– Uh
– Ayy
Da-da-da (Woo)
– Da-da-da (Voo)
Uh, huh
– Ha, ha
Now, I’m addicted to the shit like it was nicotine
– Endi men nikotin kabi axlatga qaramman
The streets have got me overdosin’ on adrenaline
– Ko’chalar meni adrenalinga haddan tashqari oshirdi
Like it was lean, promethazine, have I become a fiend?
– Bu ozg’in bo’lgani kabi, prometazin, men shaytonga aylandimmi?
My nigga caught up with that girl, this ain’t no summer fling
– Mening nigga bu qiz bilan ko’tarilamiz, bu hech qanday yoz urinish emas
Know what I mean? Can’t use the phone ’cause niggas listening
– Nimani nazarda tutayotganimni bilasizmi? Telefondan foydalana olmaysiz
Them boys be talkin’ shit, well, bitch, I got that Listerine
– Ularni bolalar talkin ‘ shit bo’lishi, yaxshi, bitch, men bu Listerine bor
That pistol gleamin’ in the sun ’cause beef is interesting (What you say, nigga? The fuck you say, nigga?)
– Bu to’pponcha gleamin’ quyoshda ‘ sabab mol go’shti qiziq (siz nima deysiz, nigga? Siz aytayotgan fuck, nigga?)
A quarter pounder get a nigga blown to smithereens (Fuck you say, nigga?)
– Chorak pounder bir nigga smithereens uchun chalinib olish (Fuck sen, nigga?)
My mama asked me what that drama ’bout and I don’t lie
– Onam mendan bu dramaning jangini nima deb so’radi va men yolg’on gapirmayman
I said, “A little bit of money and a lot of pride”
– Men aytdim, ” bir oz pul va juda ko’p mag’rurlik”
I swear to God I cry when I look in my daughter eye
– Xudoga qasam ichaman qizimning ko’ziga qaraganimda yig’layman
I’m thinkin’ if I die tonight, I never taught her how to ride a bike
– Agar men bugun kechqurun o’lsam, men unga hech qachon velosiped haydashni o’rgatmaganman
Or how to fight if niggas clownin’ on her
– Yoki zanjilar unga masxaraboz bo’lsa, qanday kurashish kerak
I gotta call my nigga Rallo from around the corner
– Men burchakda mening nigga Rallo qo’ng’iroq kerak
He came up on a pound of Mary straight from California
– U Kaliforniyadan bir funt Maryamga keldi
Let’s blow an ounce and move the rest, we bag it up, you do the rest
– Keling, bir untsiyani puflaymiz va qolganini ko’chiramiz, biz uni qoplaymiz, qolganini siz qilasiz
Okay, I’m comin’ over quick, got hip for my nigga, this is it
– Xop, men tez ustidan comin qilyapman, mening nigga uchun hip bor, bu uni emas
Don’t know how he came up on it, must’ve probably hit a lick
– U unga kelib qanday bilmayman, ehtimol, bir yalab urdi lozim edi
Now, I don’t ask no fuckin’ questions, all I do is take my blessings to the strip
– Endi men hech qanday savol bermayman, men faqat barakalarimni ipga olib boraman
Make her flip, no more struggling, no more stressing
– Uni aylantiring, endi kurashmang, endi stress qilmang
‘Cause my baby need some Pampers and her daddy need a Buick
– – Mening chaqalog’imga Pampers kerak, uning dadasiga esa Buick kerak
Ain’t no future for a felon and there ain’t that much more to it
– Jinoyatchining kelajagi yo’q va bundan ham ko’proq narsa yo’q
Why I do it? I feed my baby girl and then we lie together
– Nima uchun men buni? Men qizimni boqaman, keyin birga yotamiz
I’m starin’ at her, swear I hope we fuckin’ die together
– Men unga qarayman, qasam ichamanki, biz birga o’lamiz
Die, die together (Nina? Nina?)
– O’ling, birga o’ling (Nina ? Nina?)
Die together (Who loves you?)
– Birgalikda o’ling (sizni kim sevadi?)
I swear I hope we fuckin’ die together (Daddy loves you)
– Qasam ichamanki, biz birga o’lamiz (dadam sizni sevadi)
Die together (One day, I’ma buy you everything you want)
– Birgalikda o’ling (bir kun, men sizga xohlagan hamma narsani sotib olaman)
Die together
– Birgalikda o’ling
I swear I hope we fuckin’ die together (We’re gonna have a big house, you’re gonna have a big room)
– Qasam ichamanki, biz birga o’lamiz (bizda katta uy bo’ladi ,sizda katta xona bo’ladi)
(Die together) Die together
– (Birga o’lish) birga o’lish
Die together (You’re all I got in this world)
– Birgalikda o’ling (siz bu dunyoda bor narsam)
I swear I hope we fuckin’ die together (Daddy gotta go find a real job)
– Qasam ichamanki, biz birga o’lamiz deb umid qilaman (dadam borib, haqiqiy ish topadi)
(Die together) Die together (I’ma drop you off with Mommy, I’m gonna pick you up next week, okay?)
– (Birga o’ling) birga o’ling (men sizni Onam bilan tashlayman, keyingi hafta sizni olib ketaman, maylimi?)
Die together
– Birgalikda o’ling
I swear I hope we fuckin’ die together
– Qasam ichamanki, biz birga o’lamiz
3 in the mornin’ and I’m wide awake, yawnin’
– 3 ertalab va men keng uyg’oqman, esnayman
A couple pulls got me zonin’
– Er-xotin meni zoninni tortib oldi
Somethin’ tell me check my phone and I see a message
– Biror narsa menga telefonimni tekshirib ko’ring va men xabarni ko’raman
Five missed calls, they all from Rallo, right away, I check it (Ra’, Ra’, call me the fuck back)
– Beshta o’tkazib yuborilgan qo’ng’iroqlar, ularning barchasi Rallodan, darhol, men buni tekshiraman (Ra’, Ra’, meni orqaga chaqiring)
He stressin’, he breathin’ heavy, tellin’ me to call him ASAP (Hit me back)
– U stress qiladi, og’ir nafas oladi, menga uni ASAP deb chaqirishimni aytadi (meni orqaga uring)
I dial him right back, like, “What the fuck goin’ on?”
– Men o’ng orqa uni terish, kabi, “nima fuck goin” haqida?”
He’s goin’ on about them trees that we sold and how we need to get low
– U ular haqida ketmoqda biz sotgan daraxtlar va biz qanday qilib past bo’lishimiz kerak
Some niggas lookin’ for us out here in the streets ’cause they know
– Ba’zi niggalar biz uchun ko’chalarda ko’rinadi, chunki ular bilishadi
That shit we sold ain’t belong to us, they wanna sing a song for us
– Biz sotgan bu shit bizga tegishli emas, ular biz uchun qo’shiq kuylashni xohlashadi
For fuckin’ up they money, nigga said it won’t be long for us
– Ular pul topish uchun, nigga bu biz uchun uzoq bo’lmasligini aytdi
I tell him, “I ain’t scared, I ain’t know it was theirs
– Men unga aytaman: “men qo’rqmayman, bu ularniki ekanligini bilmayman
But if they talkin’ like that, nigga, make sure that you strapped” (Click)
– Lekin ular bu kabi “talkin bo’lsa, nigga, agar bog’lashadi ishonch hosil qiling” (bosish)
Hung up the phone as I sat there alone
– Men u erda yolg’iz o’tirganimda telefonni osib qo’ydim
Wishin’ I can wipe the slate clean with dreams of a home
– Men uyni orzu qilgan holda shiferni tozalay olaman
With picket fence and yard big enough for Nina to roam
– Nina yurishi uchun etarlicha katta piket panjarasi va hovli bilan
Lord, tell me, is it too late to grow? I need to know (Shit)
– Rabbim, ayting-chi, o’sishga kechmi? Men bilishim kerak (Shit)
Few hours pass, I need to go and pick my daughter up
– Bir necha soat o’tadi, men borib qizimni olib ketishim kerak
Her mama gotta work today, she tells me, “Look for work today” (You need to go find a job today)
– Uning onasi bugun ishlashi kerak, deydi u, ” bugun ish qidiring” (bugun ish topishingiz kerak)
I say, “Okay,” I strapped the cutie pie into the baby seat
– Men aytaman, “xop, ” men chaqaloq o’rindiqqa cutie pirojnoe bog’ladi
She love to spend the day with me, she startin’ to learn the ABCs
– U kunni men bilan o’tkazishni yaxshi ko’radi, u ABClarni o’rganishni boshlaydi
I drive away and see my distant future as a married man
– Men haydab ketaman va uzoq kelajagimni turmush qurgan erkak sifatida ko’raman
Way out in the suburbs with no pistols and no worryin’
– Hech to’pponcha bilan chetidagi chiqish yo’li va hech xavotirli
One day, I’ll send my baby girl to college where she’ll find a man
– Bir kuni men qizimni kollejga yuboraman, u erda u erkak topadi
And he gon’ put a ring up on her hand, but I’ll be damned
– Va u qo’liga uzuk qo’ydi, lekin men la’natlanaman
Fuck you, fuck you
– Fuck you, fuck you
Fuck, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go
– Fuck, boraylik, boraylik, boraylik
Fuck, man
– Fuck, odam
Ah, shit
– Oh, bok
Nina? Nina? Nina?
– Nina? Nina? Nina?
Oh shit, I’m sorry, I’m sorry
– Oh shit, kechirasiz, kechirasiz
– Fuck