Shallipopi – Oscroh (Pepperline) Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Only one Pluto Presido
– Ngan Hiji Pluto Presido
– Enya
Dem call me Shallipopi
– Dem nelepon kuring Shallipopi

The lifestyle cost na you nor know say, na you nor know
– Gaya hirup ngarugikeun na anjeun atawa nyaho ngomong, na anjeun atawa nyaho
The lifestyle cost na you nor know say (nagode), na you nor know
– Gaya hirupna ngarugikeun na anjeun atawa nyaho ucapkeun (nagode), na anjeun atawa nyaho
Just dey order oscroh, order oscroh, just dey order oscroh
– Ngan dey urutan oscroh, urutan oscroh, ngan dey urutan oscroh
Just dey order oscroh, order oscroh, just dey order oscroh
– Ngan dey urutan oscroh, urutan oscroh, ngan dey urutan oscroh
Pluto boy no love that make me king of OS
– Pluto boy teu cinta nu nyieun kuring raja OS
No bitch boy no love that make me king of OS
– Teu aya budak jalang teu aya cinta anu ngajantenkeun kuring raja OS
Since the day I was born, day I was born I dey order oscroh say
– Ti saprak poé kuring lahir, poé kuring lahir kuring paréntah dey oscroh nyebutkeun
Since the day I was born, day I was born I dey order oscroh
– Ti saprak poé kuring lahir, poé kuring lahir kuring dey orde oscroh

Let me tie my pepperline-line-line
– Hayu atuh dasi pepperline-garis-garis kuring
– Garis lada
– Garis-garis Pepperline
– Garis lada
– Garis-garis Pepperline
– Garis lada

Let me tie my pepperline-line
– Hayu atuh dasi pepperline-garis abdi
– Garis-garis Pepperline
– Garis lada
– Garis-garis Pepperline
– Garis lada
– Garis-garis Pepperline
– Garis lada
Let me tie my pepperline-line
– Hayu atuh dasi pepperline-garis abdi

Suffery match that Mercedes
– Sangsara cocog nu Mercedes
Put that gear for control Z
– Pasang gear nu keur control Z
Hmm, ahh cellophane
– Hmm, ahh sélophan
Try go tear your cellophane
– Coba cimata cellophane anjeun
Suffery match that Mercedes
– Sangsara cocog nu Mercedes
Put that gear for control Z
– Pasang gear nu keur control Z
Hmm. ahh kerosene
– Hmmm. ahh minyak tanah
You wan go pour my kerosene
– Anjeun hoyong buka tuang minyak tanah abdi

You know I’m a gang
– Anjeun terang abdi geng a
You know I’m a gangster
– Kau tahu ku seorang gangster
Enemies fast, sha-shalli faster
– Musuh gancang, sha-shalli gancang
Any man that mend me is a bastard
– Sakur lalaki anu ngalereskeun kuring téh bajingan
Try dey stay lowkey no cast am
– Coba dey cicing lowkey no matak am
No dey cast, no dey cast am
– Teu aya dey cast, teu aya dey cast am
It’s half pass, it’s half pass one
– Ieu satengah lulus, éta satengah lulus hiji
Men on guard, men dey guarder
– Lalaki dina jaga, lalaki dey guarder
Blowing ganj (clear road), blowing ganja
– Niupan ganj (jalan jelas), niupan ganja

They say me na philosopher
– Maranéhanana nyebutkeun kuring na filsuf
I dey study philosophy say
– Kuring dey diajar filsafat nyebutkeun
Too hot you can’t handle me
– Panas teuing anjeun teu bisa nanganan kuring
Full squad under canopy
– Skuad pinuh dina canopy
What cannot be say cannot be
– Naon teu bisa ngomong teu bisa jadi
So no go commity felony
– Jadi teu aya kajahatan go commity
Plutomanias all of them know me
– Plutomania kabéh nyaho kuring
Wahala say
– Wahala nyebutkeun

The lifestyle cost na you nor know say, na you nor know
– Gaya hirup ngarugikeun na anjeun atawa nyaho ngomong, na anjeun atawa nyaho
The lifestyle cost na you nor know say (nagode), na you nor know
– Gaya hirupna ngarugikeun na anjeun atawa nyaho ucapkeun (nagode), na anjeun atawa nyaho
Just dey order oscroh, order oscroh, just dey order oscroh
– Ngan dey urutan oscroh, urutan oscroh, ngan dey urutan oscroh
Just dey order oscroh, order oscroh, just dey order oscroh
– Ngan dey urutan oscroh, urutan oscroh, ngan dey urutan oscroh
Pluto boy no love that make me king of OS
– Pluto boy teu cinta nu nyieun kuring raja OS
No bitch boy no love that make me king of OS
– Teu aya budak jalang teu aya cinta anu ngajantenkeun kuring raja OS
Since the day I was born, day I was born I dey order oscroh say
– Ti saprak poé kuring lahir, poé kuring lahir kuring paréntah dey oscroh nyebutkeun
Since the day I was born, day I was born I dey order oscroh
– Ti saprak poé kuring lahir, poé kuring lahir kuring dey orde oscroh

– (Pepperline-garis-garis)
– (Pepperline-garis-garis)
– (Pepperline-garis)
(Let me tie my pepperline-line)
– (Hayu atuh dasi pepperline-garis mah)




