Kategori: SU
Charlie Walker – He’s A Jolly Good Fellow Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik He’s a jolly good fellow he can laugh out loudest at them all – Manéhna hiji guy alus jolly manéhna bisa seuri kaluar loudest di aranjeunna sadayana He’s a jolly good fellow but that jolly good fellow’s world’s about to fall – Anjeunna hiji guy jolly alus tapi dunya guy jolly alus…
Christmas Songs – We Three Kings Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik We three kings of orient are – Urang tilu raja wétan nyaéta Bearing gifts we traverse afar – Bearing hadiah urang meuntas afar Field and fountain – Lapang jeung cai mancur Moor and mountain – Moor jeung gunung Following yonder star – Nuturkeun béntang yonder O star of wonder, star of night…
Pinguini Tattici Nucleari – Your Dog Italia Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Your dog has told me that – Anjing geus ka kuring nu You’re feeling pretty sad – Ku merasa indah I know, I know – Nu Kno kn Something’s got a hold on you now – Ada yg ngalahin y I gave your dog a kiss – Kuring méré anjing Told him…
Christmas Songs – The Twelve Days of Christmas Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me – Dina Poé Kahiji Natal, cinta sajati kuring dikirim ka kuring A partridge in a pear tree – Partridge dina tangkal pir On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me – Dina Poé Kadua Natal, cinta…
Immortal Technique – Dance with the Devil Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik I once knew a nigga whose real name was William – Kuring sakali terang hiji nigga anu ngaran nyata Ieu William His primary concern was makin’ a million – Perhatosan utamina nya éta makin ‘ a million Bein’ the illest hustler that the world ever seen – Jadi hustler illest nu dunya…
Stromae – Ma Meilleure Ennemie Perancis Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Je t’aime, je te hais, je t’aime, je te hais – Abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh ka anjeun Je t’aime, je te hais, je t’aime, je te hais – Abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh ka anjeun, abdi bogoh…
Juice WRLD – Empty Out Your Pockets Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Empty out your pockets, I need all that – Menghindari kantong-kantongmu, ku butuh semuanya Yeah, yeah – Enya, enya G-Money said, “We need all the money, man” – G-Duit ngomong, ” urang kudu sagala duit, man” Pennies and all that – Pennies jeung sagala nu With G-Money, if I don’t care if…
Bleachers – Merry Christmas, Please Don’t Call Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik To the tempo of your uptight – Ka tempo anjeun uptight Is the flicker of a street light – Nyaéta kedip-kedip tina lampu jalan You know this moment, don’t ya – Kau tahu masa ini, jangan kau tahu And time is strangely calm now – Jeung waktu téh aneh tenang ayeuna ‘Cause…
ROSÉ – dance all night Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Got out of my bed today – Kaluar tina ranjang kuring ayeuna The sunlight was hitting my face – Cahaya panonpoé ngagebrétkeun beungeut kuring And two little birds came and sat on the edge – Jeung dua manuk saeutik sumping jeung diuk dina ujung And they asked if I’m doin’ okay –…