Vidéo Klip
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that
– Manéhna teu kungsi papanggih taya sahijieun anu nyarita kawas éta
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Woo, woo, woo, yeah, uh)
– Tapi kalau kena kutuk, kena kutuk, kena kutuk kan … hehehe…
Roll my windows up, darlin’, roll them windows up
– Gulung jandéla kuring nepi, darlin’, gulung aranjeunna jandéla nepi
Biscuit-ass niggas wonder how I got my jiffy up
– Biskuit-burit niggas heran kumaha kuring meunang jiffy kuring nepi
Crib so damn big, I need a diaper and a sippy cup (Wah)
– Ranjang jadi damn gedé, kuring kudu popok jeung cangkir sippy (Wah)
Someone tell Zendaya she my favorite, can she hit me up?
– Aya nu ngabejaan Zendaya yén Manéhna téh paporit kuring, naha Manéhna bisa ngéléhkeun kuring?
Ha-ha-ha-ha, when I double-park the LaF’
– Ha-ha-ha-ha, lamun kuring ganda-parkir LaF’
That rah-tah-tah-tah, bitch, I’m steppin’ on the gas (Mm)
– Nu hura-tah-tah-tah, anjing, kuring steppin’ dina gas (Mm)
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (I don’t really know)
– Manéhna teu kungsi papanggih saha anu nyarita kawas éta (kuring teu bener nyaho)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Yeah, uh)
– Tapi kalau kena kutuk, kena kutuk balik … hehehe…
Wipe that silly grin (Mm), bitch, I’m really him (Mm)
– Ngusap nu seuri konyol (Mm), bitch, aku bener manéhna (mm)
You better put them palms together, bitch, I really sin (Mm)
– Anjeun leuwih alus nunda eta palem babarengan, bitch, kuring bener dosa (Mm)
No, me and crack don’t share daddies, but we really twins (Okay)
– Hahaha … takde anak kembar … tapi anak kembar … hehehe …
If she ain’t got her shit together, she ain’t gettin’ in (Okay)
– Lamun manéhna teu meunang shit nya babarengan ,manéhna teu meunang ‘ di (Oke)
You see the bed top bunker, the boy got thumpers
– Anjeun ningali bunker luhur ranjang, budak meunang thumpers
I’m a bonafide face seat, box muncher
– Abdi hiji korsi beungeut bonafide, kotak muncher
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (I want that pussy, yeah)
– Dia tak pernah jumpa sapa-sapa yang cakap macam tu … (hehe)
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Mwah, yeah)
– Tapi kalau kena kutuk, kena kutuk kan … hehehe…
Never in the Hamptons dick-ridin’ in a white ‘fit (Nah)
– Teu pernah di Hamptons dick-ridin’ dina bodas ‘ pas (Nah)
Never raise a hand, the strap on him like a dyke bitch
– Teu pernah ngangkat leungeun, tali dina anjeunna kawas bitch dyke a
This dark work like night shift, I’m thunder, I light shit (Pew)
– Karya poék ieu kawas shift peuting, kaula guntur, kaula shit cahya (Bangku)
I flood this, I flood that, I swim good, I’m Pisces (I’m a fish)
– Kuring banjir ieu, kuring banjir nu, kuring ngojay alus, abdi Pisces (abdi lauk)
Hey T, why you actin’ hard? I’m like, “Baby, please
– Hey T, naha anjeun akting ‘ teuas? Abdi kawas, ” Baby, mangga
I ain’t tough, I just thumbs up, like I’m scrollin’ feed”
– “Aku tidak sabar, aku cuma menghadapi makan saja,”ucapku sambil menghadapi menghadapi menghadapi menghadapi
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (Nigga, I’m pussy)
– Dia tak pernah jumpa sapa-sapa yang bicara macam tu … hahaha
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back, yeah
– Tapi kalau kena kutuk, kena kutuk balik, yeah
Roll my windows up, darlin’, roll them windows up
– Gulung jandéla kuring nepi, darlin’, gulung aranjeunna jandéla nepi
Never let them see the color, model, make of semi truck
– Ulah ngantep aranjeunna ningali warna, modél, nyieun semi treuk
Fuck it, fuck your shimmy up, yeah, fuck your shimmy up
– Fuck eta, fuck shimmy anjeun nepi, enya, fuck shimmy anjeun nepi
Celebrate, it’s your birthday, get your pennies up (Yeah, uh)
– Sabar ye .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar .. sabar ..
Bitch, you bossin’ up, yeah, nah, we really bossin’ up
– Bitch, anjeun bossin ‘up, enya, nah, urang bener bossin’ up
I could never ride no Hellcat, shit don’t cost enough (Enough)
– Tak pernah dapat naik Hellcat… tak cukup Duit …
Twenty thousand on me (Vroom), hunnid thousand on me (Uh)
– Dua puluh rebu dina kuring (Vroom), hunnid rebu dina kuring (h)
Fifty thousand on me (Mm-hmm), a couple thousand on me (Yeah)
– Lima puluh rébu dina kuring (Mm-hmm), sababaraha rébu dina kuring (Yeah)
You’re movin’ sloppy if you get that sloppy where you sleep at
– Anjeun movin ‘ sloppy lamun meunang nu sloppy mana anjeun bobo di
Never tell them niggas or those women where you breathe at
– Ulah ngabejaan ka maranehna niggas atawa maranéhanana awewe mana anjeun ngambekan di
If my ex is spillin’ tea about me, don’t you drink that
– Kalau kak ngah minum teh tu, tak minum la kak ngah
And don’t you call me brother, I just met you, you could keep that
– Tapi jangan panggil aku kak, aku cuma ketemu sama kamu …
With these type of views, it ain’t no service on my two-way
– Jeung jenis ieu pintonan, teu aya jasa dina dua arah mah
So you don’t have to call, I’m Usher Raymond on a Tuesday
– Jadi teu kudu nelepon, kuring Usher Raymond dina salasa
With twenty thousand on me (Mm), hunnid thousand on me (Uh)
– Jeung dua puluh rebu dina kuring (Mm), hunnid rebu dina kuring (h)
Fifty thousand on me (Mm-hmm), a couple thousand on me
– Lima puluh rébu dina kuring (Mm-hmm), sababaraha rébu dina kuring
Brodie said his job to— for me, he the cameraman
– Brodie ngomong pakasaban – na ka-keur kuring, manéhna nu cameraman
They hoes went to Leuzinger, I skated to Hamilton
– Maranéhanana hoes indit Ka Leuzinger, kuring skated Ka Hamilton
I had that S dome, was gettin’ pressed and almost packed out (Where you from?)
– Kuring kungsi kubah Nu, ieu meunang ‘ dipencet jeung ampir dipak kaluar (Dimana anjeun ti?)
Me and Lionel Boyce in drama class, my boy can act now (Mm)
– Kuring Jeung Lionel Boyce di kelas drama, budak kuring bisa meta ayeuna (mm)
Was really Odd Future, all them other niggas whacked out
– Ieu Bener Aneh Hareup, sakabéh éta niggas séjén whacked kaluar
The biggest out the city after Kenny, that’s a fact now
– Kota panggedéna sanggeus Kenny, éta kanyataan ayeuna
She ain’t never met no one who talk like that (Bitch, ooh, ooh)
– Dia tak pernah jumpa sapa-sapa yang cakap macam tu … hihihi…
And if you hang up on a nigga, bitch, I’ll call right back (Bitch, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah)
– Tapi kalau kena kutuk, kena kutuk kan … hehehe … hehehe…
(Uh, uh)
– (h ,h)
Them niggas used to press me on the carrot-colored bus
– Maranéhanana niggas dipaké pikeun mencet kuring dina beus wortel-warna
(I’m not with that shit, cuh, alright?)
– (Kuring teu jeung shit nu, cuh, oke?)
That’s why I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Éta naha kuring paranoid ayeuna ‘ ngabalukarkeun niggas aneh jeung bener bums
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums (Uh, uh, uh)
– Kuring paranoid ayeuna ‘ ngabalukarkeun niggas aneh jeung bener bums (, ,h ,h)
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Kuring paranoid ayeuna ‘ ngabalukarkeun niggas aneh jeung bener bums
I’m paranoid now ’cause niggas weird and really bums
– Kuring paranoid ayeuna ‘ ngabalukarkeun niggas aneh jeung bener bums
– Abdi—