Roddy Ricch – The Box Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Pullin’ out the coupe at the lot
– Mengucapkan kalimat syahadat di lot
Told ’em fuck 12, fuck SWAT
– Ngawartoskeun ‘ em fuck 12, FUCK SWAT
Bustin’ all the bells out the box
– Bustin ‘ sadaya bells kaluar kotak
I just hit a lick with the box
– Kuring ngan pencét lick jeung kotak
Had to put the stick in a box, mmh
– Kudu nyimpen tongkat dina kotak, mmh

Pour up the whole damn seal, I’ma get lazy
– Tuang nepi segel damn sakabeh, abdi meunang lazy
I got the mojo deals, we been trappin’ like the ’80s
– Kuring meunang deal mojo, urang geus trappin ‘kawas’ 80s
She sucked a nigga soul, gotta Cash App
– Manéhna nyedot hiji jiwa nigga, Gotta Aplikasi Tunai
Told ’em wipe a nigga nose, say slatt, slatt
– Ceuk ’em mupus irung negro, nyebutkeun slatt, slatt
I won’t never sell my soul, and I can back that
– Kuring moal pernah ngajual jiwa kuring, sarta kuring bisa balik nu
And I really wanna know, where you at, at?
– Dan ku ingin tahu di mana kau, di mana?

I was out back, where the stash at?
– Kuring kaluar deui, dimana stash di?
Cruise the city in a bulletproof Cadillac (skrrt)
– Pesiar kota dina Cadillac bulletproof (skrrt)
‘Cause I know these niggas after where the bag at (yeah)
– Karena ku tahu niggas ieu sanggeus mana kantong di (hehehehe)
Gotta move smarter, gotta move harder
– Kudu pindah smarter, kudu pindah harder
Niggas try to get me for my water
– Niggas coba pikeun meunangkeun kuring pikeun cai kuring
I’ll lay his ass down on my son, or my daughter
– Kuring gé iklas burit-na turun dina putra mah, atawa putri mah
I had the Draco with me, Dwayne Carter
– Kuring kungsi Draco jeung kuring, Dwayne Carter
Lotta niggas out here playin’, ain’t ballin’
– Lotta niggas kaluar di dieu maén’, teu ballin’

I done out my whole arm in the rim, Vince Carter (yeah)
– Kuring dipigawé kaluar sakabeh panangan kuring di tepi, Vince Carter (yeah)
And I know probably get a key for the quarter
– Jeung kuring nyaho meureun meunang konci pikeun saparapat
Shawty barely seen in double C’s, I bought ’em
– Shawty bieu katempo dina double C urang, kuring meuli ‘ em
Got a bitch that’s looking like Aaliyah, she a model
– Hmmmmmmmmmmm……….. jadi pengen ke Jakarta….
I got the pink slip, all my whips is key-less
– Gw udah ngerasain semuanya … hihihihihi …
Compton, I’m about to get the key to the city
– Waduh, saya jadi pengen kesana nih kota
Patek like the sea, forgive me
– Patek kawas laut, ngahampura kuring

Pullin’ out the coupe at the lot
– Mengucapkan kalimat syahadat di lot
Told ’em fuck 12, fuck SWAT
– Ngawartoskeun ‘ em fuck 12, FUCK SWAT
Bustin’ all the bells out the box
– Bustin ‘ sadaya bells kaluar kotak
I just hit a lick with the box
– Kuring ngan pencét lick jeung kotak
Had to put the stick in a box, mmh
– Kudu nyimpen tongkat dina kotak, mmh

Pour up the whole damn seal, I’ma get lazy
– Tuang nepi segel damn sakabeh, abdi meunang lazy
I got the mojo deals, we been trappin’ like the ’80s
– Kuring meunang deal mojo, urang geus trappin ‘kawas’ 80s
She sucked that nigga soul, gotta Cash App
– Manéhna nyedot nu jiwa nigga, gotta Aplikasi Tunai
Told ’em wipe a nigga nose, say slatt, slatt
– Ceuk ’em mupus irung negro, nyebutkeun slatt, slatt
I won’t never sell my soul, and I can back that
– Kuring moal pernah ngajual jiwa kuring, sarta kuring bisa balik nu
And I really wanna know, where you at, at? Huh
– Dan ku ingin tahu di mana kau, di mana? Huh (basa inggris)

Ha-ha-ha, I been movin’ ’em out
– Ha-ha-ha, kuring geus movin ‘ em kaluar
If Steelo with me, then he got the blues in the pouch (yeah)
– Lamun Steelo jeung kuring, mangka manéhna meunang blues dina kantong (yeah)
Took her to the forrest, put wood in her mouth
– Dibawa ka leuweung, diteundeun kai dina sungutna
Bitch don’t wear no shoes in my house
– Bitch ulah ngagem euweuh sapatu di imah kuring
The private I’m flyin’ in, I never wanna fly again
– Nu pribadi abdi flying’ di, abdi pernah hayang ngapung deui
I’ll take my chances in traffic (yeah)
– Kuring bakal nyandak kasempetan kuring dina lalu lintas (yeah)
She suckin’ on dick, no hands with it
– Manéhna nyedot dina dick, euweuh leungeun jeung eta
I just made the Rollie plain like a landing-strip
– Kuring ngan dijieun rollie dataran kawas landing-strip a

I’m a 2020 president candidate
– Abdi calon présidén 2020
I done put a hundred bands on Zimmerman, shit
– Kuring geus nempatkeun saratus band dina Zimmerman, shit
I been movin’ real gangsta’, so that’s why she pick a Crip
– Kuring geus movin ‘gangsta nyata’ , jadi éta naha manehna nyokot Crip a
Shawty call me Crisco, ’cause I pop my shit
– Shawty nelepon kuring Crisco, ‘ sabab kuring pop shit kuring
Got it out the mud, there’s nothin’ you can tell me, yeah
– Hahaha … ga ada yg bisa ngasih tau ya …
When I had the drugs, I was street-wealthy, yeah
– Tapi pas gw punya narkoba, gw jadi kaya gitu, ya

Pullin’ out the coupe at the lot
– Mengucapkan kalimat syahadat di lot
Told ’em fuck 12, fuck SWAT
– Ngawartoskeun ‘ em fuck 12, FUCK SWAT
Bustin’ all the bells out the box
– Bustin ‘ sadaya bells kaluar kotak
I just hit a lick with the box
– Kuring ngan pencét lick jeung kotak
Had to put the stick in a box, mmh
– Kudu nyimpen tongkat dina kotak, mmh

Pour up the whole damn seal, I’ma get lazy
– Tuang nepi segel damn sakabeh, abdi meunang lazy
I got the mojo deals, we been trappin’ like the ’80s
– Kuring meunang deal mojo, urang geus trappin ‘kawas’ 80s
She sucked a nigga soul, gotta Cash App
– Manéhna nyedot hiji jiwa nigga, Gotta Aplikasi Tunai
Told ’em wipe a nigga nose, say slatt, slatt
– Ceuk ’em mupus irung negro, nyebutkeun slatt, slatt
I won’t never sell my soul, and I can back that
– Kuring moal pernah ngajual jiwa kuring, sarta kuring bisa balik nu
And I really wanna know, where you at, at?
– Dan ku ingin tahu di mana kau, di mana?

Roddy Ricch



