Coldplay & Jon Hopkins – MOON MUSiC Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Moon Music
– Oy Musiqasi

Once upon a time, I tried to get myself together
– Bir vaqtlar men o’zimni birlashtirishga harakat qildim
Be more like the sky and welcome every kind of weather
– Osmonga o’xshab, har qanday ob-havoni xush kelibsiz
Be more eagle-like and find the flight in every feather
– Burgutga o’xshashroq bo’ling va har bir tukda parvozni toping
Once upon a time, but I’m still trying to get better
– Bir vaqtlar, lekin men hali ham yaxshilanishga harakat qilaman
Maybe I’m just crazy, I should just be a brick in the wall
– Ehtimol, men shunchaki aqldan ozganman, men shunchaki devorda g’isht bo’lishim kerak
Sit and watch the TV, blame everyone else for it all
– O’tiring va televizorni tomosha qiling, buning uchun boshqalarni ayblang
But I’m trying to trust in the heavens above
– Lekin men yuqoridagi osmonga ishonishga harakat qilaman
And I’m trying to trust in a world full of love
– Va men sevgiga to’la dunyoga ishonishga harakat qilaman
Fire and water and constantly dream
– Yong’in va suv va doimo orzu
Of the balance of things and the music between
– Narsalar muvozanati va musiqa o’rtasidagi
If there’s anyone out there, I’m close to the end
– Agar u erda kimdir bo’lsa, men oxirigacha yaqinman
If there’s anyone out there, I just need a friend
– Agar u erda kimdir bo’lsa, menga faqat do’st kerak

Feels like
– Kabi his qiladi
I’m fallin’ in—
– Men kiraman—
Feels like
– Kabi his qiladi
I’m fallin’ in—
– Men kiraman—
Feels like
– Kabi his qiladi
I’m fallin’
– Men yiqildim




