Vidéo Klip
Yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya
Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo
– Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo
Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo
– Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo
Eso e’
– Nu jeung’
Quilla, vámono’ pa’ Sevilla
– Hayu urang Ka Seville
I want to meet your madre, pay my respects to your padre, mi amor (Quilla, ole, sí)
– Abdi hoyong pendak sareng indung anjeun, hormat ka bapa anjeun, cinta kuring (Keel, ole, yeah)
Bonita, bien lo sabe, si esa forma de mirarme en tus ojos (Eso e’, vámono’, chiquillo)
– Geulis, ogé manéhna weruh, lamun cara nu nempo kuring di panon anjeun (nu e’, hayu urang buka’, budak leutik)
Text your friends, “¿Qué pasa?” Vamos, bring them to mi casa, por favor (Toma; Sevilla, Triana)
– Téks babaturan anjeun, ” naon up?”Hayu, bawa ka imah kuring, mangga (Candak; Sevilla, Triana)
Mami, di qué tranza, yo hasta te pido a tu mamá, no hay temor (Eso e’, quilla)
– Mommy, ngomong naon deal a, kuring malah nanya anjeun mommy, aya nu teu sieun (Nu e’, keel)
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left (Eso e’)
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun step gyal kenca (Eso e’)
Said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Ceuk touch hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Then right, then left again, then move your hips, no rest for them, ma
– Terus katuhu, tuluy kenca deui, tuluy pindah hips anjeun, no sesa maranehna, ma
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left (Eso e’)
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun step gyal kenca (Eso e’)
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left (Eso e’)
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun step gyal kenca (Eso e’)
Said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Ceuk touch hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Then right, then left again, then move your hips, no rest for them, ma (Anda)
– Saterusna katuhu, mangka kenca deui, mangka pindah hips anjeun, no sesa maranehna, ma (Anda)
Mi amor, I’m not one that you can ignore
– Kasihku, ku bukan seseorang yang kau bisa melupakan
I want your phone número, por favor
– Abdi hoyong nomer telepon anjeun, mangga
I see your body is like Coca-Cola
– Tapi aku nampak badan kau macam Ko-Kol
I’ll come and pick you up in Testarossa, ayy
– Kan ku jadikan kau di Testarossa, ayy
You’re busy now, but can I see you after?
– Kau sibuk, tapi aku bisa melihatmu?
Or maybe tomorrow, gyal, it no matter
– Tapi besok ya gan, gak masalah
Take you to Santos, we can dance bachata (Mira, mira)
– Bawa Anjeun Ka Santos, urang bisa tari bachata (Tingali, tingali)
Take you to Kiki or the Boobie Trap-a
– Bawa Ka Kiki atawa Boobie Trap-a
Yeah, I want to pay your rent and pay your taxes
– Abdi hoyong mayar sewa anjeun sarta mayar pajeg anjeun
She kissed my cheek and she said, “Muchas gracias” (Eso e’)
– Manéhna dicium pipi kuring jeung manéhna ngomong, ” Hatur nuhun pisan “(nu e’)
My young carnal, his name is Chino Pacas (Vámonos, chiquillo)
– My young carnal, ngaranna Nyaéta Chino Pacas (Hayu urang indit, kid)
These mexicano girls are too attractive, ayy, ayy
– Ieu katresna Méksiko teuing pikaresepeun, ayy, ayy
Ayy (Eso e’), baby (Quilla), baby (Vámono’ pa’ Sevilla)
– Ayy (Eso e’), orok (Keel), orok (Vámono ‘ pa ‘ Sevilla)
I want to meet your madre, pay my respects to your padre, mi amor (Quilla, ole, sí)
– Abdi hoyong pendak sareng indung anjeun, hormat ka bapa anjeun, cinta kuring (Keel, ole, yeah)
Bonita, bien lo sabe, si esa forma de mirarme en tus ojos (Eso e’, vámono’, chiquillo, ooh, ooh)
– Geulis, ogé manéhna weruh, lamun cara nu nempo kuring dina panon anjeun (nu e’, hayu urang buka’, budak leutik, ooh, ooh)
Text your friends, “¿Qué pasa?” Vamos, bring them to mi casa, por favor (Sevilla, Triana)
– Téks babaturan anjeun, ” naon up?”Hayu, bawa ka imah kuring, mangga (Sevilla, Triana)
Mami, di qué tranza, yo hasta te pido a tu mamá, no hay temor (Eso e’, quilla)
– Mommy, ngomong naon deal a, kuring malah nanya anjeun mommy, aya nu teu sieun (Nu e’, keel)
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left (Step left)
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun step gyal kenca (Step kenca)
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left (Oh)
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun step gyal kenca (Oh)
Said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Ceuk touch hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Then right, then left again, then move your hips, no rest for them, ma
– Terus katuhu, tuluy kenca deui, tuluy pindah hips anjeun, no sesa maranehna, ma
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Bro said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Bro ceuk toél hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Said touch this one, make the gyal step left
– Ceuk touch hiji ieu, nyieun lengkah gyal kenca
Then right, then left again, then move your hips, no rest for them, ma
– Terus katuhu, tuluy kenca deui, tuluy pindah hips anjeun, no sesa maranehna, ma
Fiesto, Chino
– Pesta, Cina
Easy, easy, easy, easy
– Gampang, gampang, gampang, gampang
Is you with me, baby? Yeah, yeah, yeah (Yeah)
– Kau dengan ku sayang? Enya, enya, enya (Enya)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
– Enya, enya, enya, enya, enya
It’s a Sunday, but we’re drinking like it’s Friday
– Hari ahad, tapi kita minum macam hari jumaat
She the one for me, all you done for me, send her my way
– Manéhna hiji keur kuring, sadaya anjeun dipigawé pikeun kuring, ngirim nya jalan kuring
F-150, baby, let’s get risky, baby, in your driveway
– F-150, orok, hayu urang meunang picilakaeun, orok, di driveway anjeun
Meet your madre, meet your padre, meet everybody
– Papanggih indung anjeun, papanggih bapa anjeun, papanggih dulur
Do it your way, but the truth is I want it my way
– Buat cara mu, tapi kebenarannya ku ingin
I can make you feel mucho mejor
– Kuring bisa nyieun anjeun ngarasa leuwih alus
Meet me outside, por favor (Yeah, yeah)
– Ketemu saya di luar, ya, ya)
Without you, my heart’s in dolor
– Tanpamu, hatiku terasa sakit
It’s pain for Fiesta in store, oh
– Kesedihan untuk Fiesta di toko, OH
It’s pain for Fiesta in store
– Ieu nyeri Pikeun fiesta di toko
Oh, yeah, yeah
– Oh, enya, enya