Vidéo Klip
(Mhm, mhm)
– (Mhm, mhm)
(Ah, ah, ooh) La-la-la-la-la-la-la, uh
– (Ah, ah, ooh) La-la-la-la-la-la-la ,h
Big guns, big guns, what you got, huh?
– Gun badag, gun badag, naon anjeun ngagaduhan, huh?
Slatt, slatt and pop back at the opps, huh?
– Slatt, slatt jeung pop deui di opps, huh?
Gang this, oh, you gang that?
– Gang ieu, oh, anjeun gang nu?
Don’t let ’em know that you regret how you became that
– Ulah ngantep ‘ em nyaho yén anjeun kaduhung kumaha anjeun jadi nu
A good kid, fine home, mom and dad in the pic’
– Budak alus, imah alus, ibu jeung pa di pic’
A little middle-class money, every Christmas legit
– Duit kelas tengah saeutik, unggal sah Natal
Family trips, Ivy-bound, and one day, hit the switch
– Lalampahan kulawarga, Ivy-bound, sarta hiji poé, pencét switch nu
You ain’t wanna be seen as a bitch, cuz
– Tak ingin jadi pengecut, cuz
And none them face tats gon’ hide the fact that you sad, bruh
– Jeung taya sahijina nyanghareupan tats gon ‘ nyumputkeun kanyataan yén anjeun hanjelu, bruh
You ain’t a thug, you was in drama club, you’s a actor
– Anjeun teu preman, anjeun di klub drama, anjeun aktor
But now cuz gettin’ validation from the dumb and confused (Ayy, blood)
– Tapi ayeuna cuz meunang’ validasi ti bodo jeung bingung (Ayy, getih)
Now you facin’ five to ten ’cause you had somethin’ to prove, let’s talk about it
– Ayeuna anjeun facin ‘lima nepi ka sapuluh’ sabab anjeun kungsi hal ‘ ngabuktikeun, hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan eta
And I hope you find yourself (Uh)
– Mudah-mudahan anjeun tiasa mendakan diri (Hehe)
And I hope you find yourself (Yeah)
– Dan ku harap kau temukan diri mu (Yeah)
And I hope you take your mask off (Sad story, haha, yeah)
– Mudah-mudahan bisa lepas topengnya ,hahaha
Preacher man, preacher man, preach (Woo)
– Lalaki da ‘wah, lalaki da’ wah, da ‘ wah (Woo)
You make these folks think you got somethin’ to teach, like you ain’t lyin’
– Anjeun nyieun folks ieu mikir anjeun ngagaduhan hal ‘ngajar, kawas anjeun teu bohong’
Big bank from them collections, well, what you buyin’?
– Bank Big ti eta kumpulan, sumur, naon meuli’?
Ain’t too fond of them gays, you don’t deny it, wait
– Jangan terlalu suka kaum gay, tapi kau tidak menolak, tunggu
Since a kid, you knew somethin’ was up
– Ti saprak budak, anjeun terang aya anu bangun
Had you thinkin’ God would hate you so you covered it up
– Lamun Anjeun mikir’ Allah bakal hate anjeun jadi anjeun ditutupan eta nepi
Gotta hide how you live, what you really enjoy
– Kudu nyumputkeun kumaha anjeun hirup, naon bener ngarasakeun
So got a wife, got a kid, but you be fuckin’ them boys
– Jadi boga pamajikan, boga anak, tapi anjeun jadi fucking ‘ aranjeunna budak
Sick of all the shame, sick of all the pain that’s within
– Kesedihan, kesedihan, kesedihan yang ada di dalam
Scared of bein’ seen, tired of rebukin’ the sin
– Sieun ku dosa, bosen ku dosa
Trade it all to be free and shine bright like the sun
– Dagang eta sadayana janten bébas jeung caang caang kawas panonpoé
But you back on that religious shit as soon as you cum, let’s talk about it
– Tapi anjeun deui dina shit agama nu pas anjeun cum, hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan eta
And I hope you find yourself (Hope you find yourself)
– Kuring miharep anjeun manggihan diri (Miharep anjeun manggihan diri)
And I hope you find yourself
– Dan ku harap kau temukan dirimu
And I hope you take your mask off (Take your mask off)
– Kuring miharep anjeun nyandak topéng anjeun (Candak topéng anjeun)
Big-ass house that’s on the hill (Hill)
– Imah Big-burit éta di bukit (Bukit)
Big-ass wheels in the garage (‘Rage, hope you find yourself)
– Roda badag-burit di garasi (‘Amarah, miharep anjeun manggihan diri)
Three cute kids that’s in your arms
– Tilu budak lucu nu aya dina panangan anjeun
Your husband just made another mil’
– Salaki anjeun ngan dijieun mil sejen’
You want your life back and a massage (Oh, oh)
– Anjeun hoyong hirup anjeun deui jeung urut (oh, oh)
Tired of bein’ at home, personality gone (Nah)
– Bosan kat umah … nasib baik dah takde kat umah … hihihi …
Body ain’t been the same, postpartum is long, your identity gone
– Awak teu geus sarua, postpartum geus lila, identitas anjeun isro
Mama your first name, the last one got changed
– Mama ngaran hareup anjeun, nu hiji panungtungan meunang robah
They dream about your nest but you crave flyin’ alone, mane (Oh)
– Mereka mimpi tentang sarangmu tapi kau mencoba untuk bersendirian, mane (Oh)
You would start all over if we keepin’ it real
– Anjeun bakal ngamimitian sakabeh leuwih lamun urang tetep ‘ eta nyata
Current life is full but you ain’t feelin’ fulfilled
– Hirup ayeuna pinuh tapi anjeun teu ngarasa kaeusi
Fantasize about the dreams you left on the shelf
– Fantasize ngeunaan impian anjeun ditinggalkeun dina rak
Can’t even get alone time to think of killin’ yourself, let’s talk about it
– Walaupun tak boleh nak cakap sorang-sorang, jom cakap pasal
And I hope you find yourself (Ah, it’s feelin’ narrow)
– Mudah-mudahan anjeun tiasa mendakan diri (ah, éta karasaeun sempit)
And I hope you find yourself
– Dan ku harap kau temukan dirimu
And I hope you take your mask off (Oh, oh)
– Dan ku harap kau lepas topengmu (Oh, oh)
Keep that shit one hundred with you, with yourself
– Tetep shit nu saratus sareng anjeun, jeung diri
You don’t have to put on no costume
– Anjeun teu kedah nganggo kostum
You don’t ever have to lie to kick it
– Anjeun teu kungsi kudu ngabohong ka kick eta
Yeah, tool won’t stay hard, pain in your chest
– Hehehe, alat moal cicing teuas, nyeri dina dada anjeun
Hair fallin’ out, won’t blame it on the stress
– Rambut jatuh, moal nyalahkeun kana setrés
Claim it’s new partners, blame it on your ex
– Klaim éta mitra anyar, nyalahkeun eta dina ex anjeun
Chest claim it’s reflex, try to blame it on the cook
– Dada ngaku éta refleks, coba nyalahkeun eta dina masak
Look, boy, keep runnin’, you’ll be crampin’ in your foot
– Tingali, budak, tetep runnin’, anjeun bakal crampin ‘ dina suku anjeun
Nervous, then you notice ain’t no service on the hook
– Waduh, jadi gak nyadar kalo gak ada di bengkel
Paranoid since nineteen, nervous system shook
– Paranoid saprak salapan belas, sistim saraf ngoyagkeun
Better sit the fuck down or that skull gettin’ took
– Leuwih alus diuk fuck handap atawa nu tangkorak gettin ‘ nyandak
That’s ten million dollars invested, no justifyin’ that
– Éta sapuluh juta dollar invested, teu justifyin ‘ nu
Tryna sell them weird-ass clothes, nobody buyin’ that
– Tryna ngajual aranjeunna baju aneh-burit, taya sahijieun meuli ‘ nu
Sentiment is right, but your audience isn’t racked enough
– Sentimen anu katuhu, tapi panongton anjeun teu cukup racked
That shit is a failure, my nigga, go ‘head and pack it up
– Éta omong kosong téh gagal, nigga kuring, buka ‘ sirah jeung pak eta nepi
And put it in the trunk, you talk a lot of shit to not even be number one (No)
– Jeung nunda eta dina kalapa, anjeun ngobrol loba shit komo teu jadi nomer hiji (No)
Your beats ain’t placin’, them songs ain’t slappin’, your raps ain’t rankin’
– Beats anjeun teu placin’ , aranjeunna lagu teu slappin’, raps anjeun teu rankin’
Your stage presence don’t even be in they conversation, go home
– Ayana panggung anjeun ulah komo jadi di maranéhanana paguneman, balik
You ain’t gotta hide from the truth
– Anjeun teu kudu nyumputkeun tina bebeneran
Tell your family why you such a recluse
– Ngabejaan kulawarga anjeun naha anjeun recluse sapertos
Tell your spirit why you feelin’ it’s a wrap in the booth
– Ngabejaan sumanget anjeun naha anjeun ngarasa ‘ ieu bungkus di stan
Dog, how dare you try to ruin her marriage? (Come on)
– Berani mencoba menghancurkan perkawinannya? (Dialihkeun ti)
Claim you never wore a mask and how you don’t get embarrassed
– Ngaku anjeun pernah ngagem topeng jeung kumaha anjeun teu meunang embarrassed
Boy, you selfish as fuck, that’s really why you scared of bein’ a parent
– Hahaha … takut jadi cikgu … takut jadi cikgu …
Boy, that therapy needed, I’d dare you to seek it, but I’d lose a bet
– Wahhhhhhhhhhhh … aku berani nak cari, tapi aku kalah …
Your respect won’t get given ’til we postin’ your death
– Hormat anjeun moal meunang dibikeun ‘nepi urang posting’ maot anjeun
It’s clear you wish you got your flowers sent
– Jelas anjeun hayang anjeun meunang kembang anjeun dikirim
You eatin’ fertilizer to balance shit
– Anjeun dahar pupuk pikeun saimbang shit
Now go and stand in the sun, and use some fake tears to water your roots
– Ayeuna indit jeung nangtung di panonpoé, jeung make sababaraha lawon palsu ka cai akar anjeun
Take that mask off and tell ’em the truth, let’s talk about it, nigga
– Candak topeng nu off jeung ngabejaan ‘ em bebeneran, hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan eta, nigga
And I hope you find yourself
– Dan ku harap kau temukan dirimu
And I hope you find yourself
– Dan ku harap kau temukan dirimu
And I hope you take your mask off
– Kuring miharep anjeun nyandak topéng anjeun