Etiket: Basa inggris
Madonna – Like a Prayer Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Life is a mystery – Kahirupan téh misteri Everyone must stand alone – Kabéh kudu nangtung sorangan I hear you call my name – Kuring ngadéngé anjeun nelepon ngaran kuring And it feels like home – Jeung eta karasaeun kawas imah When you call my name – Lamun anjeun nyebut ngaran kuring…
Mumford & Sons – Rushmere Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Don’t you miss the breathlessness – Ulah sono kana napas The wildness in the eye? – Naha liar dina panon? Come home late in the morning light – Datang ka imah telat dina cahaya isuk Bloodshot dreams under streetlight spells – Bloodshot ngimpi dina mantra streetlight A truth no one can tell…
Mac Miller – Excelsior Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Yeah, yah – Enya, enya Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah – Enya, enya, enya, enya Yeah (Yeah), um – Enya (Enya), um On Fourth Street, the orphan children play on the jungle gym – Di Fourth Street, barudak yatim piatu maén di jungle gym Little Timmy broke his arm again on the monkey…
Mac Miller – Shangri-La Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Don’t be afraid to put your two cents in – Ulah sieun nempatkeun dua cents anjeun dina Might not be able to afford anything, but – Mungkin tidak bisa mampuh apa-apa, tapi I’m always up for a bargain – Abdi salawasna nepi pikeun deal a The dragons are flying south for the…
Mac Miller – Rick’s Piano Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Uh, Josh (Yes?) – Jos, Josh (Leres?) Knock, knock (Who’s there?) – Knock, knock (Anu aya?) Rick Rubin (Rick Rubin who?) – Rick Rubin (Rick rubin anu?) Rick Rubin’s piano (Ayy), alright (Yes) – Rick rubin urang piano (Ayy), alright (Enya) Enough fuckin’ around (Okay) – Cukup fucking ‘ kira-kira (Oke) Yeah…
Mac Miller – Mrs. Deborah Downer Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Yeah, nothin’ is impossible (Impossible) – Henteu aya anu mustahil (Mustahil) Do this shit together, we unstoppable (Unstoppable) – Ulah shit ieu babarengan, urang unstoppable (Unstoppable) Raised to be a leader, not a navigator (Navigator) – Diasuh jadi pamingpin, lain navigator (Navigator) Wrote this down on scraps of paper – Nulis ieu…
Mac Miller – Stoned Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Yeah, yeah – Enya, enya Breaks down the pain – Ngarecah nyeri Yeah – Enya She breaks down the pain, she rolls up the weed – Manéhna ngaruksak nyeri, manéhna ngagulung nepi jukut She far from a saint, she’s all that I need – Manéhna jauh ti santo, manéhna sadaya nu kuring…
Eminem – Smack You (Suge Knight & Ja Rule Diss) Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me – Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me, Suge shot me – Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring, Suge némbak kuring Suge shot…
Architects – Blackhole Basa inggris Lirik & Basa sunda Tarjamahan
Vidéo Klip Lirik Is there nothing but the cold at the centre of a blackhole? – Teu aya nanaon tapi tiis di puseur blackhole a? Ooh, bitch – Ooh, jalang The signal fire’s gonna burn out – Seuneu sinyalna bakal kaduruk Through the sirens and the flares – Ngaliwatan sirene jeung flares I was swallowed…