Etiket: Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny – Después de la Playa Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah– Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeahEh, eh– Hey, heyJa-ja– Ha-haEh-eh, eh-eh, eh– Hey-hey, hey-hey, hey Tú dices que no me atrevo– You say I don’t dareSi supieras que yo ando a fuego– If you knew I was on fireDime qué tú juega’ y yo lo juego– Tell me what you play ‘ and I play…
Bad Bunny – Un Ratito Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah– Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeahYeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah– Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeahEy– Hey Quizás yo vuelva con mi ex– Maybe I’ll get back with my exY no te vuelva a ver (Y no te vuelva a ver)– And I won’t see you again (and I won’t see you again)Quizá no te importa, quizá te va a doler– Maybe you don’t care, maybe it’s gonna…
Bad Bunny – El Apagón Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Con mucho cariño para todos ustedes– With much love to all of youMera, dime, ey– Mera, tell me, hey Puerto Rico está bien cabrón, ey, está bien cabrón– Puerto Rico is a good bastard, hey, it’s a good bastard De Carolina salió el reggaetón– From Carolina the reggaeton came outY los hijo’e puta de Bayamón…
Bad Bunny – Yo No Soy Celoso Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Ey, ey– Hey, hey El que esté libre de pecado que tire una piedra– He who is free from sin let him throw a stoneY yo tiro un peñón, yo tiro un peñón– And I throw a rock, I throw a rockAnoche soñé contigo y me levante gruñón– Last night I dreamed about you and…
Bad Bunny & The Marías – Otro Atardecer Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Aún quedan dos botellas de vino, de vino– There are still two bottles of wine left, of winePor si se juntan nuestro’ camino’, camino’– In case they meet our ‘way’, way’ Y no hay que encontrar el atardecer– And there is no need to find the sunsetHay mucho de mí que te faltó conocer– There’s…
Bad Bunny & Jhay Cortez – Tarot Spanish Lyrics English Translations
Verte en el VIP de lejito’, es un privilegio (-legio)– To see you in the VIP of lejito’, it’s a privilege (-legio)Baby, tú ere’ un mito, ese culito e’ un misterio (-terio)– Baby, you’re ‘a myth, that little ass is ‘ a mystery (-terio)Tú loquita porque te cojan y yo que me coja’ en serio–…
Bad Bunny – Un Verano Sin Ti Spanish Lyrics English Translations
No sé qué pasó– I don’t know what happenedOtro amor que de repente fracasó– Another love that suddenly failedEn mi cuarto está lloviendo y afuera está el sol– It’s raining in my room and the sun is outsideEy, ey, dime qué pasó– Hey, hey, tell me what happenedSi fui quien falló– If I was the…
Bad Bunny & Tony Dize – La Corriente Spanish Lyrics English Translations
La melodía con la calle– The melody with the streetTony Dize– Tony Dize Baby, dame la señal– Baby, give me the signSi me sigues mirando así te vo’a besar, te vo’a besar (te vo’a besar)– If you keep looking at me like this I’m gonna kiss you, I’m gonna kiss you (I’m gonna kiss you)Si…
Bad Bunny – Aguacero Spanish Lyrics English Translations
(Ey, ey)– (Hey, hey)Ey, ey– Hey, hey Me tienes el bicho ansioso, hey, ey– You got me the anxious bug, hey, heyQuédate en cuatro, que se ve precioso (Ey, ey)– Stay on four, it looks gorgeous (Hey, hey)Ese culito e’ un tramposo, ey– That little ass is a cheater, heySi abres una iglesia, me hago…