Etiket: Basa inggris
Central Cee – GBP Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Yo, come on, Mitch, you know I gotta go – Yo, hayu, Mitch, anjeun terang kuring kudu indit Bring your motherfuckin’— – Bawa indung anjeun’— If it weren’t the UK, would’ve had a AK-47 with a hundred rounds – Lamun ÉTA TEU INGGRIS, bakal geus MIBOGA AK-47 kalawan saratus rounds Red carpet…
Central Cee – Ten Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik (Beam me up Scotty) – (Dialihkeun Ti Scotty) Done it again, half past ten – Ngalakukeun deui, satengah sapuluh Just made me a ten, they ain’t got out of bed – Baru je lepas tidur .. takde sape nak tidur .. Hand ting there, but it ran it out of lead –…
Central Cee – Don’t Know Anymore Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik ‘Cause we’re in your drop-top, and it’s hard, then I’m feelin’ you – Karena kita ada di puncak, tapi susah, maka aku merasa dirimu I calmed down, turned around, you put me in a mood – Kuring calmed handap, ngancik sabudeureun, anjeun nempatkeun kuring dina wanda a Old house, windows down, but…
Djo – Basic Being Basic Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Get food, barely eat – Meunang dahareun, bieu dahar Every bite just kept me glued to my seat – Unggal gigitan ngan diteundeun kuring glued ka korsi kuring I worried, even cried – Ku takut walau menangis How’d it feel to take the light from my life? – Kumaha rasana pikeun nyandak…
Central Cee – St Patrick’s Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Cash rules everything around me – Aturan duit tunai sagalana sabudeureun kuring C.R.E.A.M., get the money – X Sabar nk dapat duit Dollar, dollar bill, y’all – Dollar, dollar bil, y ‘ all Cash rules everything around me – Aturan duit tunai sagalana sabudeureun kuring C.R.E.A.M., get the money – X Sabar…
FKA twigs – Keep It, Hold It Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Sometimes I wanna turn the other way – Sakapeung kuring hayang ngahurungkeun arah séjén Sometimes I feel so empty where I lay – Sakapeung kuring ngarasa kosong di tempat kuring ngagolér And at best I live alone in disarray – Jeung di pangalusna kuring hirup nyalira di kabingungan I read a million…
Central Cee – Truth in The Lies Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Without your love, feelin’ suicidal, but I keep my head up – Tanpa kasihmu, merasa bunuh diri, tapi ku jaga kepalaku Without the pounds, couldn’t count on you, that’s why I need my bread up – Tanpa pon, teu bisa ngitung dina anjeun, éta naha kuring kudu roti kuring nepi I told…
Central Cee – No Introduction Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik No introduction needed, but girls still ask what my name is – Teu perlu diwanohkeun, tapi budak awéwé masih nanya naon ngaran kuring Tryna pretend they don’t know who Cee is, like – Tryna pura-pura teu nyaho saha Cee, kawas Like anytime I get on the mic, it don’t cover a hundred…
FKA twigs – Sticky Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik I’m tired of messing up my life with – Ku lelah menghadapi hidupku Overcomplicated moments – Momen anu rumit And sticky situations – Jeung kaayaan lengket I tried to fuck you with the lights on – Kuring nyoba fuck anjeun jeung lampu dina In the hope you’d think I’m open – Mudah-mudahan…