Etiket: Isixhosa
Lucy Dacus – Forever Is a Feeling Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma I crossed a line – Ndanqumla umgca And you followed close behind – Kwaye ulandele ngasemva We were cherry red in your forest green – Sasiyicherry ebomvu ehlathini lakho eluhlaza 1993 Grand Cherokee – 1993 Grand Cherokee You knew the scenic route – Uyayazi indlela entle I knew the shortcut and shut…
Lucy Dacus – Lost Time Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma The sky is grey, the trees are pink – Isibhakabhaka siyamnyama, imithi ipinki It’s almost spring and I can’t wait and I can’t think – Intwasahlobo iphantse ibe yintwasahlobo kwaye andinakulinda kwaye andinakucinga The sidewalk’s paved with petals like a wedding aisle – I-sidewalk ke paved kunye petals na wedding aisle I…
Lucy Dacus – Most Wanted Man Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma I never thought I’d see you looking at me this way – Andizange ndicinge ukuba uya kundijonga ngale ndlela Almost vulgar and out of place – Phantse ivulgar kwaye ingaphandle kwendawo Like seeing the moon in the day – Njengokubona inyanga emini I find it hard not to look away – Kunzima…
Lucy Dacus – Big Deal Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma Flicking embers into daffodils – Fixes into daffodils You didn’t plan to tell me how you feel – Awungandixeleli ukuba uziva njani You laugh about it like it’s no big deal – Uhleka ngathi akukho nto enkulu Crush the fire underneath your heel – Cr umlilo phantsi kwesithende sakho I’m surprised that…
Selena Gomez – Don’t Take It Personally Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma I know the two of you used to talk like every day – Ndiyazi ukuba nonke niziva ubumnyama apha namhlanje And ever since I came around, it hasn’t been the same – Ukusukela oko ndangena, khange ndifane You probably got a dart board with my face right in the middle – Mhlawumbi…
Ariana Grande – dandelion Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma Mean what I say, say what I mean – Oko ndikuthethayo, oko ndikuthethayo Not one to play, I am as you see – Akukho namnye ukuba badlale, mna njengoko ubona I give my word – Ndinika ilizwi lam These other boys, they’re one and the same, mm – Bafana bafana, they’re one,…
Playboi Carti – DIFFERENT DAY Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma Sch—, schyeah – Sch -, schyeah Different day – Usuku olwahlukileyo I just be stylin’, it’s hard to sleep (Schyeah) – I’m just stylin’, it’s hard to sleep (Ukulele Version) She never made it hard for me (Schyeah) – Zange khe ndibenzima (She never made me) I can’t trust my eyes, like,…
Selena Gomez – Younger And Hotter Than Me Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma Waited outside your apartment – Linda ngaphandle kwendlu yakho You used to come down for me – Ubuqhele ukuza kum I used to feel like an angel – Kwakum-angelo Now I’m a dog on your leash – I’m a dog now ukulele Begging for more – Ukucela okungakumbi X on my hand…
Kaiju-X – Death Dealer Isixhosa Ingoma & Isizulu Iinguqulelo
Ikliphu Yevidiyo Ingoma Verse 1 – Ivesi 1 I achieve the unachievable – Ndifezekise into engenakuphikiswa Sustained by the belief of the unbelievable – Inkolelo yabantu abangakholwayo Look into the mist, see the lunatic – Look into batshit crazy, see batshit crazy You think it’s inconceivable – Ucinga ukuba ayinakwenzeka Capsize enemies, floating like an…