Vince Guaraldi Trio – Christmas Time Is Here Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan

Vidéo Klip


Christmastime is here
– Natal geus di dieu
Happiness and cheer
– Kabagjaan jeung kabagjaan
Fun for all that children call
– Senang pikeun sakabéh nu barudak nelepon
Their favorite time of year
– Waktu favorit maranéhanana taun

Snowflakes in the air
– Salju dina hawa
Carols everywhere
– Carols di mana waé
Olden times and ancient rhymes
– Jaman baheula jeung sajak-sajak kuna
Of love and dreams to share
– Cinta jeung impian pikeun ngabagikeun

Sleigh bells in the air
– Lonceng Sleigh dina hawa
Beauty everywhere
– Kaéndahan di mana-mana
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide ku sisi seuneu
And joyful memories there
– Dan kenangan indah di sana

Christmastime is here
– Natal geus di dieu
Families drawing near
– Kulawarga nu ngadeukeutan
Oh, that we could always see
– Oh, nu urang sok bisa nempo
Such spirit through the year
– Sumanget saperti sapanjang taun

Sleigh bells in the air
– Lonceng Sleigh dina hawa
Beauty everywhere
– Kaéndahan di mana-mana
Yuletide by the fireside
– Yuletide ku sisi seuneu
And joyful memories there
– Dan kenangan indah di sana

Christmastime is here
– Natal geus di dieu
Families drawing near
– Kulawarga nu ngadeukeutan
Oh, that we could always see
– Oh, nu urang sok bisa nempo
Such spirit through the year
– Sumanget saperti sapanjang taun

Vince Guaraldi Trio



