Kelsea Ballerini – Hindsight Is Happiness Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Thought I was together, was a mess
– Men birga deb o’yladim, tartibsizlik edi
I should have never tethered in my twenties, my bad
– Men voyaga etgan bog’ladi hech qachon kerak, mening yomon
Ancient news, I know and I digress
– Qadimgi yangiliklar, bilaman va chekinaman
Just one more thing to say, I swear I’ll leave it like that
– Yana bir narsani aytish kerak, qasam ichamanki, men buni shunday qoldiraman
Three years of dust is on the ground
– Uch yillik chang yerda
I can’t find the animosity anymore
– Endi adovatni topa olmayapman
What a show, what a storm
– Qanday shou, qanday bo’ron
But I mean it now, honestly
– Lekin men hozir uni degani, halol

Hindsight is happiness
– Orqaga qarash-bu baxt
And I hope you’re happy now
– Va umid qilamanki, siz hozir baxtlisiz

I’m sorry that it went the way it did
– Kechirasiz, bu shunday bo’ldi
Retrospectively, I see where I was wind on fire
– Retrospektiv, men olov shamol qaerda ko’rish
Heard you finally fell in love again
– Eshitdingizmi, nihoyat yana sevib qoldingiz
I hope she brings you peace of mind and holds you tighter
– Umid qilamanki, u sizga xotirjamlik keltiradi va sizni qattiqroq ushlab turadi
Time tells your present to forgive
– Vaqt sizning sovg’angizni kechirishni aytadi
And I give credit to getting older
– Va men katta olish uchun kredit berish
I guess both of our lives started over
– O’ylaymanki, ikkala hayotimiz ham boshlandi
Soon as it was over
– Bu tugashi bilan

Hindsight is happiness
– Orqaga qarash-bu baxt
(It was muddy, but now it’s 20/20)
– (Bu loyqa edi, lekin hozir 20/20)
(It’s lookin’ pretty sunny up ahead)
– (Oldinda juda quyoshli ko’rinadi)
And I hope you’re happy now
– Va umid qilamanki, siz hozir baxtlisiz
(Hands were bloody, made it about the money)
– (Qo’llar qonli edi, pul haqida qildi)
(I laughed, it wasn’t funny, damn)
– (Men kuldim, bu kulgili emas edi, la’nati)
Wish you all the best
– Sizga eng yaxshi tilaklarimni tilayman
(I really mean it, it took a while to see it)
– (Men, albatta, uni degani, uni ko’rish uchun bir oz vaqt oldi)
(It took a while to understand)
– (Bu tushunish uchun bir oz vaqt oldi)
And I hope you’re happy now
– Va umid qilamanki, siz hozir baxtlisiz

You can’t rewrite the past, but you can learn from it
– Siz o’tmishni qayta yoza olmaysiz, lekin undan o’rganishingiz mumkin
Learn from it
– Undan o’rganing
I was hopin’ we could clear the air, clear the ash
– Men umidvor edim biz havoni tozalashimiz, kulni tozalashimiz mumkin edi
And lookin’ back, all it took was time
– Va orqaga qarang, vaqt o’tdi

Hindsight is happiness
– Orqaga qarash-bu baxt
(It was muddy, but now it’s 20/20)
– (Bu loyqa edi, lekin hozir 20/20)
(It’s lookin’ pretty sunny up ahead)
– (Oldinda juda quyoshli ko’rinadi)
And I hope you’re happy now
– Va umid qilamanki, siz hozir baxtlisiz
(Hands were bloody, made it about the money)
– (Qo’llar qonli edi, pul haqida qildi)
(I laughed, it wasn’t funny, damn)
– (Men kuldim, bu kulgili emas edi, la’nati)

I thought I was together, was a mess
– Men birga deb o’yladim, tartibsizlik edi
I should have never tethered in my twenties, my bad
– Men voyaga etgan bog’ladi hech qachon kerak, mening yomon

Kelsea Ballerini



