Vidéo Klip
Don’t be afraid to put your two cents in
– Ulah sieun nempatkeun dua cents anjeun dina
Might not be able to afford anything, but
– Mungkin tidak bisa mampuh apa-apa, tapi
I’m always up for a bargain
– Abdi salawasna nepi pikeun deal a
The dragons are flying south for the winter
– Naga-naga ngalayang ka kidul pikeun usum tiris
They don’t like cold weather either
– Maranéhna ogé teu resep cuaca tiis
Okay, I was drivin’ up to Shangri-La to get my meditation on
– Waduh saya jadi pengen ke Shangri-La nih
I was thinkin’ Lamb of God, she was thinkin’ Saint Laurent
– Kuring mikir ‘Domba Allah, manéhna mikir’ Saint Laurent
She sell the pussy on Millionaire’s Avenue
– Manéhna ngajual pussy di Millionaire S Avenue
Paper’s not the problem, spendin’ money always casual
– Kertas teu masalah, belanja ‘ duit sok sederhana
Why do you whine like your last name was Rothschild?
– Naha anjeun whine kawas ngaran tukang anjeun ieu rothschild?
Life been a bitch ever since they let me out the doghouse
– Hirup geus bitch kantos saprak maranéhna ngantep kuring kaluar doghouse nu
No mercy for the docile, flow is hostile but don’t sleep
– Teu aya rahmat pikeun docile, aliran téh mumusuhan tapi teu saré
The codeine came back to get me high again
– Kodein datang deui pikeun meunangkeun kuring luhur deui
Just how super is a supermodel? (Oh)
– Kumaha super nyaéta supermodel? (Oh)
Just how super is a supermodel? (Oh)
– Kumaha super nyaéta supermodel? (Oh)
This the house of the risin’ sun, a village so unusual
– Ieu imah panonpoé risin’, hiji désa jadi mahiwal
If I die young, promise to smile at my funeral
– Lamun kuring maot ngora, jangji seuri di pamakaman kuring
Yeah, it’s just a rule to follow
– Iya, cuma aturan buat ngikutin
If you’re lax, you can lose tomorrow
– Kalau tak sabar, esok boleh kalah
Yeah, I am getting ready to sign my life away (My life away)
– Enya, kuring keur meunang siap asup hirup mah jauh (hirup mah jauh)
The weather’s nice today, what a perfect day to die (Day to die)
– Cuaca anu saé dinten ayeuna, naon dinten anu sampurna pikeun maot (Dinten maot)
She’d kill herself, but she’d rather get married
– Manéhna bakal bunuh diri, tapi manéhna leuwih resep nikah
There’s coconut vodka, but she’d rather have cherry (Have cherry)
– Aya kalapa vodka, tapi manéhna kukituna rada geus céri (Geus céri)
I wish my drug dealer took the Amex (The Amex)
– Kuring hayang dealer ubar mah nyandak Amex (Nu Amex)
Can’t find my debit card
– Teu bisa manggihan kartu debit mah
I told her, “Meet me by the Annex” (The Annex)
– Kuring ka dirina, ” Papanggih kuring ku Lampiran “(Lampiran)
We can get high by the reservoir (Reservoir)
– Urang bisa meunangkeun luhur kuirung (irung)
Oh my goodness, girl, you a milkshake, extra large (Extra large)
– Oh gusti, gadis, anjeun milkshake a, tambahan badag (tambahan badag)
No, you shouldn’t, you said it’d never get this far (Get this far)
– Teu, anjeun teu kudu, anjeun ngomong eta kungsi bakal meunang ieu jauh (Meunangkeun ieu jauh)
Do you have an extra ticket to the seminar?
– Naha anjeun gaduh tikét tambahan pikeun seminar?
Show me where all the old records are
– Témbongkeun kuring dimana sadaya catetan heubeul anu
She got a brand new dinette set, but she still don’t know how to set the table
– Dia dah dapat resepi baru tapi dia tak tahu macam mana nak cari resepi
I told her that this feelin’ ’bout as good as it gets
– Kuring ngawartoskeun nya yén ieu rarasaan ‘ bout sakumaha alus sakumaha eta meunang
Shit, that bitch so unstable
– Waduh, jadi gak stabil nih
And just how super is a supermodel?
– Jeung kumaha super nyaéta supermodel?
Just how super is a supermodel?
– Kumaha super nyaéta supermodel?
This the house of the risin’ sun, a village so unusual
– Ieu imah panonpoé risin’, hiji désa jadi mahiwal
If I die young, promise to smile at my funeral
– Lamun kuring maot ngora, jangji seuri di pamakaman kuring
Yeah, it’s just a rule to follow
– Iya, cuma aturan buat ngikutin
If you’re lax, you can lose tomorrow
– Kalau tak sabar, esok boleh kalah
