Future – SURFING A TSUNAMI Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Yeah, yeah
– Ha, ha
Ski, Plutoski
– Chang’i, Plutoski
(How them niggas good, but they impoverished?)
– (Qanday ularni zanjilar yaxshi, lekin ular qashshoq?)

From the clothes down to the luggage, we be stylin’ off the jet
– Kiyimdan yukgacha, biz jetdan tashqarida stylin bo’lamiz
Muddy ice inside my cup, I watch it turn into baguettes
– Mening kosam ichidagi loyqa muz, men uning bagetga aylanishini tomosha qilaman
Keep my head up to the sky ’cause they gon’ think a nigga depressed
– Boshimni osmonga ko’taring, chunki ular nigga tushkun deb o’ylashadi
Fuck depressed, I’m really depressed ’cause lawyer didn’t go and buy the yacht
– Fuck tushkunlikka tushdi, men haqiqatan ham tushkunlikka tushdim, chunki advokat borib yaxtani sotib olmadi
That’s my mans, he stood on business, I can’t never leave him out
– Bu mening odamlarim, u biznesda turdi, men uni hech qachon tashlab ketolmayman
Pull out the poppers, ain’t no slouch
– Poppersni tortib oling, egilmang
Might be pink toes at the house
– Uyda pushti barmoqlar bo’lishi mumkin
A couple of mermaids in the pool
– Hovuzda bir nechta suv parisi
Skinny-dippin’, it’s just my fuel
– Skinny-dippin’, bu shunchaki mening yoqilg’im
I’ve been just sippin’ and countin’ my blues
– Men faqat sippin’ va countin’ mening blues ayting
I’m gettin’ it crackin’ wherever I move
– Men qaerga harakat qilsam, u yorilib ketadi
No relaxin’, I stay on cue
– Yo’q, relaxin’, men cue qolish
Put a lil’ stash in all my rooms
– Mening barcha xonalarimga lil ‘ stash qo’ying
Got a nigga crash himself, Tycoon
– Bir nigga crash o’zi bor, magnati
Rap and tote plastic, shoot like a goon
– Rap va tote plastik, goon kabi otish
Bitch so sassy, she get approved
– Bitch shunday sassy, tasdiqlangan u olish
All this smashin’, we get seduced
– Barcha bu smashin’, biz boshidan olish
Wish you wish you could walk a mile in my shoes
– Mening poyabzalimda bir mil yurishingizni tilayman
I got a solitary point of view (I got clarity for you)
– Men yolg’iz nuqtai nazarga ega bo’ldim (men sizga aniqlik kiritdim)

Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
All these millions out the trap feel so amazing
– Bu millionlab tuzoqlarning barchasi juda ajoyib
I can surf on a tsunami when the wave hit
– To’lqin urilganda tsunamida bemaqsad qila olaman
I get fly with all these guns on me, I’m brazy
– Men bu qurollarning hammasi bilan uchib ketaman, men jasurman
Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
I got way too many vibes, ain’t no favorites
– Men juda ko’p vibes bor, hech favorites emas
I got riders on my side, we gettin’ faded
– Men tomonda chavandoz bor, biz gettin ‘ so’nib
Double cups with all that drivin’, let’s get wavy
– Barcha bu drivin bilan Double krujkalar’, ning to’lqinli olish qilaylik

I got drugs inside my system, feelin’ jaded
– Men tizimi ichida narkotik bor, feelin ‘ horg’in
It’s the ones come from these streets the ones I stay with
– Bu ko’chalardan kelganlar men bilan qoladiganlar
We makin’ money when we sleep, make sure we stay lit
– Biz uxlayotganimizda pul sarflaymiz, yonib turishimizga ishonch hosil qiling
I can go and hop in the other one when it’s time to get a spaceship (Go and hop in the other one)
– Men kosmik kemani olish vaqti kelganida, men borib, boshqasiga sakrashim mumkin (borib, boshqasiga sakrab o’ting)
Young nigga went and dropped another one, gon’ be the greatest
– Yosh nigga borib, boshqasini tashladi, Gon ‘ eng buyuk bo’ling
Wanna put a tag on a nigga toe like he traded
– U kotirovka kabi bir nigga bo bo’yicha Teg qo’yish istayman
I’ve been gettin’ franchise money like McGrady (I ain’t gon’ lie to you)
– Men McGrady kabi franchayzing pulini oldim (men sizga yolg’on gapirmayman)
I got a billion-dollar-nigga conversation (Should’ve lied for you)
– Men bir milliard dollarlik-nigga suhbatni bor (siz uchun yolg’on ayting kerak)

Sleepin’ on the safe, gettin’ high and shit
– Seyfda uxlang, baland va bok
Every nigga with me get high and shit
– Men bilan har bir nigga yuqori va shit olish
Keep your head up, hold it high and shit (Keep your head up to the sky)
– Boshingizni ko’taring, baland tuting va bok (boshingizni osmonga ko’taring)
Pussy nigga, you ain’t gon’ slide and shit (Pussy niggas ain’t slide)
– Pussy nigga, siz Gon ‘ slide va axlatni emas (mushuk niggas slide emas)
Every day, we, copy (Every day, we outside)
– Har kuni, biz, nusxa (har kuni, biz tashqarida)
Hold your niggas down, they at the top with you (Hold your niggas at the top)
– Zanjilaringizni pastga tushiring, ular siz bilan tepada (zanjilaringizni tepada ushlab turing)
Mermaids at the house, stylish
– Uydagi mermaidlar, zamonaviy
Skinny-dippin’, baby, don’t be childish
– Skinny-dippin’, chaqaloq, bolalarcha bo’lmang

Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
All these millions out the trap feel so amazing
– Bu millionlab tuzoqlarning barchasi juda ajoyib
I can surf on a tsunami when the wave hits
– To’lqin urilganda tsunamida bemaqsad qila olaman
I get fly with all these guns on me, I’m brazy
– Men bu qurollarning hammasi bilan uchib ketaman, men jasurman
Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
I got way too many vibes, ain’t no favorites
– Men juda ko’p vibes bor, hech favorites emas
I got riders on my side, we gettin’ faded
– Men tomonda chavandoz bor, biz gettin ‘ so’nib
Double cups with all that drivin’, let’s get wavy
– Barcha bu drivin bilan Double krujkalar’, ning to’lqinli olish qilaylik

No matter how rich you get, you take your dogs with you
– Qanchalik boy bo’lishingizdan qat’i nazar, siz itlaringizni o’zingiz bilan olib ketasiz
Whatever the situation is, they’re calling you (Whatever it is)
– Vaziyat qanday bo’lishidan qat’i nazar, ular sizni chaqirishadi (nima bo’lishidan qat’iy nazar)
There’s pretty bitches around the world stalking you
– Dunyo bo’ylab sizni ta’qib qilayotgan go’zal kaltaklar bor
Seem like these nine-figure chips got bitches lost
– Bu to’qqiz-raqam chips bitches yo’qolgan bor kabi ko’rinadi
I ain’t got no favorite, they all treat me like a boss
– Men hech sevimli bor yo’q, ular barcha xo’jayin kabi meni davolash
I live a bachelor life, you ask her, she my broad
– Men bakalavr hayot kechirish, agar uni so’rang, u mening keng
Smash her, then look out for her, but I ain’t got time to talk
– Uni Smash, keyin uning uchun tashqariga qarash, lekin men gapirish uchun vaqt yo’q
She charging more for the pussy now, that’s my fault
– U endi mushuk uchun ko’proq zaryad oladi, bu mening aybim

Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
All these millions out the trap feel so amazing
– Bu millionlab tuzoqlarning barchasi juda ajoyib
I can surf on a tsunami when the wave hit
– To’lqin urilganda tsunamida bemaqsad qila olaman
I get fly with all these guns on me, I’m brazy
– Men bu qurollarning hammasi bilan uchib ketaman, men jasurman
Don’t be careless with this rich nigga behavior
– Ushbu boy nigga xatti-harakati bilan beparvo bo’lmang
I got way too many vibes, ain’t no favorites (I got way too many vibes, ain’t no favorites)
– Menda juda ko’p tebranishlar bor, Sevimlilar yo’q (menda juda ko’p tebranishlar bor, Sevimlilar yo’q)
I got riders on my side, we gettin’ faded
– Men tomonda chavandoz bor, biz gettin ‘ so’nib
Double cups with all that drivin’, let’s get wavy (Surf on a tsunami when the wave hit)
– Barcha bu drivin bilan Double krujkalar, ning to’lqinli bo’lsin (to’lqin urdi qachon bir tsunami bemaqsad)




