Kendrick Lamar – euphoria Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



​eurt si em tuoba yas yeht gnihtyrevE
– ​eurt si em tuoba yas yeht gnihtyrevE
– Eyforiya

Them super powers gettin’ neutralized, I can only watch in silence
– Ularni super kuchlar zararsizlantiradi, men faqat sukutda tomosha qila olaman
The famous actor we once knew is lookin’ paranoid and now is spiralin’
– Biz bilgan mashhur aktyor-paranoid, hozir esa spiralin
You’re movin’ just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin’ distasteful
– Siz xuddi degenerat kabi harakat qilyapsiz, har bir antic o’zini yoqimsiz his qiladi
I calculate you’re not as calculated, I can even predict your angle
– Men siz hisoblab emas ekansiz hisoblash, men ham sizning burchakka oldindan mumkin
Fabricatin’ stories on the family front ’cause you heard Mr. Morale
– Fabricatin ‘oilaviy jabhadagi hikoyalar’ janob ma’naviyatni eshitganingiz uchun
A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now
– Achinarli usta manipulyator, men hozir sizga ertaklarni hidlay olaman
You’re not a rap artist, you a scam artist with the hopes of being accepted
– Siz rap ijrochisi emassiz, siz qabul qilinish umidida firibgarsiz
Tommy Hilfiger stood out, but FUBU never had been your collection
– Tommy Hilfiger chiqib turdi, lekin FUBU sizning yig’ish edi hech qachon
I make music that electrify ’em, you make music that pacify ’em
– Men ularni elektrlashtiradigan musiqa qilaman, siz ularni tinchlantiradigan musiqa qilasiz
I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that’s random acts of kindness
– Men bu liniyada pastga ikki barobarga mumkin, lekin sizga bu safar tirik, bu mehr tasodifiy havoriylar ekan
Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too
– Sizni usta manipulyator va odatiy yolg’onchi deb biling
But don’t tell no lie about me and I won’t tell truths ’bout you
– Ammo aytmang men haqimda yolg’on gapirmang va men haqiqatni aytmayman siz bilan

Shoo, shoo, shoo
– Shoo, shoo, shoo
Shoo, shoo, shoo
– Shoo, shoo, shoo
Bee, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee
– Ari, ari, ari, ari, ari, ari

Yeah, I’m out the way, yeah, I’m low, okay
– Ha, men yo’ldan chiqdim, ha, men pastman, yaxshi
Yeah, the island right here’s remote, okay
– Ha, bu erda Orol uzoq, yaxshi
I ain’t thinkin’ about no reaper, nigga, I’m reapin’ what I sow, okay
– Men o’roq haqida o’ylamayman, nigga, men nima Ekkanimni o’rayapman, mayli
Got a Benjamin and a Jackson all in my house like I’m Joe, okay
– Mening uyimda Benjamin va Jekson bor, men Jou kabi, yaxshi
Hellcat, made his homeboys and them type sell they soul, okay
– Hellcat, uning homeboys qildi va ularni jon sotish kiriting, xop
Everybody wanna be demon ’til they get chipped by a throwaway
– Hamma jinni bo’lishni xohlaydi, ular tashlanmaguncha
And I might do a show a day, once a lame, always a lame
– Va men bir kun bir namoyish qilish mumkin, bir marta cho’loq, har doim cho’loq
Oh, you thought the money, the power or fame would make you go away?
– Oh, siz pul, kuch yoki shon-Shuhrat sizni yo’q qiladi deb o’yladingizmi?
Have you ever played have-you-ever? Okay, nigga, let’s play
– Agar hech bor-siz-hech o’ynagan? Mayli, nigga, o’ynaymiz
Have you ever walked your enemy down like with a poker face?
– Siz hech qachon dushmaningizni poker yuzi kabi pastga tushirganmisiz?
Have you ever paid five hundred thou’ like to an open case?
– Siz hech qachon ochiq ish uchun besh yuz pul to’laganmisiz?
Well, I have, and I failed at both, but I came out straight
– Xo’sh, menda bor va men ikkalasida ham muvaffaqiyatsiz bo’ldim, lekin men to’g’ri chiqdim
I hate when a rapper talk about guns, then somebody die, they turn into nuns
– Rapper qurol haqida gapirganda nafratlanaman, keyin kimdir o’ladi, ular rohibalarga aylanadi
Then hop online like “Pray for my city,” he fakin’ for likes and digital hugs
– Keyin ” mening shahrim uchun ibodat qiling,” u yoqtirishlar va raqamli quchoqlar uchun soxta
His daddy a killer, he wanna be junior, they must’ve forgot the shit that they done
– Uning daddy bir qotil, u kichik bo’lishi istayman, ular qilgan axlatni unutib lozim edi
Dementia must run in his family, but let it get shaky
– Demans uning oilasida yugurishi kerak, ammo titroq bo’lsin
I’ll park his son
– Men uning o’g’lini to’xtataman
The very first time I shot me a Drac’, the homie had told me to aim it this way
– Menga birinchi marta Dracni otib tashlaganimda, homie menga buni shu tarzda maqsad qilishimni aytdi
I didn’t point down enough, today, I’ll show you I learned from those mistakes
– Men etarlicha ishora qilmadim, bugun sizga ko’rsataman men bu xatolardan saboq oldim
Somebody had told me that you got a ring, on God, I’m ready to double the wage
– Kimdir menga uzuk borligini aytdi, Xudoga, men ish haqini ikki baravar oshirishga tayyorman
I’d rather do that than let a Canadian nigga make Pac turn in his grave
– Kanadalik nigga Pac qabrida aylanishiga yo’l qo’ygandan ko’ra, buni qilishni afzal ko’raman
Cutthroat business, you got shit twisted
– Qo’rqinchli biznes, siz buralib qoldingiz
What is it? The braids?
– Bu nima? Braidlar?
I hurt your feelings? You don’t wanna work with me no more? Okay
– Men sizning his-tuyg’ularingizni xafa qildimmi? Siz endi men bilan ishlashni xohlamaysizmi? Yaxshi
It’s three GOATs left, and I seen two of them kissin’ and huggin’ on stage
– Bu uchta echki qoldi va men ulardan ikkitasini ko’rdim kissin’ va huggin’ sahnada
I love ’em to death, and in eight bars, I’ll explain that phrase, huh
– Men ularni o’limga qadar yaxshi ko’raman va sakkizta barda men bu iborani tushuntiraman, ha
It’s nothin’ nobody can tell me, huh
– Hech kim menga aytolmaydi, ha
I don’t wanna talk on no celly, huh
– Men hech celly haqida gapirish istamayman, huh
You know I got language barriers, huh
– Bilasizmi, menda til to’siqlari bor, ha
It’s no accent you can sell me, huh
– Siz meni sotishingiz mumkin emas, ha
Yeah, Cole and Aubrey know I’m a selfish nigga, the crown is heavy, huh
– Ha, Koul va Obri mening xudbin nigga ekanligimni bilishadi, toj og’ir, ha
I pray they my real friends, if not, I’m YNW Melly
– Men ularga haqiqiy do’stlarimni ibodat qilaman, agar yo’q bo’lsa, men
I don’t like you poppin’ shit at Pharrell, for him, I inherit the beef
– Men sizni yoqtirmayman poppin Farrelda bok, uning uchun men mol go’shtini meros qilib olaman
Yeah, fuck all that pushin’ P, let me see you push a T
– Ha, barcha pushin ‘ p fuck, meni siz T surish ko’raylik
You better off spinnin’ again on him, you think about pushin’ me
– Siz yana spinnindan yaxshiroq, siz meni pushin haqida o’ylaysiz
He’s Terrence Thornton, I’m Terence Crawford, yeah, I’m whoopin’ feet
– U Terrens Tornton, men Terens Kroufordman, ha, men oyoqlarim
We ain’t gotta get personal, this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way
– Biz shaxsiy bo’lishimiz shart emas, bu do’stona so’nish, siz buni shunday saqlashingiz kerak
I know some shit about niggas that make Gunna Wunna look like a saint
– Men Gunna Vunna bir avliyo kabi qarash qilish zanjilar haqida ba’zi axlatni bilaman
This ain’t been about critics, not about gimmicks, not about who the greatest
– Bu tanqidchilar haqida emas, hiyla-nayranglar haqida emas, balki eng buyuk kim haqida emas
It’s always been about love and hate, now let me say I’m the biggest hater
– Bu har doim sevgi va nafrat haqida edi, endi men eng katta nafratlanaman deb aytaman
I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
– Men sizning yurishingizdan, gaplashishingizdan, kiyinishingizdan nafratlanaman
I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it’s gon’ be direct
– Men sizga diss yashirincha yo’l nafratlanaman, men parvoz qo’lga bo’lsa, u Gon ‘ to’g’ridan-to’g’ri bo’lishi
We hate the bitches you fuck ’cause they confuse themself with real women
– Biz siz fuck bitches nafratlanaman ‘ ular real ayollar bilan o’zlarini aralashtirmang sabab
And notice, I said “we,” it’s not just me, I’m what the culture feelin’
– Va e’tibor bering, dedim “biz,” bu faqat men emas, men madaniyat nimani his qilyapman’
How many more fairytale stories ’bout your life ’til we had enough?
– Bizga yetguncha yana qancha ertak hikoyalari sizning hayotingiz haqida?
How many more Black features ’til you finally feel that you’re Black enough?
– Nihoyat siz etarlicha qora ekanligingizni his qilmaguningizcha yana qancha qora xususiyatlar mavjud?
I like Drake with the melodies, I don’t like Drake when he act tough
– Menga ohanglar bilan Drake yoqadi, u qattiq harakat qilganda Drake yoqmaydi
You gon’ make a nigga bring back Puff, let me see if Chubbs really crash somethin’
– Siz Gon ‘bir nigga Puff qaytarib olib qilish, chubbs, albatta, bir narsa crash bo’lsa, meni ko’rib chiqaylik’
Yeah, my first one like my last one, it’s a classic, you don’t have one
– Ha, mening birinchisim oxirgisidek, bu klassik, sizda yo’q
Let your core audience stomach that, then tell ’em where you get your abs from
– Asosiy auditoriyangizning oshqozoniga ruxsat bering, keyin qorin bo’shlig’ingizni qayerdan olganingizni ayting
V12, it’s a fast one, baow-baow-baow, last one
– V12, bu tez, baov-baov-baov, oxirgi
Headshot for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk
– Yil davomida Headshot, Agar yaxshi Daft Punk kabi atrofida yurish

– Eslaysizmi?
Ayy, Top Dawg, who the fuck they think they playin’ with?
– Ayy, Top Dovg, ular kim bilan o’ynashadi deb o’ylashadi?
Extortion my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch
– Tovlamachilik mening o’rta nomi bilanoq siz bu samolyot off sakrab sifatida, kaltak
I’m allergic to the lame shit, only you like bein’ famous
– Men cho’loq shitga allergiyam bor, faqat siz beIN’ famous-ni yoqtirasiz
Yachty can’t give you no swag neither, I don’t give a fuck ’bout who you hang with
– Yachty sizga hech qanday shafqatsizlik berolmaydi, men fuck bermayman siz kim bilan osilgansiz
I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
– Men sizning yurishingizdan, gaplashishingizdan, kiyinishingizdan nafratlanaman
Surprised you wanted that feature request, you know that we got some shit to address
– Hayron siz bu xususiyati so’rov bo’ldim, agar biz hal qilish uchun, ba’zi shit bor, deb bilaman
I even hate when you say the word “nigga,” but that’s just me, I guess
– “Nigga, ” so’zini aytganingizda ham nafratlanaman, lekin bu faqat menman, deb o’ylayman
Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain’t even gotta be deep, I guess
– Ba’zi shit faqat cringuable, hatto gotta chuqur bo’lishi kerak emas, men o’ylayman
Still love when you see success, everything with me is blessed
– Muvaffaqiyatni ko’rganingizda hali ham seving, men bilan hamma narsa muborak
Keep makin’ me dance, wavin’ my hand, and it won’t be no threat
– Meni raqsga tushiring, qo’limni silkiting va bu tahdid bo’lmaydi
I’m knowin’ they call you The Boy, but where is a man? ‘Cause I ain’t seen him yet
– Bilaman, ular sizni bola deb atashadi, lekin erkak qani? – Chunki men uni hali ko’rmaganman
Matter fact, I ain’t even bleed him yet, can I bleed him? (Bet)
– Haqiqatan ham, men uni hali ham qon to’kmayman, uni qon qila olamanmi? (Tikish)
When I see you stand by Sexyy Red, I believe you see two bad bitches
– Men sizni Sexyy qizil bilan turganingizni ko’rsam, ishonamanki, siz ikkita yomon kaltakni ko’rasiz
I believe you don’t like women, it’s real competition, you might pop ass with ’em
– Ishonamanki, siz ayollarni yoqtirmaysiz, bu haqiqiy raqobat, siz ular bilan eshakni ochishingiz mumkin
Let’s speak on percentage, show me your splits, I’ll make sure I double back with ya
– Keling, foiz haqida gapiraylik, menga bo’linishlaringizni ko’rsating, men ya bilan ikki baravar qaytishimga ishonch hosil qilaman
You were signed to a nigga that’s signed to a nigga that said he was signed to that nigga
– Siz nigga bilan imzolangansiz, u nigga bilan imzolanganligini aytgan nigga bilan imzolangan
Try cease and desist on the “Like That” record?
– “Bu kabi” yozuvida to’xtashni va to’xtashni sinab ko’ring?
Ho, what? You ain’t like that record?
– Ho, nima? Sizga bu yozuv yoqmaydimi?
“Back To Back,” I like that record
– “Orqaga orqaga,” menga bu yozuv yoqadi
I’ma get back to that, for the record
– Men bunga qaytaman, rekord uchun
Why would I call around tryna get dirt on niggas? Y’all think all my life is rap?
– Nima uchun men Tryna niggas axloqsizlik olish atrofida qo’ng’iroq qilaman? Mening butun hayotim rap deb o’ylaysizmi?
That’s ho shit, I got a son to raise, but I can see you don’t know nothin’ ’bout that
– Bu ho shit bo’ldi, men oshirish uchun bir o’g’li bor, lekin men siz Nothin’ ‘Butning bu bilmayman ko’rish mumkin
Wakin’ him up, know nothin’ ’bout that
– Uni uyg’oting, buni bilmang
Then tell him to pray, know nothin’ ’bout that
– Keyin unga ibodat qilishni ayting, buni bilmang
Then givin’ him tools to walk through life like day by day, know nothin’ ’bout that
– Keyin unga kun sayin hayotda yurish uchun vositalar bering, buni bilmang
Teachin’ him morals, integrity, discipline, listen, man, you don’t know nothin’ ’bout that
– Unga axloq, yaxlitlik, intizomni o’rgating, tinglang, odam, siz buni bilmaysiz
Speakin’ the truth and consider what God’s considerin’, you don’t know nothin’ ’bout that
– Haqiqatni gapiring va Xudoning fikrini ko’rib chiqing, siz buni bilmaysiz
Ain’t twenty-v-one, it’s one-v-twenty if I gotta smack niggas that write with you
– Yigirma v-bir emas, agar siz bilan yozadigan niggalarni urishim kerak bo’lsa, bu bitta-v-yigirma
Yeah, bring ’em out too, I’ll clean ’em out too, tell BEAM that he better stay right with you
– Ha, ularni ham olib chiqing, men ham tozalayman, BEAMGA ayting, u siz bilan to’g’ri bo’lsin
Am I battlin’ ghost or AI?
– Men battlinning arvohimi yoki Aimi?
Nigga feelin’ like Joel Osteen
– Nigga feelin Joel Osteen kabi
Funny, he was in a film called A.I.
– Kulgili, u A. I. deb nomlangan filmda edi.
And my sixth sense tellin’ me to off him
– Va mening oltinchi his-tuyg’ularim meni unga aytadi
I’ma blick niggas all in they coffin
– I’ma Blick niggas ularning hammasi tobutda
Yeah, OV-ho niggas is dick riders
– Ha, OV-ho niggas-Dik chavandozlari
Tell ’em run to America, they imitate heritage, they can’t imitate this violence
– Ayting-chi, Amerikaga yuguring, ular merosga taqlid qilishadi, ular bu zo’ravonlikka taqlid qila olmaydilar
What I learned is niggas don’t like the West Coast, and I’m fine with it, I’ll push the line with it
– Men o’rgangan narsa niggalar g’arbiy sohilni yoqtirmaydi va men u bilan yaxshiman, men u bilan chiziqni bosaman
Pick a nigga off one at a time with it
– U bilan bir vaqtning o’zida bir nigga off Pick
We can be on a three-hour time difference
– Biz uch soatlik vaqt farqida bo’lishimiz mumkin
Don’t speak on the family, crodie
– Oila haqida gapirmang, krodi
It can get deep in the family, crodie
– Bu oilada chuqurlashishi mumkin, crodie
Talk about me and my family, crodie?
– Men va oilam haqida gapiring, krodi?
Someone gon’ bleed in your family, crodie
– Sizning oilangizda kimdir qon ketmoqda, crodie
I be at New Ho King eatin’ fried rice with a dip sauce and a blammy, crodie
– Men yangi Ho King eatinning qovurilgan guruchida, sous va blammy, crodie bilan bo’laman
Tell me you’re cheesin’, fam
– Menga cheesin ekanligingizni ayting, fam
We can do this right now on the camera, crodie
– Buni hozir kamerada qilishimiz mumkin, crodie
Ayy, fuck y’all niggas, I don’t trust y’all niggas
– Ayy, fuck Y’All niggas, men ishonmayman Y’All niggas
I wave one finger and thump y’all niggas like mmm
– Men bir barmog’imni silkitaman va mmm kabi barcha zanjilarni uraman
Field goal, punt y’all niggas, they punk y’all niggas, nobody never took my food
– Maydon maqsadi, Punt Y’All niggas, ular punk Y’All niggas, hech kim hech qachon mening ovqatimni olmagan
Whoever that’s fuckin’ with him, fuck you niggas, and fuck the industry too
– Kim u bilan ovora bo’lsa, sizni zanjilar bilan siking va sanoatni ham siking
If you take it there, I’m takin’ it further
– Agar siz uni u erga olib borsangiz, men uni keyinroq olaman
Psst, that’s something you don’t wanna do
– Psst, bu siz qilishni xohlamaydigan narsa

– Ooh
We don’t wanna hear you say “nigga” no more
– Biz sizning”nigga” deganingizni eshitishni xohlamaymiz
We don’t wanna hear you say “nigga” no more
– Biz sizning”nigga” deganingizni eshitishni xohlamaymiz
– To’xtatish

Kendrick Lamar



