I’m so tired of taking orders from everyone
– Hammadan buyurtma olishdan juda charchadim
And my house is like a hoarder’s, my bed undone
– Va mening uyim yig’uvchiga o’xshaydi, mening to’shagim bekor qilindi
Books that I’ll never read, magazines
– Men hech qachon o’qimaydigan kitoblar, jurnallar
Photo strips of you and me
– Siz va men foto chiziqlar
Felt so old at only seventeen
– Faqat o’n etti yoshda his qildim
Took a flight back to Texas just like every year
– Har yili bo’lgani kabi Texasga parvoz qildi
We barely talk, but our friendship can’t disappear
– Biz zo’rg’a gaplashamiz, lekin do’stligimiz yo’qolmaydi
At Kerbey Lane, the coffee tastes like gasoline
– Kerbey Leynda qahva benzinga o’xshaydi
Could you order some for me?
– Menga buyurtma bera olasizmi?
I’m too cold and I’m too tired to speak
– Men juda sovuqman va gapirishdan charchadim
All my youth, I never knew that life would ever change
– Yoshligimda, hayot hech qachon o’zgarishini bilmasdim
But we keep on growing, didn’t think it’d show
– Lekin biz o’sishda davom etamiz, buni ko’rsatmaydi deb o’ylamadik
But I see it on your face
– Lekin men buni sizning yuzingizda ko’raman
The years have passed, but you laugh exactly the same
– Yillar o’tdi, lekin siz xuddi shunday kulasiz
When I see you for the holidays
– Sizni bayramlarda ko’rganimda
In those eyes, I see lifetimes I’ve had with you
– Bu ko’zlarda men siz bilan bo’lgan umrlarimni ko’raman
From graduation, whole way back to elementary school
– Bitiruvdan boshlab, boshlang’ich maktabga qaytish
Teachers hang up the wreaths, children sing
– O’qituvchilar gulchambar osgan, bolalar kuylash
Years ago, that was you and me
– Yillar oldin, bu siz va men edi
What I’d give to once again be naive
– Men yana bir bor bergan narsam sodda bo’lsin
All my youth, I never knew that life would ever change
– Yoshligim davomida hayot hech qachon o’zgarishini bilmasdim
But we keep on growing, didn’t think it’d show
– Lekin biz o’sishda davom etamiz, buni ko’rsatmaydi deb o’ylamadik
But I see it on your face
– Lekin men buni sizning yuzingizda ko’raman
The years have passed, but you laugh exactly the same
– Yillar o’tdi, lekin siz xuddi shunday kulasiz
When I see you for the holidays
– Sizni bayramlarda ko’rganimda
All my youth, I never knew that life would ever change
– Yoshligimda, hayot hech qachon o’zgarishini bilmasdim
But we keep on growing, didn’t think it’d show
– Lekin biz o’sishda davom etamiz, buni ko’rsatmaydi deb o’ylamadik
But I see it on your face
– Lekin men buni sizning yuzingizda ko’raman
The years have passed, but you laugh exactly the same
– Yillar o’tdi, lekin siz xuddi shunday kulasiz
When I see you for the holidays
– Sizni bayramlarda ko’rganimda
![Conan Gray](