Etiket: Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Engleski Tekst Pjesme & Hrvatski Prijevodi
Video isječak Tekst Pjesme I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Imam tu osobinu kako postajem stariji, ali nikad mudriji Midnights become my afternoons – Ponoć postaje moj dan When my depression works the graveyard shift – Kad moja depresija radi u smjeni groblja All of the people I’ve…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Angle Lyrics & Ayisyen Tradiksyon
Videyo Clip Lyrics I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Mwen gen bagay sa a kote mwen vin pi gran, men jis pa janm gen plis bon konprann Midnights become my afternoons – Minwi vin apremidi mwen When my depression works the graveyard shift – Lè depresyon mwen an…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero ქართული ტექსტი & ქართული თარგმანები
ვიდეო კლიპი ტექსტი I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – მე მაქვს ეს რამ, სადაც მე ხანდაზმული, მაგრამ უბრალოდ არასოდეს ბრძენი Midnights become my afternoons – Midnights გახდეს ჩემი afternoons When my depression works the graveyard shift – როდესაც ჩემი დეპრესია მუშაობს სასაფლაოს ცვლაში All of the people I’ve…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero ગુજરાતી ગીતો & ગુજરાતી ભાષાંતરો
વિડિઓ ક્લિપ ગીતો I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – હું આ વસ્તુ છે જ્યાં હું જૂના વિચાર, પરંતુ માત્ર ક્યારેય બુદ્ધિશાળી કેહવાય Midnights become my afternoons – મિડનાઇટ્સ મારા બપોરે બની જાય છે When my depression works the graveyard shift – જ્યારે મારા ડિપ્રેશન કબ્રસ્તાન શિફ્ટ કામ કરે…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Inglés Letras & Galego Traducións
Videoclip Letras I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Teño esta cousa onde me fago maior, pero nunca máis sabio Midnights become my afternoons – As noites son as miñas tardes When my depression works the graveyard shift – Cando a miña depresión funciona o traslado do cemiterio All…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Saesneg Lyrics & Cymru Cyfieithiadau
Clip Fideo Lyrics I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Mae gen i’r peth hwn lle rwy’n heneiddio, ond byth yn ddoethach Midnights become my afternoons – Hanner nos yn dod yn fy mhrynhawn When my depression works the graveyard shift – Pan fydd fy iselder yn gweithio symud…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Anglais Paroles & Français Traduction
vidéoclip Paroles I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – J’ai ce truc où je vieillis, mais jamais plus sage Midnights become my afternoons – Les mi-nuits deviennent mes après-midis When my depression works the graveyard shift – Quand ma dépression travaille le changement de cimetière All of the people…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Englanti Lyrics & Suomalainen Kääntäminen
videoleike Lyrics I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Minulla on juttu, jossa vanhenen, mutta en koskaan viisastu. Midnights become my afternoons – Midnights tullut minun iltapäivät When my depression works the graveyard shift – Kun masennukseni tekee yövuoron All of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the…
Taylor Swift – Anti-Hero Engels Lyrisch & Nederlands Vertaling
videoclip Lyrisch I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser – Ik heb iets waar ik ouder word, maar nooit wijzer Midnights become my afternoons – Midnights worden mijn middagen When my depression works the graveyard shift – Wanneer mijn depressie werkt de Kerkhof shift All of the people I’ve ghosted…