Vidéo Klip
There’s guitars ringin’ now from the top floor of this house
– Aya gitar ringin ‘ ayeuna ti lantai luhur imah ieu
That I’ve learned to rest my soul inside
– Yang ku belajar untuk beristirahat jiwa ku di dalam
Be still, be quiet, this world’s a giant
– Masih tenang, dunya ieu raksasa
That I don’t feel like facing tonight
– Nu kuring teu ngarasa kawas nyanghareupan peuting ieu
I don’t have the words yet, I’ll smoke a cigarette
– Tapi aku tak ada kata-kata, aku akan menghirup rokok
Even though she’ll smell it on my breath
– Walau dia bau di napas ku
I say I want kids even though I can’t quit
– Saya ingin anak walaupun saya tidak bisa menghindar
The things that make me childish
– Hal-hal anu ngajadikeun kuring budak leutik
But it ain’t all bad, the windows are cracked
– Tapi tak semuanya jahat, jandéla-jandéla éta retak
I came down to hear you laughin’ in the kitchen, babe
– Aku jadi pengen ketawa di dapur, hehe
Let’s pour some wine, there’s still a little time
– Hayu urang tuang sababaraha anggur, aya kénéh saeutik waktu
And maybe a little bit left in me to save
– Jeung meureun saeutik saeutik ditinggalkeun di kuring pikeun nyalametkeun
Be still, be quiet, the world’s a giant
– Masih tenang, dunya téh raksasa
I ain’t ever had myself a David’s heart
– Kuring teu kungsi kungsi sorangan haté Daud Urang
I’ll say sorry to God for all the trouble I caused
– Hapunten Ka Gusti pikeun sagala kasusah kuring disababkeun
Maybe that’s a good place for me to start
– Meureun éta tempat alus pikeun kuring pikeun ngamimitian
You’ll be holdin’ to no other holdless boy
– Anjeun bakal tahan ka euweuh budak holdless séjén
I heard breathin’ this world is the thief of joy
– Kuring ngadéngé breathin’ dunya ieu téh maling kabagjaan
You’re better off fightin’ than you are dead
– Anjeun leuwih alus off tarung ‘ ti anjeun maot
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Waktu keur istirahat teu ayeuna ‘ sabab barudak kudu fed
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Waktu keur istirahat teu ayeuna ‘ sabab barudak kudu fed
Guitars ringin’ now from the top of that house
– Gitar ringin ‘ ayeuna ti luhur imah nu
We used to rest our souls inside
– Urang biasa istirahat jiwa urang di jero
Nothing lasts, memories pass
– Euweuh lasts, kenangan lulus
Think of home on an August night
– Pikirkeun imah dina hiji peuting agustus
There’s reasons to go, reasons to stay
– Aya alesan pikeun indit, alesan pikeun cicing
Just know you’ll fear it all anyway
– Hanya tahu kau akan takut semuanya
Be still, be quiet, this world’s a giant
– Masih tenang, dunya ieu raksasa
Maybe there’s a little bit left to save
– Meureun aya saeutik ditinggalkeun pikeun nyimpen
You’ll be holding to no other holdless boy
– Anjeun bakal nyekel ka euweuh budak holdless séjén
I heard breathin’ this world is the thief of joy
– Kuring ngadéngé breathin’ dunya ieu téh maling kabagjaan
You’re better off fightin’ than you are dead
– Anjeun leuwih alus off tarung ‘ ti anjeun maot
The time for rest ain’t now ’cause the kids need fed
– Waktu keur istirahat teu ayeuna ‘ sabab barudak kudu fed
The time for rest ain’t now, the kids need fed
– Waktu keur istirahat teu ayeuna, barudak kudu fed