’t seen him since (Seen him since)
– Kuring geus teu katempo manéhna saprak (Katempo manéhna saprak)
Guess I understand, he always got the chills
– Kuring nebak, manéhna sok meunang chills
When he saw a room full of rolled up hundred dollar bills (Hundred dollar bills), yeah
– Lamun manéhna nempo hiji kamar pinuh ku digulung nepi ratus dollar tagihan (ratus dollar tagihan), hehehehe
Even pills turn to powder, baby
– Komo pél ngahurungkeun ka powder, orok
Said, even pills turn to powder
– Ceuk, komo pél ngahurungkeun ka powder
The world wanna crush ’em down (Crush ’em down)
– Dunya wanna naksir ’em turun (Naksir’ em turun)
Even pills turn to powder, baby
– Komo pél ngahurungkeun ka powder, orok
Can you sit right next to me and crush ’em down? (Crush ’em down)
– Bisa anjeun diuk katuhu gigireun kuring jeung naksir ’em handap? (Naksir ‘ em turun)
If pills can turn to powder
– Lamun pél bisa ngahurungkeun ka powder
Then this world could turn to ash
– Lajeng dunya ieu bisa ngahurungkeun kana lebu
Everything seems so slow
– Sagalana sigana jadi slow
But my past, I thought that it would last longer
– Tapi masa laluku, ku kira akan bertahan lama
I just thought that, thought that, thought that
– Kuring ngan panginten éta, panginten éta, panginten éta
This feelin’, this feelin’ would last longer, yeah
– Rasa ieu, rasa ieu bakal lepas leuwih lila, enya
Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Enya
Yeah, somebody gave me a treasure map
– Ya, ada yg ngasih peta harta karun
Nowhere on that motherfucker say where the X is at
– Takde sape nak cakap Kat Mana Xde Sape
And I don’t wanna see the whole world through a telecast
– Jeung kuring teu hayang ningali sakabeh dunya ngaliwatan siaran
Been waitin’ my whole life, I finally thought I should tell you that, yeah
– Tunggu semua hidupku, ku pikir akhirnya harus ku ucapkan, ya
Started smokin’ weed again, started tryna read again
– Dimimitian smokin ‘ weed deui, dimimitian tryna baca deui
Clean myself up, now would you be my friend?
– Beresih diri, ayeuna bakal anjeun jadi sobat kuring?
Do I need to know the beginning to see the end?
– Naha kuring kudu nyaho awal ningali ahir?
What’s the difference ‘tween the truth and things that we pretend?
– Naon bédana ‘ tween bebeneran jeung hal anu urang pretend?
I lie awake faded, watch the days go by
– Kuring bohong bangun luntur, lalajo poé balik ku
And only at the lows do I chase that high
– Jeung ngan di lows kuring ngudag nu luhur
Fear God, stay humble
– Sieun Allah, tetep hina
Original sin, we all come from the same struggle
– Dosa asli, urang sadaya asalna tina perjuangan anu sami
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow
– Naon anu anjeun bakal lakukeun lamun duit datang slow
And you left out on your own?
– Tapi kau tetap sendiri?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow
– Naon anu anjeun bakal lakukeun lamun duit datang slow
And you left out in the cold? Woah
– Jeung anjeun ditinggalkeun kaluar dina tiis? Wah
Can I get four Norcos, two Oxys, two Roxys, three methadone
– Bisa kuring meunang opat Norcos, dua Oxys, dua Roxys, tilu methadone
Couple Percocets, some heroin, two Xanax bars and six-ounces of that lean?
– Pasangan Percocets, sababaraha heroin, dua Xanax bar jeung genep ons tina lean nu?
Thank you—do when the money comin’ slow?
– Hatur nuhun-ngalakukeun lamun duit comin ‘ slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow? (Lambat)
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow? (Lambat)
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Naon anu anjeun bakal ngalakukeun lamun duit datang slow? (Lambat)
Woah-oh, woah-oh
– Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
What ya gonna do?
– Naon nu bakal dilakukeun ku sadérék?